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Sad Day


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Today was not a day I was looking forward to. xD


Meeting at 2pm at preschool ( dark, dismal hall) to tell 2 staff that due to low numbers in September, the threat of local school opening a nursery and increased rent etc, to ensure continued viability I had to make them redundant. :(


Staff number 1 ( who has been with me for 5 years) said she was expecting it, and ended by saying "Well might as well go home now". She is I feel very angry with me, and feels totally let down.


Staff number 2 ( been with me for 3 years) is my staff member with learning difficulties, I didn't know if she fully comprehended the rationalle behind my decision ( she didn't say anything), so I then arranged to go straight to her house to tell her mother and discuss her future options. I got to her house before her. On her arrival she said " Thank you Peggy for all you have done for me"


I am now running on 2 staff ( myself and one other) both qualified on minimum wage. :(



I feel like sh** :o


My business is 5 years old this September. It feels like I am starting all over again.


Thank you for listening.



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Peggy, that's awful for you and for your staff - especially you! It seems mad that someone with such passion and commitment like yourself should be in this position, I suppose it is the way things will go, your comments in the "EYFS What will it mean" thread I imagine reflected what many of us think and feel about our situations, we all just want to work with children and ensure they have the best opportunities to learn and feel loved - such a simple provision being made soooo difficult to offer.


Your workforce must understand and let's all hope for a big change around for September, I am in a similar situation, I don't own the nursery but our numbers are down and my manager has had to let two staff go - it makes the rest of us feel uneasy and I know other staff members have started to look elsewhere there are 14 nursery's in a 6-mile radius where I am!! We are really small and may I say Brilliant! But some of the others are connected to schools and are poaching our children!

What the answer is I don't no, such big changes in early education. :o


Virtual good wishes to you Peggy, I really hope things pick up - try not too feel to bad you did what you had to, beer, wine, chocolate - try these prescribed tested and tried methods of consolement they might ease the sadness you feel.

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I havent been with FSF for long, but can see you are a very knowlegable, caring, sharing person

that is passionate about childcare. The sitution you are in, could apply to anyone running a preschool at the moment .I am so sorry Peggy and do feel for you


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Hi Peggy, it is a horrid thing to have to tell anyone that they are to be made redundant, i've had the same thing three years ago. It was so hard to choose who goes, what the hell do you say to them, when do you tell them, how will they react to you then and in the future?? The work mate I had to deal with lives across the road from me, children go to school with each other & we go to the same pub. Hmmmm..... a bit to close for comfort i think!!! She took the news very badley and will not speak to me now.

I was getting so stressed knowing some one had to go. Every night I would ponder on it in bed, every morning I would think I need to tell her today but couldn't. When I had gathered up enough gutts(!) to tell her after work her friend called to meet her for lunch. As they left I asked if I could in later. I felt sick but told her that afternoon. She was so gutted. I done this for the benefit of the playgroup, the children, the families & the staff just to keep us going. Things will be very murky now and proberly for a time as every one gets their heads around it all. But once this has settled and it WILL you can reflect on it, learn from it and firmly put it in the past. I would advise you to get a good nights sleep, time for you to gather your thoughts & a big box of tissues.

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Your day is the sort of day eveyone hopes will never happen to them. It's so frustrating because there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Hopefully things will pick-up for you and your business soon.

I just have to add what a credit you and your remaining member of staff are to keep on going on minimum wage with all the work this now entails; unfortunately I know many qualified staff who won't do anything to do with work in their own time unless they're paid to do so and I can never imagine them accepting minimum wage even to keep their job and the business going.

Treat yourself to some 'me' time tonight


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Really sorry you're feeling bad about it Peggy but you know there was no option. It's such a shame that experienced and skilled staff are having to be lost but without government money it's the way a lot of independent and charitable pre-schools will go. The member of staff who wasnt happy will no doubt calm down after she's had time to relfect and see that you were in a no win situation, who knows, she may go onto a job with a government funded salary and thank you for letting her go! :o Childrens centres, extended schools and sure start settings have a lot to answer for xD Maybe in a few years, when parents can see what's on offer for their children (or not!) there will be a move back to 'real' playgroups. Wasnt it so much better when we registered with social services and got on with caring and educating without having to jump through hoops? Do as shirel suggests, chocolate, wine and beer (lots of it) :D

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Oh Peggy I am so sorry that you have been placed in this position. It must have been really hard for you and your staff, when you are all so dedicated and care so much it seems like a double insult somehow when children go elsewhere and, as we can all aclaim on here, you are such a knowledgeable and caring practitioner who gives others such excellent advice.

Lots and lots of hugs


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Peggy, I am so sorry that you had to go through all this. Seems that at the end of the day this is happening everywhere - not that that is any consolation to you! Just so you know you are not alone and many of us have been there and are thinking of you.

Liz x

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I've took your advice ( always good from the forum) 1 bottle of wine done :( , now I'm going to play a game of 'Sonic the hedgehog' on the saga master system ( is saga for oldies???) which we saved from the depth of the attic last week.


Thank you everyone for your kind words. In my 'Sainsbury's Hock' induced temperament, I am actually quite looking forward to a 'new' beginning in september. I've already decided that me and my other work mate will have a Mr blobby outfit ( or something similar) as our staff uniform. xD As there's only the two of us, cost is not so relevant :(


It's make or break over the next term or two, so I shall ensure that I and all the children are going to have a blast, the most fun possible with just a hint of recording it all for prosperity (not evidence for Ofsted).


Peggy ( hic :o )

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xD:(:( oops it's sega, not saga :( :wacko: xD , Blobby outfit is at preschool, but alcohol consumption as it's going, I won't need a costume :o


I can only get to level 3, but it has been 18 years since I first played it. :rolleyes:


Thanks Shirel for taking the time to add your thoughts, You are all such good friends.



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Guest cathy m

What an awful time for you Peggy, pleased you are sounding more positive about September, the children are so fortunate to have you.


keep smiling



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Peggy, a horrible position for you to be in, but as you know, when you come to this forum it feels so much better that the issue has been shared by others who know exactly what you're going through. At the beginning of the Summer hols someone from the forum gave me some words of wisdom when I was feeling pretty sad - 'Every cloud has a silver lining' - at the time I couldn't see any lining at all never mind a silver one! - but as the weeks are passing by, the silver lining is beginning to appear (will post about it later) and I am sure that will be the same for you too. Great to hear that you are starting September as a new beginning - looking forward to hearing from you when you've sobered up!? :o

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Peggy I am so sorry you have had to make staff redundant, what an awful time for all of you :o . Having said that it is great to hear you speak so positively about next term already and there will be many children who will envy the 'blast' of fun you are about to have (bit envious myself!)- they are going to have such a fantastic time!!



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Thanks all, a lazy lie in this morning, and no hangover :( , but both my thumbs are really sore :o:(


I do try to remain positive and look to the future. I will miss my colleagues though, both in different ways.


The experience has taught me that even though as an employer I do have difficult things to do / face, I feel I have gained a bit of strength from it all and I feel I have a renewed determination to;

1/ not let the business viability get in such a difficult situation again.

2/ To get out there and be pro-active in marketing, and

3/ to get in touch with the local school and push to ensure I can become involved in their development plans.




p.s. Sore thumbs from playing the Sega games, hubby says I push the buttons too hard xD:(

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Hi Peggy. Missed the forum yesterday, so apologies for not responding sooner! It's a shame that this has happened, especially when you and your team clearly work so hard for the children and the setting. It can't have been an easy decision to make and I don't envy you and the situation you have unfortunately come to be in. Saying that however, it takes an experienced and rational person to be able to make such a decision, so you should be pleased that you have discovered some more good qualities about yourself. You can add them to the growing list!!


I am really pleased that you are starting to feel a bit more positive about September. They do say a change is as good as a rest, so maybe the recent events will give you renewed enthusiasm and determination to do the things you mentioned above.


As for "Sonic the Hedgehog", my parents bought me a Master System when I was younger and after many years of practice, I was finally able to complete it! Although, like you, I too suffered from sore thumb syndrome, not to mention regular onslaughts from my little brother, who I shared the Master System with!


Keep your chin up, take a break (if you can) from pre-school stress and enjoy your Master System!


Thinking of You :D

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Guest DeborahF

I completely sympathise with you having had to make many such decisions in my last job as manager of my own nursery. In fact it was the realisation that I wasn't "hard enough" to be a good business woman that made me sell the nursery in the end and get back to what I enjoy most...being with the children! No-one can teach you how to deal with and manage these kinds of situations and I'm sure that you handled it in the best way possible and in a professional manner.


Good luck for September, try not to let the business aspects of running your nursery cloud your enjoyment of running what is obviously a brilliant place for childen to be!!

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Hi Peggy

Sorry to hear about your bad news. My daughter has a sega from many years ago I was unable to get pass leave 2 then. Was only thinking about throwing ours out on Saturday but I have changed my mind now you never know when it comes handy to take your mind off things.


Rosemarie :o

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