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Hi all


I have greatfully looked at and used some of your ideas to write planning on 'People who help us' for our reception classes next half term.... However as I also have 10 year 1s between two classes to plan for...I need some more help please.


What would you do to incorporate KS! history, geography etc... into this area. :oxD

I have planned a different focus each week and am trying to arrange outside visitors.... but any ideas greatly welcomed.


Week 1 settle back into routines of school

Week 2- People in school

Week 3- Dentist

Week 4- Ambulance/doctor

Week 5- Police and Road Safety

Week 6- Fire Brigade

Week 7- Postman


Thanks in advance :D:D:D:D




I'm not familiar with NC learning objectives but the historical development of these roles, springs immediately to mind. Not sure about Geography but can you not develop what you are planning for reception?


Geography element could be, for school, drawing maps of routes in school eg. draw a map of the route from the classroom to the hall, playground etc. Similarly for Postman making map, or following a map of a delivery route - possibly give prepared map and ask children to plot the quickest route given the various letters s/he has to deliver. (could also add an ICT element here if you use BeeBops around a floor map)



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