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As you may have seen, we have our PLA accreditation tomorrow... stressful enough you may think

Today my MIL has rung to say that Neil's (my DH) dad is really ill in hospital. He isn't expected to live. Neil doesn't really have much to do with him since his mum and dad split about 20 years ago but it's still his dad and of course we are all upset. He's gone to the hospital (100 miles away) and I've since spoken to his Mum again who tells me that he was found unconscious and undressed last thursday. He is a diabetic but they think he may also have had a stroke. He had a leg amputated last year and his liver is shot from drink. It's such a shame.

I thought I was OK but once he went I realise I'm really not. Probably more upset for Neil (who 'celebrates' his 40th birthday next week) but even so -

Sorry just offloading.


Pandamonium, I'm so sorry for your family worries. When we had our last Ofsted inspection I got a call from the inspector after day 1 to say that her father was critically ill and she wouldn't be able to make day 2. As it was just before half term we then had to wait 3 weeks for our 2nd day! These things happen. Are you committee run? Can your Chair have a word tomorrow with your accreditation person to put them in the picture? Good luck with it all.


Well he has just rung me from the hospital. He sounds kind of resigned to the inevitable now. A bit in limbo though bless him. He got there 5 minutes after tehy close the ward so he has to wait 2 hours until he can go in. Seems a bit harsh to me but there you go, rules are rules.

As far as the accreditation goes, sh*t happens and we have to deal with it don't we? I don't have any extra staff to call in now so I have to go in and put a brave face on it. I will tell the assessor what has happened but only so she knows why I may cry!! The children keep you going don't they!


I too send a big hug :) Yes the children do ground you they make you realise life goes on and they are the future!As someone who sadly chooses not to see my mum who has similiar problems to your OH dad I sincerely sympathise.It is a different sort of feeling cos all i ever wanted was my mum to be a mother to me and when shes gone i know it aint never gonna happen!I will be thinking of you both,take care :)


Hugs and good wishes, Tracy.


I feel similarly drained today having received a very similar phone call late last night about FIL. Fortunately we are only about half an hour away and I have been backwards and forwards to the hospital at intervals all day today, while my husband relieved his brother of the bedside vigil. Despite signs giving visiting hours we were not sent away.


Good luck tomorrow.


Offload all you need to, that is what we are all here for, thinking of you and your situation and sending virtual hugs and much love. :)

Guest MaryEMac

Sorry to hear your news Tracey, hugs are winging their way through the ether. Best of luck for tomorrow.




my thoughts are with you too. I've been there and it is shitty.

Liz x


my thoughts go wih you too......................................my dad died last year and it was a constant round of nursery/hospital/nursery etc..................the hospital, while dad was in there, were pretty relaxed about visiting times, in fact, they liked us coming in and staying because, believe it or not, we apparantly cheered everyone up (in fact, dad received a letter from a patient, to say what a wonderful, loving and happy family he had, and how he thought it was such a joy that we could be so happy even though dad was dying).We did manage to take dad home to die, with support from Social Services, who got us a live-in home help as dad wasn't expected to live for much longer (the criteria down here is 6 months or less.................and he lived for four months from diagnosis).I'd say, in spite of not seeing his dad for so long, he should be there as much as he wants to be , and tells his dad whatever is in his heart,make peace with him if he can.................good luck with it all, I hope his passing is peaceful and easy on you all.

My thoughts are with all those who have troubles of this kind right now xxx


Pandemonium, missed the forum yesterday so catching up, the weekends events if anything have put the Accreditation Inspection into perspective amongst the 'what really matters' context. Sending big, big hugs and hopefully whatever strength I can to help you and yours through this time.

Just take one day at a time, yes the busyness and Christmas excitment from the children will help and hopefully knowing that we are all here and you are not alone.




awwwwwwwww thanks you guys. I didn't really expect replies. I was feeling a bit lost - Neil was still not home, I'd rung my best friend 3 times already with feeble excuses! Was just offloading but it does feel better doesn't it!!!


Good news today though The assessor said it would give her great pleasure to recommend us for accreditation! :o

The panel isn't until February though! We have a couple of bits to do before then but nothing major - pulling a couple of things out of our prospectus and making them policies in their own right, adjusting our registration process slightly and evidencing that we plan for all the ELGs over each term. I am so shocked! I really thought there'd be loads I don't do so hurrah! :D


No news on Neil's dad so I guess that's good but in a way it's worse as we need to plan each day in case he needs to rush to London.


Well done at least today is over, best of luck with the family stuff, hang on in there.


Congratulations on your Accreditation recommendation, I know a lot of work goes into it, so well done. You just offload any time you feel the need, we are all here for you.




You might not have expected anyone to reply but this is the FSF and it's kind of what happens. :D (Even if it is a few days later). So much better than keeping things to your self so you offload anytime you want. Congratulations for the accreditation. :D

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