Guest Alix Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 I have an interesting question to all of you out there! Is the role of early years co-ordinator changing to that of a transition mamager responsible for EYs and KS1? My Headteacher seems to think so, and I am keen to know WOULD YOU TAKE THIS ROLE ON? With the talk of a 'seamless' move into KS1 from reception class, is this new role the best way forward? My concern is that EYs is distinct in character from a YR1 classroom and I wonder if this will pose new challenges that are not yet anticipated such as meeting national curriculum needs and stress of statutory ed verses non statutory ed? I would appreciate your thoughts and experiences!!! Alix.
AnonyMouse_79 Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Hi Alix and welcome. What an interesting question! I think you have raised some valid points. I think there is going to be a change in the way roles of responsibility are organised in schools with the introduction of TLRs. These should have been decided by now shouldnt they but I think that inevitably this is going to be reflected in the sort of change of role that you describe? I also wonder just how long it is going to take before FS2 disappears from schools altogether, except perhaps where units are involved? The new EYPS status, seems to be a subtle move in that direction? Would I take on this role? I think thats impossible to answer unless you know the school!
Guest Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 I'm from preschool so not able to respond to your thought provoking question. Just wanted to welcome you aboard to the forum and look forward to more of your posts. Peggy
AnonyMouse_4544 Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 (edited) Some of you may remember I considered applying for a different post in the summer involved co ordinating FS and KS1 and came with 2 TLR points so obviously some schools are considering such a move. I withdrew prior to interview but this was because I didnt like the feel of the school rather than any negative thoughts about the role. Edited November 5, 2006 by Marion
Guest Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 What an interesting question. Not sure of any answers but in my school the 'old' FS co-ordinator has changed roles and lost her 'old' incentive allowance of about £1,000. The Key stage 1 co-ordinator has a TLR and does many other things too. I have recently been asked to 'lead' FS but with no financial reward. I have also been asked to become a Reviewer. I think there may be some truth in it all.
AnonyMouse_5677 Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 "I also wonder just how long it is going to take before FS2 disappears from schools altogether, except perhaps where units are involved?" Possibly being a bit thick here but what do you mean by this Susan? Elfy x
AnonyMouse_3307 Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Roles within a school are always dependent on the needs of that particular place, dependent on the heads vision, governors opinions, budget restrictions, size, personnel available - you name it! there is no requirement to have phase coordinators although I would argue that it is desirable. A small school I support has curricular teams and no phase coordinators because it's only 1 form entry in contrast a 3 form entry school has Assistant heads leading phases and lots of people doing different jobs. I think there has always been the capacity for heads to devolve responsibility for something (after gaining qts) without requirement to pay additional allowances and the whole restructuring of the workforce has shaken this up a bit too with people having to re-assess the structure of their management positions against a whole new set of criteria. My previous school deleted the post of Deputy Head when i left because it already had 3 assistant heads and so it was cheaper to create another Assistant head post rather than a DH to replace me. With transition being a new theme I think it is inevitable that with the thrust of the early years pedagogy upwards Heads will want to capitalise on this if they have the staffing to do so - and it would be positive I feel to get that cross phase understanding developed, however the clarification of FS2 as part of the foundation stage would require someone who is conversant with both phases of education and the curriculum/pedagogy of them both too. Cx
Guest Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 In my current school where we have no nursery the current role I have is of phase 1 co- ordinator - which covers the 2 FS 2 classes and the 2 Y1 classes. This is part of my TLR role ( amongst a few other things ) and transition is already one issue for next year's SIP
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