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No forum is complete without some reference to the weather. So whats it like in your part of the world? is anyone snowed in yet? Or is it all an anti climax?

We're having a blizzard here, plenty of snow has fallen in the past half hour, but enough to close school tomorrow??? Hmm, I doubt it.......

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I'm so disappointed - wish I lived up near you Mundia! I got out of bed at 4.45am this morning to look out the window and see if it had snowed - just a wee smattering under a starlit sky!


Jamie, Annie and I had to content ourselves with a quick slide down the bank of our garden and a snowlump...



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I work in Hull but live on the outskirts. What normally is a 15 minute journey took me nearly an hour this morning because of all the snow!! It started last night about 10pm and was completley white over today. Its still snowing too!! Bitterley cold though, i don't do cold weather, would much rather be on a beach baking in the sun!! And no our school was not closed, got to leave at 4pm though!



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Stockport is snowy!! It was wonderful and white at about 9.30pm last night and was absolutely freezing this morning!! It's thawed a bit but there is a bitterly cold wimd blowing. Just taken the dog for a walk, or slither and slide should I say. My face is tingling now we've come in!

Take care everybody!


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Snow glorious snow!


I was walking home after the usual Wednesday inset session when the lightening and thunder started. I got home and when I went to pick up my children ten minutes later everywhere was covered with snow. The whole of our street was out playing and I now feel quite invigorated! I didn't think Berkshire was going to get snow. The downside is I'm on playground duty tomorrow!



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My kids played in the snow this morning. Fantastic (at school that is) and all my plans went completely out of the window? I remeber the days when that happened a lot...or am I dreaming.


I'm glad you heard the thunder too Steve (specifically Steve as we live in the same town). I did wonder whether I'd dreamt it! :o

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we had snow, now its icy puddles on the main roads & treacherous on the side roads, not looking forward to tomorrow's journey at all especially if it snows overnight.

Had a nightmare journey trying to get home and back to my son's school for the parents meeting pre Ofsted-

basically spent 1 hr & 40 minutes travelling in a 2 mile circle, and never got home either!


We had the thunder too.



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Well last night it snowed here (I'm not far from Linda McDowell) and when I woke this morning it was all iced over. After spending 20 minutes clearing the mix of snow and ice from my car I set off on the 22 mile trip to school. Most of it was on the Mway so that was fine, as I got off and headed for the school it started to snow and by the time I got to school it was pretty bad. Many localish staff got stuck in traffic cos everyone was going so slowly, but school was open as normal. The kids went out at playtime to enjoy the snow, but the dinner ladies wouldn't take them out at dinner--- boring lot eh?!

It continued to snow till about 3pm, then the sun came out and blinded me all the way home (about 4pm). Now I'm back home and it's REALLY icy here, and the snow that fell last night is still on the ground but now covered with a thick layer of ice, turning my drive into an icerink!

Hope it snows again tomorrow- I like snow!

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Hi Everyone


Nursery was closed yesterday along with all Birmingham schools, so I had an unexpected day at home - brill. :D Spent it catching up on assignments - not so brill. :o Still back today. Have a good weekend and Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating Eid.

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Hmm, sunny and in the mid 60s here. Haven't had snow. The last time - and only recorded time - was a snow flurry about 35 yrs ago - it lasted about 10 minutes, but everyone got very excited :o .


So, we're off to the park in shorts and Tshirts today. (Well, the children in shorts, not me. :D )

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Thanks for that Nichola-I think you have probably depressed the entire membership of the forum!!!! It is horrible here in Stockport today-back to the rain! Mind you we needed it to shift the snow which had compacted yesterday and turned to ice. It has been treacherous underfoot here!

Have a good weekend everybody!


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So funny. :D My husband keeps nagging me to take a trip to the mountains to let the children play in the snow. I keep putting him off.


Maybe I should do it. Sigh.


Actually, this morning it started raining here too. But not the English type of rain, and it's not cold. Hopefully later the sun will come out again.


Sorry to depress you Susan. :o

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