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Really Fed Up!

Guest flutter

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Guest flutter

Hi All,


I have just spent four and a half years putting my life on hold while i completed a degree and GTP year to enable me to be a Foundation Stage teacher (having worked with a variety of age groups for 27 years - last 6 as NNEB in reception). I was selected for primary pool, which I was really pleased about but still have no job for September!


I have just been recommended for QTS after a c.... GTP year working with teachers who know little of FS practice.


I know one will come up but i am feeling very disillusioned at the moment. Confidence being drained slowly away.


It is so reassuring to belong to this forum and know that other people out there agree with the things that I believe are also important for this age group.


I agree with Hali, you will get the job you deserve, I do believe that headteachers and Governers are really beginning to understand the importance and benefits of people who are really grounded and knowledgable about the Early Years.

Have a rest now because once you do get that job........................................you'll be on here telling us how happy but exhausted you are :o




I know of 2 people who are in the same situation as you.


1 of them has just been offered a job in a school that is just perfect. She thought it would never come, and is now over the moon.


Hang in there - all your good work will pay off x

Guest flutter

Thank you all for your kind comments.


I know that I will just have to wait for the right job. The waiting is going to be hard.


My present headteacher says that I should have experience of KS1 in my NQT year ( 10 days in KS1 during GTP) but I know that my knowledge, interest and my heart are FS based. I bet he wouldn't tell a GTP student in KS1 that she should have KS2 experience in the NQT year.


Do you agree with him? Do you think this this IS what I should do?


Would like to hear your comments.


Thank you all


I also did the GTP route, knowing I wanted to be in early years, but the school that took me on could only offer me Y2 for 2 terms and YR for 1 term, so I took that. Having just spent over a year in nursery, I know that EY is still definitely the job for me, but I'm so pleased I did Y2 (and have had Y1 experience since) because a) you know where your children are going next, and xD if you do supply work (as I have done) you'll be glad of the experience. I did supply work from YN up to Y5! :o

I'm in the same situation as you - no job for September :( - I've been for 3 job interviews over the last couple of months and nothing came of them.) Now, as you'll know yourself, there's pretty much nothing coming up - especially if you hold out for FS, so it's on to the supply register for me! Having spent a week or 2 feeling really fed up and disappointed, I'm now trying to focus on the plus side: loads of time for preparing resources (if you're set on FS, you don't need to worry about waiting for the job to come up to find out what year group you've got - I shall soon be investing in a laminator) and doing all those other things you never get round to. Also, the weather is often rather nice in September, so make the most of it if you can/need to.

All the best! :)


If you are in the midlands area, we are desperately looking for an nursery teacher! Feel free to pm me if interested!

I think chocolate girl makes good points.



Flutter I think you do need to consider KS1 for your NQT year if that is what becomes available. rather than put all your eggs into the FS basket so to speak. Many school now a days want teachers to be flexible enough to work across a range of ages and the only way you can realy guarentee that you can stay in FS in to either work in a childrens centre or a nursery school. Also if your career development plans include at some point management responsibilites, then this is more likely to happen if you have a wider range of experience. It is also much much better to have a FS knowledgable person to take on transition issues in year one especailly if you find a school who wants to extend the FS curriculum this way.


Hang on in there

Guest flutter

Thank you for your replies.


Chocolate girl - I am sorry that you are in the same situation as me but it is reassuring that it isn't just me. And yes, I have the laminator already! I may also have to do supply so will probably end up in KS1 (I have worked there as a TA for about 5 years in the past). Decorating the house is also looming!


Mundia - if only I did live in the Midlands I would love the job. Thank you for the offer. I have no interest in managerial responsibilities and I know that Heads want flexibility but my heart won't be in it.


How can you be a good teacher if you are with an age group you don't enjoy?


Thank you again for your views I do appreciate them. Mundia what ARE you doing up at that time of the night?


Best of luck and good wishes to all of you looking for a job, as the terms begin to finish it can seem all is lost, but something will turn up, you are all such wonderful people (bit of mutual appreciation never goeas amiss) :):D

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