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When To Fill Profile Out


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hi, I am an NQT - just wondering when we have to fill out the profiles for this term. Do people usually leave it till the end of the term or should I have been filling it out as I go??


Also I have a class of mixed reception year 1's should I fill profile out for year 1's? I work at a special needs school and so are still using FS for the year 1's as well.



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I woud certainly aim to get first data entered by now, althogu I have to say we havent yet! I think it impossible to complete every half term, we add to the eprofile as we go along and use 3 ponts in te year to print off the summaries to review progress (now, mid Feb and end June).

I find event hat a tall order when we dont have full time support in our classes.

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We fill the e- profile half termly and as I was used to doing this as the reception teacher I also update our nursery profile (based on steppings stones) half termly form Autumn 2 onwards- very useful for our parents day as the assessments are then up to date. Its time consuming (take folders home or use my PPA time but worth doing as it helps me focus where our daily/ weekly assements/ observations will feed in. Then I don' t get any nasty surprises as I transfer the info to the recpetion teacher (myself and jobshare)



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the statutory requirement is to send the data in at the end of the academic year - so you could only fill it in once - however that would be pointless - you would miss out on all the data it produces throughout the year and most people in this authority fill it in half termly as near as possible or at least termly

look at all the graphs, reports etc it can produce - it may save you time



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You are required to complete the FSP for all children in reception year by the 30th June or 2 weeks before the end of the summer term, whichever comes first. How you build up that profile is up to you - the real task is ensuring you are gathering observations/info across all the areas/strands so that you can make informed judgements based on independent application of skills etc.YOu can update as you go along - 1/2 termly if you wish or termly, you may have other tracking records that show progression towards the statements - your FSP judgements are a simple yes/no decision. If a child is kept within the FS stage of learning they have the fsp completed when they move from FS to ks1. IF you look in the assessment and reporting arrangements 2007 for FS and KS1 assessments (QCA) you will find all the requirements explained, including what to do if children leave during the year etc. All schools completing statutory assessments should have had copies of this sent directly to them. It can also be down loaded from the qca website.


CX :)

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Sometimes I get just a little confused about the Profile! Can you guys help me out?


Am I right in thinking that the FSP is a way of summing up a child's progress by the end of the FS stage and it's main purpose is to inform Year 1 teachers about their new children.


Is it not a bit 'confused' to fill it out half termly - especially now - when you can't possibly have observations for all points of the Profile? Won't this give 'distorted' progress graphs etc. A child may be quite capable of adding, classifying - anything - but because it is not an observed, typical behaviour (it can't be typical yet we haven't had them long enough) - you can't tick it off. Yet when you do tick it off - next spring for example, it may look like 'progress' has been made when really the child was at that point all along.


After visiting a centre of excellence we now only focus on the first three points for CLL MD and PSED when they first enter - ofsted inspector quite impressed with our home made entry observation sheets - but I do wonder if that means I am, in effect, only letting the children achieve a maximum of point 3 as this is what we are concentrating on.


I use the eprofile and my colleagues think the graphs are great but I think they are flawed.


I know I might have got it all wrong!

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Foundation Stage Profile


The Foundation Stage Profile summarises children’s achievements by the end of the reception year for the early learning goals in the six areas of learning of the Foundation Stage. The Profile is based upon teachers’ on-going assessments through day-to-day learning and teaching, as well as the information provided by practitioners in previous settings and by parents/carers. The Profile is designed to be completed gradually as children progress through the reception year.


Nursery practitioners can also contribute to the Profile by recording any of the scale points that children achieve before moving into Reception. These are likely to be the early scale points derived from the Stepping Stones. Both Reception and Nursery practitioners should use the e-Profile as the most effective way of monitoring children's progress and sharing assessments.




We would record anything we saw the child doing on a regular basis (not a one off observation) but the points dont have to be achieved in any particular order so some children may be working on the first 3 and others may be working on 1-4-6 for example.

Edited by Marion
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Thanks Marion, that has really helped and clarified things for me.


However, I am still thinking that the eprofile is (or certainly can be) 'flawed' - I also get frustrated that the children seem to have to 'fit' into the Profile Statements and not the other way round, for example, I have a girl in my class who is absolutely fantastic/gifted/skilled/amazing at making models using the junk material etc in our workshop - I really feel that, on entry, she excels in this area - yet there is no where to 'express' this in the Profile (only by written comment) which then won't show up in any graph.


Anyway, thanks again for the reply.

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