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Policies For Parents


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I would like to say that I am in the process of updating the policies, but in actual fact I am writing them from scratch - as there was 1 when I took over as manager (!!??!!).


I have started a Parent's Policy file which they can access at any time, and give out copies of relevant ones with newsletters, etc.


I want to ensure that new parents get copies of policies. How do people ensure that their parents get copies? Do you give out bound copies? Any ideas greatly received!

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HI Shelley,


sounds like your very busy your end! :D


We give out a parent policy booklet to our parents when they trake up a place with us. Its basically leaflet size with a fair few pages in which contain all the parents policies. It is not bound or anything just folded together... Kind of hard to explain LOL (as i say just like a leaflet with lots of pages).

If policies are reviewed or changed we add the revised to the parents policies (so that all new parents get it) and issue all current parents with the revised part of the policy,




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I have a hanging holder, like the ones used for shoes. Each policy is in a 3 fold leaflet format ( made on publisher). The leaflet has aim, policy, procedure, how it is reviewed and a comment slip for parents to detach if they want to suggest a change or make comment about the policy. Each pocket is transparent so I can see if leaflets are running out. This also holds leaflets on term dates.


I send prospective parents an intro leaflet, then when I do home visits I take the main policies with me to discuss with the parents ( all in 3 fold format) these are also available in the policy holder. The main policies I discuss are; Child protection, Positive behaviour management, Parents as partners, curriculum, BTTM, Aims and Objectives, settling-in, Fees, terms and conditions.

All other policies, ie: recruitment, training, non parent specific ones are in an A4 display folder available to look at on our parent info table. ( parents can have a copy if they want one, though no-one has ever asked for any.

In my parent handbook, I just state the aims of all policies, a paragraph is enough.



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Guest DeborahF

I had two A5 booklets that I gave out to prospective parents, one gave all our basic information - who we were, a run down on each member of staff, opening times, fees, our teaching and learning approach, etc. and the other one was ALL the policies! I also had an A4 folder full of the policies by the parent noticeboard which I drew their attention to. When we reviewed individual policies, I sent out a copy of the policy individually to each parent if we had made any alterations, with a covering letter explaining what we had done and why.

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I give parents an induction explaining to them our main policies such as child protection settling in etc. I ask them to tick a sheet to say that I have discussed these policies with them and I also show them our parent information booklet which they can have access to at any time to read through.


It must cost you a fortune in photocopying to keep parents up to date with any new or re-written policies otherwise, we have 46 children on our role and I wouldn't fancy making copies for everyone everytime one is changed. I just tend to remind parents in the newsletter tha the book is there if they want to read through it and they can also have a look on coffee mornings etc while the photobook is going round as well.



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