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what's in your policies, i think ours are all up to date but just wanted to see what others had in theirs as well.


also child protection... we have very little on this... we have a child protection policy, a child protection officer (myself i believe???? ~ apparently the manager has to do it????) and that's about it.... do you have a dedicated folder to child protection?, if so what does it contain?

What child protection info do you make available to staff in general, is it enough for them to just read the policy?



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You will need to ensure your staff really know about Child Protection. In the past it's been OK to say they'd go to the CP officer, but now they need to show they have a sound understanding of indicators, the system for reporting etc - so it's lots of training courses, I think!! Move on this one, as they fill up quickly!!


Good luck,



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As Child Protection Officer you should have knowledge of and be working within the DFES document Working Together, Safe guarding Children publication, and you should have a current Child protection Training certificate ( which should be renewed every 3 yrs) All my staff have this as part of their training and development plan.


more info here Working Together Safeguarding children


Within your policy your should have

Employment systems such as;

CRB checks and references

other issues such as how to recognise abuse,

who to inform, procedures.

procedures if a staff member is accused of abuse ( including the CP Officer)

safeguarding staff against accusations

risk assessment


can't think of anything else at present, but I feel there is more- check the standards as C.P. has some statutory requirements that Ofsted will check.



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Our ofsted a couple of weeks ago they asked all staff 10 of them on what they knew about child protectioon what signs to look for what procedures. they even quizzed me on the signs even though they both knew that I have dealt with many case over the years. so I would make sure all your staff have done a child protection course. they are not that difficult just a couple of nights but very worth while.

Dawn good luck and don't stress out things will come together gradually. You are only human and can do so much. Learn to delegate and then you can check afterwards that all is going well.


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I recently went on two Child Protection courses including one for Designated Personnel. Both courses was run by Sue Manning,who was fantastic.All staff should go on the basic course and Sue recommended that at least two staff from the same setting should go on the Designated Personnel course;it doesn't have to be the manager/owner.If you email Sue and tell her what sort of setting your in she can email you back a policy that you can adapt to your needs




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Hi Dawn ive recently updated our child protection policy if you can wait until monday i,ll sort you out with a copy of ours to look at. Its on Nurseries computor so cant send until then x jojom x

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Agree with above, at our Osfsed she quizzed the newest member of staff on Cp (who had luckily just done her course 2 nights before!!) and also asked other staff about CP, including where / how to record issues and worries etc. we have a folder with Cp advice and handbook from LEA with updated contacts, etc plus a book to record any worries in...we use the PLA one which she checked for entries as we had had an issue a few years before which we recorded.



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