Guest Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Blimey it's hot!! i have a class of 26 reception children who are rapidly wilitng in the heat - all of end of term activities have been used up this week in the heat and i have nada for tomorrow or thurs - any ideas of class activities that do not involve too much moving around - or choice as the children cannot cope with either of these!! and neither can i!! Thanks!!
AnonyMouse_73 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I dont know about anywhere else but some schools were closed today in Birmingham because of the heat. Thankfully I wasnt at work today but will be tomorrow and friday, just hope the threat of thunderstorms actually happens ...I love storms.. I dont there is very much you can do when chidlren are all wilting, our outside has no shelter at all and our inside has no openng windows so we are in a lose lose situation. We have spent a lot of time doing quiet activities, lots of cut and stick and making things, colouring, playing quiet games etc, this might not be too mind strectching but the children are enjoying it.
AnonyMouse_2202 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Hi, I know just how you feel, very very very hot today, we all managed to get through the day at nursery, but as soon as the last child went home we were all allowed to go how to. A few of us were wondering is there a legal temperature which we should be working in comfortably. In other hot countries they have siestas (sorry spelling). As i am the room manager i decided to have a quiet activity day, peg boards, gluing, water tray, stories and poems sequencing. We also ahd great fun in the garden am, we had a paddling pool and a water sprinkler, the children were well covered in sun cream and sun hats and all had a change of clothes, they had great fun, we did not go out in the afternoon as it was just too hot, so we had ice pops instead and then some singing, no observations were done, it was just a quietish fun day and lovely it was too. Rosepetal
Guest Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 We were talking about maximum temperatures today, and wondering the same thing. Have just found this for schools. Link
AnonyMouse_1027 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 as usual there is no legal temperature low or high and im the expert after the winter we had in my hall , we had all the children sitting on chairs under gazebos with feet in paddling pools this morning, but some nursery schools did close near us... down to the individual i suppose....
AnonyMouse_73 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Yes its true, no leagl maximum although WHO do 'recommend' 24 degrees as hot enoug to be working in. It is one of my pet soap boxes as we just dont take heat seriously enough in this country, like we do with the cold, and of course with the cold you can alwasy add layers. Having had heat stroke, I have to be so very careful in the hot weather and its extremeley difficult to tell people this before they say...Mundia stop whinging!!
AnonyMouse_2760 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 we took the decision yesterday to postpone our sportsday scheduled for today. As our field is really exposed and not much shade. We did consider erecting loads of gazebos but decided in end safer to postpone. You cant imagine the flack that we got from some parents cos they had taken the afternoon off work etc.. I wondered what they would do if school had to close cos all staff were suffering from sunstroke!
AnonyMouse_2760 Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 we took the decision yesterday to postpone our sportsday scheduled for today. As our field is really exposed and not much shade. We did consider erecting loads of gazebos but decided in end safer to postpone. You cant imagine the flack that we got from some parents cos they had taken the afternoon off work etc.. I wondered what they would do if school had to close cos all staff were suffering from sunstroke!
Guest Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I've suggested to my staff that they all make blocks of ice ( icecream tubs) at home to take in tomorrow for 'water' play, they should last all of 30 minutes before they melt. We, in Kent have a hosepipe ban so are unable to fill paddling pools, (can't ask the staff to carry 20+ buckets of water to and fro, they'd fall with exhaustion. We have a large supply of icepops ( no colourings / suger ones) We have all doors and windows open ( safety gate from kitchen is used at entrance door, luckily 2 exit doors are opposite each other in out hall and having both open helps create a through draft. We are by the beach which is cooler, but very deceiving in terms of sunburn, so we haven't gone there today. The children have short ten minute 'fresh air' breaks outside, under a tree in shade for circle time and story. Lots of drinks available all session. Like Mundia, I suffered heatstroke and sunburn 20 yrs ago, fell asleep on a beach in portugal, mid day. Just 2 yrs ago I developed a nasty reaction after being out in the sun, my body was covered in itchy hives then when these subsided i noticed that my throat was feeling tight, got hubby to take me to casualty as my breathing was becoming restricted, the diagnosed that I am allergic to sun / heat. So, my fantastic tan is now out of a bottle I think one of the difficulties over the last few days / weeks is that adults and children alike are having interupted nights where it is too hot to sleep, therefore we are all tired. However, i still prefer this weather to cold, dark, damp horrible wet rainy, cold windy winters. Just a thought for tomorrows craft activity - make some fans, but have the children the energy to use their wrists to fan themselves Peggy
Guest Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 We, in Kent have a hosepipe ban so are unable to fill paddling pools, (can't ask the staff to carry 20+ buckets of water to and fro, they'd fall with exhaustion. Peggy, we have a hose pipe ban too, but we are allowed to use hoses to fill containers (i.e. paddling pools, watering cans etc) - it may be worth checking the website for your water supplier because I suspect this will be the case for you as well. On the sports day issue: we always hold our sports in the morning as close to 9.30 as possible to avoid the heat. - Ours was yesterday and it all went very smoothly for once!
Guest Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Thanks ASPK, I'll look it up. We have sports day as an early start as well. , ours is on Monday. Peggy
AnonyMouse_1027 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 we did ours at 9.30am too, peggy tan out of a bottle is fab......
AnonyMouse_705 Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 Our children had everything out involving water yesterday for the first half of the morning outside, which kept them cool. Then after snack, we went on to the school field where we can play under the trees. We emptied the junk modelling boxes and created, or made music by tapping out rhythms on the trees with cardboard tubing (this was better than hitting each other with them we found!) Had to have eyes in the back of your head keeping an eye on 19 children with 3 staff (all over 3) but we knew they couldn't get past us and the only alternative was a very hot portable building. Deb
Guest Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 This is one of those times that I do appreciate our accomodation. We are in the cellars of a church hall and it is so cool down there. All the parents/carers are asking if they can stay rather than go home or to work. We have taken the children out but for a very short time first thing in the morning and then we are back to the little oasis that is pre-school! Linda
AnonyMouse_3307 Posted July 22, 2006 Posted July 22, 2006 Try sitting in a glass faced 4th floor office!! I've been dying of heat this week and the fans we had made no dent in the air, and because of the pigeons getting in we can't have the windows open that wide! Horrid. I did think there was a minimum temperature - at one school I worked at we were a very militant union lot and worked in a glass roofed building. We were freezing in winter and dead from heat every summer. We knew we couldn't complain about too hot but we were certainly able to complain about too cold and watched the thermometer avidly all winter!! Maybe it's changed?
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