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Ways Of Collecting Evidence

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I have been thinking about the way I do assessments and just wanted to clarify whether I'm on the right lines. After looking at the forum, I have set up a file for each area of learning and a wallet for each profile statement in each. In each wallet I was going to keep any observations, post it notes, photographs and group observations linked to that particular profile point. Is this the correct way of doing it? Do i need to be collecting anymore evidence. With this system how do you make sure you have evidence for each child to justify where you think they're up to? I have also set up another file which has each child's name in and in here I keep a record of the letters they recognise, numbers they recognise and keywords. Should I also have a wallet for each child to put post its/observations for that particular child? What do you do with post its/photos etc that refer to more than one profile point? I have also read something on this forum about keeping a portfolio for each child. Can anyone explain what this is?


Also should I be assessing children on the stepping stones too?


I know there are lots of questions here but I'm getting myself rather muddled. If anyone could help I'd be really greateful!

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Hi. I think that sounds great - there has been a discussion on the forum about this recently - somewhere - and what you describe sounds very similar to how others do it.


In our school we are going to have a file for each child with the 13 scale points in - not that you are expected to keep evidence for every point for every child. The main reason we are doing this is because of the way we are moderated (which is too long to explain here) At the back of each child's file we will keep all other relevant info. So it is all in one place.


However, I think the way of a file for the 6 areas is much better and far more managable.


Each child also has a large scrap book type thing called 'My learning journey' which will contain anything and everything they produce (unless they want to take it home of course) including photos. Again, this is a 'one stop' place for everything.


Another thing - sometimes, if appropriate, we photocopy observations so that can be put in more than one place.


Good luck!

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Thanks for thr reassurance. I've had a look at previous posts and there seems to be so many different ways. Its hard to know which one to go for. When I was moderated last year I had to give evidence for three children, a top, middle and a bottom. Do you think I should keep seperate files for these three children? Or do I just show them my file and highlight the three children I've chosen. I'm determied to be more organised this year and want to start the year feeling like I'm doing the right thing instead of constantly worrying that I'm not! I'm sure lots of others feel the same too! After joining this site I no longer feel alone in all this and its great that so many experienced practitioners are willing to give their advice to people like me who havent been teaching long. Thanks to evryone who ahs replied, particularly Marion who always answers my queries!

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That is EXACTLY my problem too - the top, middle and bottom. I love Marion's replies they are always so sensible and knowledgeable - I wish my LEA thought like Marion's.


That is why we are having a file for every child, it would seem so unfair to me just to concentrate on 3 and not the other 27 (which is kind of what happens anyway in our system of moderating a top, middle and bottom)


However, there is a meeting coming up with our advisors and I am going to ask about the top, middle and bottom child thing - may be I have misunderstood it and it needn't be the 3 same children. Marion has made a really good point on a previous discussion about concentrating on agreeing the critieria for making judgements and NOT focussing on individual children (which is currently what is happening at our Moderation Meetings)


Do you teach in Kent?

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No I teach in Cheshire. I haven't been to one of those moderation meetings yet. I was visited y a moderator last year but am hoping I'll be going to a meeting this year so I can see what other people do and pinch ideas! Could you let me know what your LEA advise about keeping evidence on these 3 children. I agree it doesnt seem fai just keeping evidence on3 but then it must become quite hectic trying to keep evidence on everybody. I have a class of 30 and keeping evidence on every profile point for each child seems very daunting!

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It is quite clear that we are NOT expected to keep evidence for every child for every point - so don't worry about that. (I think it would be impossible anyway)


At my last two moderation meetings it has FELT as though I was expected to have evidence from child initiated sessions for every child for every point I was presenting -BUT I think I may have misunderstood this. I have a meeting with our advisors at the end of Sept and hope to clarify things a bit more - will let you know.


The way Marion describes her moderation sounds so much more enlightened and better and more meaningful for everyone!

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