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Communicating To Staff Via Staff Memo's


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as Many of you know i have issues with my staff. some that clearly need to directed personally to the staff concerned, but some issues that are a whole nursery issue (ie general moans and groans!) ~ normally i address these moans and groans at the start of staff meetings (monthly!) but to be honest im quite frankly getting annoyed at spending precious staff meeting time on the same moans and groans.


We have a staff meeting on wednesday and i wanted to give the staff time to update their development profiles and to not sit and discuss moans.....


the moans im talking about are general moans, ie..


could staff make sure they do their jobs on the cleaning rota on their days


could the fire door in kitchen be kept shut at all times (normally they prop it open)


could staff make sure they leave the staffroom tidy after lunch...


those are the kind of moans and groans i will address, and i wanted to address tehm through a memo that would be sent round all staff. staff then sign to say they have read it and i will also add at the bottom if they have any concerns, questions or comments about the content of the memo then feel free to discuss with me.....


does anyone else use this kind of method for communicatiing with staff about general whole nursery moans, and do your staff generally take on board the info in the memo?




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For the issues you have given as examples I personally would put signs up in the relevant areas, to be displayed at all times. the problem with memo's is that they are read once then filed. :o


ie: Sign next to fire door KEEP CLOSED AT ALL TIMES.


cleaning rota, for a period of time monitor and speak to each individual asap, when they have not done what is required of them.

When I was home based and had a manager in, I did have a folder for each member of staff ( bearing in mind I had a small staff team) I had a blank sheet, two columns heading info to staff / info from staff. This folder went back and forth, ie: info to staff I put in a publication such as Firm Foundations, the title written in the column and date handed out, then staff would initial it. In the info to from staff column, staff would put in their hours sheets, with date, and I would initial I had received this. The reason for this system was 1/ because I wasn't in all the time and it gave me and staff somewhere to keep items safe before they got to me ( or them) and 2/ no-one could in the future say " I didn't get that".

The folders would come to me at the end of every week and be returned each monday.


Hope this helps.



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I understand your problem. Sometimes you have information you need to pass on that simply can't wait until the next staff meeting.


I do sometimes send memos round and then get staff to sign and date a sheet that goes round to say that they have read and understood it.

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Thanks for your advice you two.


signs would send my deputy into flip mode (she hate's them!) ~ so actually seems a good idea to do that one LOL :o


I decided to do the memo and it has a section where all staff sign to say they have read and understood it, i have also added that if i see staff disregrading the inofrmation in it (as i know my deputy will) then i will have no option to talk to staff formally about it... (time for this manager to get tough!!!).


hopefully it will work.



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Id do the saigns for iprtn places like th fire door as this would be normal practice wouldnt it, but I have also had to send memos at times..with a staff of 12 who are rarely in the same place at the same time, (or even the same days!) its impossible sometiems to do it any other way.


Hope it worrks then Dawn, Im sure you'll et us know!

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Dawn im sorry its sooooooooo nice to hear you talk like that I feel I am being so mean I am so fed up with nagging I have 5 children and feel as though I also have another 12 at the Nursery. Common sense - they have none!


I really cant understand what I am doing wrong I spend more time holding their hands than anything!


Someone suggested to me to do Role swaps so they could see what we have to do as Managers I would do nothing in their role


Here this will make u smile


I did a one 2 one the other day I asked what she liked and disliked about her job

I like being with the children, I dont like paperwork she said i think I would do my job better if you could give the paperwork to someone else she said

Give me hope!

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