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Topic Planning Problem

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Any ideas?


I work for a day nursery within the pre-school room. My problem is with the planning which is based on topics every month, the long term plan is set for the whole nursery and we as rooms have to individually plan the medium and short term plans based on these topics.


My problem is I'm finding difficult to be able to plan for the individual child as so much time is taken up with the topic/theme leaving hardly any time for mini topics etc based on individual planning.


I have tried to approach the manager about this but she loves her paperwork and her own way of planning! She wants it to flow through the nursery!


I have said to her that all my research on current Ofsted inspections have brought up the same thing, 'indiviudal planning' hoping that this might encourage her to look again at how we plan, but to no avail. Her answer is to add this planning in to the plans already there! :o


Yes I'm confused!


I have worked with topic planning in one other pre-school and non-topic in another and I have found the non-topic the best for following children's own interests etc and not being tied to 'the plan'. We were always able to incorporate festivals etc within


I don't no the best way forward really. We are due an inspection any time now!


Sorry for the essay xD Any thoughts!






Thanks for the endorsements, not sure I merit that kind of publicity!! I will try to pm you some stuff that might help, trisha, otherwise, have a look at my blog - but not yet, because there's nothing planning based there yet - although there are some nice pictures of Iceland :D



Guest alisonjayne

I am also very interested in planning this way, we use topics as a starter and then go with the childrens interests, but I would love to have non topic based planning, I am just not sure how to put it down for the dreaded OFSTED, so will be reading this thread with great interest.Good luck Sue it sounds just what I want



Hi Sue


we are also starting to plan with no topic and i would be very interested in the info if you dont mind :D:D:D


i can not open the above thread :o


will be checking the postings as this is an area we are really interested in



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