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Visiting other settings-Does this happen.?


Where we are there is such competition between Nurserys in our meetings that our EYDCP hold, nursery staff sit huddled in the little circles and everyone seems to glare at each other. I seem to be the only one who talks to anyone.


At our meeting today I invited a Nursery to come and have a look around ours- if looks could kill-the looks i got where unbelievable- as though someone wanted to shout out you cant do that! Why doesnt this happen.? I love seeing other Nurseries its nice to get new ideas, opnions and have some other manager to moan with!!!!


Is it just us down here in the sunny south or does this happen everywhere?

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Doesn't happen where we are either, but my friend and I came up with a plan to have a nosy around other settings...


My friend (the manager) took Natalie, pretended she was her baby and booked appointments for show arounds. Bit cheeky, I know, but our area is so heavily populated with baby units, it was the only way we could see what we were up against. I have to say, we were able to improve our setting greatly with the ideas and inspiration we 'borrowed' from other settings!

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May be just because of the competion, we have good relationships with local nurseries etc. have visited a few and other staff have too,even had staff work at others in dire need of cover!!


Local meetings we all seem to mix well together, often see the same people and soon get to know faces even if i always forget names, unless doing lots of meetings together....


there are always some which stick together, but as some of our meetings include whole FS find that the reception teachers are the ones who stick together and those of us doing FS1 do the same!!


could be the way the meetings are run, here everyone is encouraged to mingle, with refreshments before and after meetings, chat time built into them and the usual find someone you dont work with to discuss issue ...usually restricted to only 2 from a setting at any one meeting too!!


At one yesterday where we had to group together using a picture and find others by only making sound of animal.....causes laughter, silliness and all to mingle well. (Also had a music session where others hiring the room next door told us to please keep the noise down and had to negotiate 30 dancing and moving to the beat using instruments to tell us!!!)



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I'd love for it to happen. I think you have to go further enough afield for it not be classed as competition.


It would be great for our staff to show off what they are doing, and a good way to pick up new ideas from others, or even to see things that you think perhaps you are doing better than others - so a good morale boost!!


When we've developed more I have told staff that I would like other settings to come and visit us to share our practice.

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where we are in the North west this doesn't really happen (the mingiling i mean!) i went to a cluster meeting the other week and all the nursery groups stuck together and we weren't allowed to look round the nursery (confined to one room only).... no one speaks to anyone else and everyone is always trying to be one better than the next person.


I personally would love to look round other settings to pick up some ideas etc.....




****in fact when im next of work i may borrow my sister, (she is three and a half) and go look round some other nurseries, as a perspective parent hee hee, cheeky or what ****

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  • 2 weeks later...

im in the north west aswell and i'd welcome anyone who wanted to come and visit, i yhink its good to take a look at different practices and learn from each other x

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I love seeing how other settings work. I was in a church hall based playgroup for years and so seeing nurseries, of all types has been great (I'm supply). I used to love it when someone came and visited and I heard their comments, good or bad, they were welcome either way. I think it happens in most places unless you are on friendly terms with the manager. I am chair of a branch of the PLA, but I was refused permission to visit the groups in my area, I still dont know what my area covers but i have gleaned the information that there are around 90 groups in it. What a wealth of experience and expertise that could be shared. The government want seamless care for children with extended schools popping up and childrens centres being developed, seems to me that the resources for all this are already out there.

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We must be the exception in our part of Stockport. Our cluster group meetings rotate around the settings, those that turn up that is, and we all have chance to look around at what is happening in the school, nursery etc. I am the only pre-school that attends and a couple of members of staff attend from day nurseries but the majority are maintained settings. I have a good relationship with them and they are all really friendly.


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Oue creche/preschool were invited to a nearby school to see their christmas concert and for the children to see Father Christmas( I thought how lovely for us to mix) It was requested that Mums/fathers/carers came with their children, if they could. So we encouraged what carers/Mums/Fathers could, to come with us The school had set up a full disply and visits around their on- site preschool for parents to consider for their children to attend instead of ours sneaky or what? I also loaned one of my staff to a near by preschool, as they were struggling with staff sickness, they offered her more pay per hour and she went to work there.

So for me its once bitten


PS sorry I know I have gone off the thread alittle :o

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Guest alisonjayne

Thats not fair Rosina, so much for doing the right thing!!! We are luckly on a school site and has a head who is not into "poaching"other settings children.Going back to the thread we have our cluster meetings at different setting each time so it gives us a chance to see how others groups work. Its great for new ideas as well as rekindling old faithfulls too. the last meeting was at my setting, the first time we have hosted and we had lots of very positive feedback, it makes you feel good when that happens.



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Guest MaryEMac

Our cluster group meetings are held in various settings, in fact it is our turn to host the october meeting. Most of the settings in our area get on quite well and we are always meeting up at training events. I may not remember names but faces are familiar.



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:) we are loving, caring and sharing where I am near Oxford. We have our cluster meetings at other settings to see what they have been up to and I have made some good friends out of it. Actually one of those friends is also a member of the FSF as I recommended the site :o
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im in the north west aswell and i'd welcome anyone who wanted to come and visit, i yhink its good to take a look at different practices and learn from each other x


where in the north westa re you?, i have some time of at the end of september and would love a visit ~ of course i will return the favour :D If we are near enough to one another that is.


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Hi jojam

Where in Stockport are you? My pre-school is in Heaton Moor and I live in Heaton Mersey. Perhaps we could have visits to each other some time in the new school year?


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Well I positively encourage other Nurseries to come and look round as we all can learn from each other.


Shelly1 I answered your e-mail and invited you to ring and come and look round, please come and have a look - I don't bite!!



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I did get it Teri - and am planning on coming - can't wait! Just need to wait until staff are back off hols and from being sick, and will then be over!

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I am part of Nottinghamshire EYDCP and we are encouraged to visit other settings to share good practise. I have visited 2 local schools and been welcomed. Our EYDCP funds supply cover costs to enable this to happen. Lucky or what! Could be worth asking your local EYDCP if this would be possible, use Notts as an example. Good luck guys. x

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I've just started reading the EYFS document, I havent got far but it says ...


1.2 ...of the importance of joined-up planning and delivery to provide continuity for children who attend more than one setting – those, for example, who are cared for by a childminder but also attend a play group or nursery class;


2.9...practitioners must ensure effective continuity and progression by sharing relevent information and, where possible, planning together.


You might want to start making new links with other settings :o


Will carry on reading :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

in our area we encourage visits to other settings

sometimes we take staff to other settings


we especially look at settings that have outstanding practice stated on their ofsted and visit them purposely to look at this area

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