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Observation Matrix For Achievement Files

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Hello all


We use the sticker (post it note) system for our observations on our children which are then filed into each child's development/achievement folder under each area of the foundation stage.

The problem is we could do with a matrix or grid where the staff can highlight which aspect and stepping stone had been observed, so that the staff will begin to see gaps in the children's observation records and will then observe the children in those relevent areas.


I hope this makes sense!!!


if any one has anything like this that they would be willing to share with me i would be so grateful as i am going round in circles!!!!


We use something similar to that, Rea, but we put the post-its on sheets that have the Aspects across the top, e.g. 6 columns for PSED and so on. Then we just cross=reference the post-it on to the Steeping Stones sheets [Date] and back again [stepping Stone number written on the post it]. It works for us.


Hi Mandy


One of my colleagues has just asked for something similar so I would be interested to see if anybody uses something like that.


I haven't seen it, but my colleague saw one another nursery was using. Sounde a bit like a grid, say on a single sheet, with just the numbers so PSED would have Y1, Y2 etc


foundation_stage_planning_goals.docThis is what we use but someone else thought of it first and sadly I don't know who but whoever they are they should be warmly congratulated.


These sheets form the basis of our profiles and practitioners simply initial and date the relevent stepping stone. Be warned - it's a big file.

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