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Meeting Up

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I travelled to Sue R's nursery in Nottingham yesterday. I had a great time and it was lovely to meet Sue for longer than the few brief minutes we managed at the NEC in May. If you've read Sue's blog about planning without topics I can tell you that it looks so good in practice, that everyone should give it a go. If any one is thinking of visiting another setting or just meeting up with people they have met on the forum, go for it. I feel, and I think Sue feels the same, that we have both made a new friend. If Steve can come up with a map of where we all are we should find a location central to all of us and have a great big get together. Happy meeting eveyone :D:D:D


What a great idea. We could have local forum meetings and day conferences etc. How do we find out where we all live and work?

Posted (edited)

Sounds good Rea.

Ive met Beckyann and she's visited my setting (unfortunately I was out that day deputising for the head) and I hope to visit her and Judith at some point but it would be lovely to see people 'outside of the school environment'

Edited by Marion

Count me in!


My boyfriend belongs to a car forum that has members from across the whole of the country. They take it in turns to host get togethers at different locations. Some people travel miles, and some just go to the ones near to them.


They usually meet at pubs or restaurants, or a bbq down the beach, etc.


Yes I wonder Sharon......I hope the avator is not too much of a give away about my appearance!! :o


That is a good idea, however I do like the 'anonymity' factor of the forum, even though I do use my real name. Although I would state my ideas, principles etc to peoples faces, it does somehow seem easier within the virtual world. ( if you know what I mean)


However, A social get together of like minded people would certainly be interesting and most probably great fun, as many of you appear to have wicked sense of humours. :D:D




I know what you mean about the anonyminity Peggy, but I dont think we'd have too much to worry about. :o:( I do know that the first time I met Sue I was so nervous and this time wasnt any better. I kept thinking 'you only have one chance to make a good impression', that and the lorries going up the motorway made me smoke 3 cigarettes in 1.5 hours, loads more than I'd normally have, and my hands were sore from gripping the wheel. I dont mind either way, if it's a big get together or one or two people meeting up, I just think if people are thinking about it they should go for it. :D And if people meet and really dont like each other, well at least on here there can be very little back tabbing, unlike in the working environment. xD


Hi, first time I've got in since Rea started this thread!


It was absolutely fab to get some quality time with Rea, (well, pub lunch, but alcohol free, promise ) as well as show her the nursery. I hope she had a lovely time, the children certainly enjoyed her visit - the tomato plant is doing very well, you'll be pleased to know! xD I keep being asked when she's coming back, or when I'm bringing another friend!!! :o I was particularly pleased she managed to watch one of our heuristic play sessions in the Toddler unit, they are just so great!!


Yes, go for it if you're considering it :(




I'm 99.9% certain that I'm the only one at work on the forum, however, I'm not certain.


How awful if I went to one of our proposed meeting and found out that some of the people I've been having a good moan about, were there!


Shelley, when I was still at playgroup and with a particulary difficult member of staff I used to write things on here, sounding off in my comfort zone, and then have to make sure I didnt suggest to anyone a work that they join up :o Completley understand where your coming from (what an awful phrase) xD



Sue, yes I did have a lovely time, I'm just sorry that I dont live closer. The heuristic play session looked fab and I have told my current nursery about it, if they dont try something similar I will arrive one day with a box full of stuff for them. Interestingly, I did get a bit of feedback today when I mentioned treasure baskets, because, they said, they are for under 1's and they dont have any of that age group, the baskets are only now used with the pre-schoolers to discuss what things are made from. :(:( I will continue to whittle away at current thinking :D


Jackie... Id keep the illusion going if I were you!!!


We have talked about his before but never seem to get further than te talking! I guess being central then somehwre in the mids would be a good first meeting place. But in all honesty we would need to know how many people really would attend such an event so that we think about the size of venue so that those of use living in this neck of the woods can start looking.


So (am I going to regret this?) if you are genuinly interested in a meet sometimes before Christmas here in Birmingham (or other central place), can you please let me know (pm me if you like). Then I can see what numbers we get...


Rea you do realsie Ill be calling on you if its lots.....


Mundia, Maybe you should start a new post- entitled get together - Birmingham - sign up here :D

Then you should reach more people, if you want to :o

Shame I live way down south :(




p.s. JackieL - ditto what mundia said xD


The forum my boyfriend belongs to do lots of their meets in Birmingham, and these tend to get the most numbers, with people travelling from other locations.


I do hope you mean 'calling on me' in the verbal sense mundia, rather than bringing a 100 people to my door for tea and biscuits :o If people do want to meet up I'll help if I can. Teahers from the TES site recently had a meet in Birmingham, I'll go and see if I can glean any info from there :D


PS I didnt actually start this you know, there was another post about meeting up, so not all the blame can be put at my door, dont you know :D


I'm quite keen to travel up the M5 too. Maybe a venue nearish/accesible from Birmingham New Street as all trains seem to change there!


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