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Sad Day


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oh dear Peggy

this is sad.

only yesterday a new 80 place nursery opened I went for a visit and it looked lovely, great out side area, but felt slightly sterile - all children catogrised and placed into rooms. This has opened around several small private play schools - I can only imagine their days are numbered. As it is myself and my partner we can't afford to pay ourselves. We do it because we are passionate about children being children in an environment that is 'cosy' warm and exciting. However this is only possible because I work else where part-time in order to pay my bills!

I always enjoy reading your posts and think how great it is for children to be in your care.

best wishes for September.

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Well, I'm shocked!!! Haven't been in here for a little while. Since leaving pre-school, I feel like a bit of an intruder! :o

Peggy, I am so sorry to hear that things aren't too good for you at the mo. I have turned to you so many times, watching your posts for enlightenment and it must put fear into so many people - if things aren't good for you, then what hope is there!

I think the way in which everything is going on in early years absolutely stinks. There is alot of people leaving or thinking of leaving this profession because of all the changes and demands.


It's funny how you say you played on your sega - I turned to Aliens last week on the old playstation! not that I can play it properly, I have to have all the cheats on so I'm not killed within the first 20 seconds! Maybe it's just going back to how we were more free a few years ago and actually had time for such silliness!


I still feel really sad about giving up, can't take it all in really, but my husband keeps telling me that everything is done for a reason and although things are bad now, we'll look back and say it was meant to be! HE'D BETTER BE RIGHT!!!! Hopefully it willbe the same for you.


Good luck for September

I wish you and your group well. HAVE FUN :D

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Peggy I am so sorry - but - I think many of us could be in exactly the same position within the next few months/years. We who have been in the profession for a few years are now facing the harsh realisation that we are th 'baby' being thrown out with the bath weater. The government want all children in 'establishments' being 'educated' by QTS with inappropriate ratios for the age. I am so sorry if I offend anyone but I feel so angry with the complete disregard for the quality provision which is out there. The wheel is being reinvented and it is square!

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Oh Peggy, I really feel for you. The new delegated conditions have really added to the financial problems for PVI providers too. I have just posted some information that may interest you in 'Funding in Kent'.


I really hope things pick up for you - hang in there, I know how difficult it is for you as we have just had 3 members of staff leave, and only replaced 1 position. We may have been in the same position as you had we not lost staff naturally.





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Not a lot I can add to previous posts - but just wanted you to know that I too am sending you positive vibes, but know that you will not let the ---- err how do I put this politey? - 'people get you down!'

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oh Peggy, I'm so sorry, i hope things pick up for you in september. Good luck with it all,

hope your thumbs get better. I can't leave my sons ninetendo Ds alone at the moment, love playing mario, it's quite addictive!!!!! I'm suppose to be doing paperwork, between the forum and the ninetendo, i'm getting nowhere fast!!!!!

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Hi Peggy


Haven't been on for a while but felt had to let you know how sorry I am to read your news, can't have been easy for someone as dedicated as you.


Try not to take it too personally, the redundant staff are bound to feel the loss, it's only natural. My husband has been made redundant twice and it's a traumatic time but I can honestly say that it worked out for the best and your staff will become stronger through it.


Hope things get better for you very soon. How lucky the children will be to have you full time!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peggy,


Please can I pick your brains?


How did you go about 'choosing'' who to make redundant, and how did you justify the fact to them that it was them being made redundant, and not your other member of staff?


I found out today that I am having to do this with 1 member of staff, and am researching early.

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Hi Shelley, Sorry to hear you are in a similar situation. My scenario is a bit complicated. Last September I had 4 staff and me as owner.

Staff 1 became manager and I came totally off the ratio, working from home in preparation to receive Foster children

Staff 2 My daughter as deputy manager

Staff 3 a new recruit , qualified

Staff 4 my unqualified staff who has learning difficulties.


In Spring term staff 3 left to work in a childrens centre

Staff 1 had lots of time off sick ( so I went back in to work to cover her and staff 3 whilst recruiting a replacement staff 3)

I employed a new member of staff (staff 5) unqualified on one terms trial


Staff 5 didn't do well during her trial period, great at first then she was having to be too directed, no initiative and little interaction with the children, spending many a moment with a blank expression looking into space. She was given notice that a permanent contract would not be given.


I then realised that number levels would be too low in September. My business could only sustain 2 staff. So I decided to return full time and my husband is to be full time carer at home for the foster children ( he was made redundant last year and hasn't had much success in finding suitable employment ) So I had to make 2 staff redundant. I decided on staff 1 and staff 4, basically because staff 2 is qualified and my daughter. Staff 1 said she understood but although we have been friends for over 20 yrs she has not returned any of my phone calls and is obviously still very angry about her redundancy. Staff 4 has been brilliant, she has been to see me for a reference for another job she has applied for and continually says thankyou to me for all I have done for her in the past.

I am worried about just having two staff myself and daughter in September although I do have another person who is available for short term cover, should we be ill or away on courses etc.

On the other hand it does feel like a new beginning, like starting the business all over from scratch. ( there were some issues with staff 1, she was quite miserable and tended to de-motivate other staff around her).


This doesn't answer your query. Some employers go by the system of last in first out, although I don't always agree with this. I thik you need to look closely at your staff dynamics, which staff work well together / compliment each other for their different skills etc, consider future needs of the setting for example although not a consideration at this time, in the future my staff 4 would have been the 1st choice because of her inability to gain qualifications ( I think she was great but external forces will inevitably require all staff to be qualified staff in the future).

Your justification is financial, you could ask for voluntary redundancy if you really don't know which staff to let go. Who are you thinking of and why, it is difficult not to let personalities come into play and standards of work, I think should be considered, but difficult to justify if they have not been clearly addressed prior to redundancy decisions, that is why supervision and appraisal meetings are so important.

Your query has made me think that we should have a written policy on redundancy so that criteria are made clear before the event, as a guide to clarity of thinking at a difficult time for everyone involved. I think I will include one in my employment policy.

Good luck, I would be interested to know what criteria you do come up with in helping you to make your decision. For the 'legal' advice I used the DTI (Dept Trade and Industry) website, it gives advice mainly on payments due following a redundancy.

Good luck.



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Just to say I'm thinking of you as you approach the start of a new term....


My philosophy is 'these things are sent to try us, and we come out stronger at the end'. It has certainly worked for the things that life has thrown at me in my first thirty years!


Take care and don't lose your enthusiasm for the job that you love!


RB x

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Just to say I'm thinking of you as you approach the start of a new term....


My philosophy is 'these things are sent to try us, and we come out stronger at the end'. It has certainly worked for the things that life has thrown at me in my first thirty years!


Take care and don't lose your enthusiasm for the job that you love!


RB x


Thanks lola, and thanks RB, don't worry, I won't. Positive is my middle name you know :D:o



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