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Role Play

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:) A quick one really, but I was just wondering how long everyone has a particular topic based role-play area set-up?

Where I am about to begin teaching, they appear to have changed this weekly or fortnightly, all related to the topic for the term. eg. house, shop, travel agents.

I think I will take the children's lead on this, however I do feel that there are benefits to having one thing established for a length of time for things to develop, alongside introducing new resources to enhance play etc.



We do the same as Marion, we leave it out usually a week but if the children lose interest we will change it, or leave it out for longer depending on the childrens interest.


We do the same as Marion If no interest shown we change it


we are fortunate to have a lot of space so we have several role play areas:


2 x permanant home corners (1 in / 1 out) but these are changed slightly or moved or scenarios added to keep interest.


1 x topic - e.g. doctors surgery but we are flexible with this and change it if the children are bored / have new ideas etc.


both of these are very well resourced with related diplays etc.


we then have mini role play based around the children's immediate interests as and when they arise e.g. large boxes and dressing up stuff to make rockets etc. to be honest these are often the most successful and the least effort!


We do the same as mentioned, always willing to change according to the children's interest or decision to make the area into something else, last time we set up an airport the children thought it was a stage and started performing and spectating respectively, so we went with it, it was much better than we had planned, they were great!!


where i am now we dont have role play but i remember in my previous job having 2 a home corner and a role play area based around the theme or the childrens interests it was changed weekly x jojom x


I love having a role play area, but I noticed when I was at playgroup that no matter what the role play area was set up for the children always wanted to make tea. If you can manage more than one area it would be good to have a constant area the children are more familiar with, like home. :D


One idea we developed from The little book of role play was continuing the theme in 'role play' on different scales


So if we have a doctors set up as the main role play we would have playmobile hospital in small world or if we have a builders yard outdoors role play we would also have it on a small scale in the sand tray and in the block play area giving children opportunities to develop ideas in different areas


In an ideal perfect setting I would have two role play areas, one as a home corner with additions such as dressing up clothes or pets to add variety, the other would change depending upon children's interests and/or the topic. If space allowed the areas could then be linked to outdoors and small world too. This would allow the role play to develop fully for example a home, ambulance station and hospital.

Oh for the space!




However do you manage without a role play area? (Interested, not critical) Our children would invent their own, I suspect :D




So much of our literacy work takes place in role play I would struggle without it.

Guest tinkerbell

I always like to start the year with a home corner (idealy it should be there all year but we dont have the space)

I bought a fishermans tent from LIDL for £5 and that was excellent as a story telling tent with cushions and puppets and it didnt take up too much room....I just put the entrance flap undrneath so the children couldn't zip themselves in....i lke to see what theyare doing.

I would love to have one of those bed nettings as a story tent with cushions and lights on them but cant have anything dangling because of the security alarm



Our role play is changed each week, it can be themed to link with the topic or something completely different. it is a staff members role to interact, adapt to suit or to add items each day. The staff member will be the same for the term, then we all change around.

Jojom what type of setting are you in? I'm really intrested to hear how you work around this issue. You must have wonderfull imagnitive skills to be able to provide a different type of area. Please share with us!!


Thanks everyone for your replies (been away for a few days)

In an ideal world I would love to have room to have 2 inter-active role-play areas (wow... what you could do with that!)

However, i don't! I will try to establish some good links for indoor & outdoor learning though, through role play. eg. Pizza hut & delivery ....

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