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Desperate Help And Advise Needed! Please!

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Posted (edited)

i have posted serveral times about the problems i am having with the new manager in foundation stage. well the problems are increasing getting worse and if i dont deal with the issue, then before long im going to be off work with stress.


as my head and anyone else for that matter is not willing to deal with the problem the only thing i can think of is asking if i can go to year 1. BUT i just dont know what to do , DO I GO OR TRY AND PUT UP WITH IT?

i really enjoy year R but is it worth doing it with a manager like i have. we make no progress, she doesnt know what she is doing or cares for that matter and i dont want to fall into the trap or get pulled down by her. and im running out of cupbaord space to hide my things before she copies it all and claims all my plans an ideas as her own.


what do you think i should do?

Edited by Guest

Hi Clare sorry to hear your having such an awful time, have you got a union rep you can talk to? I know you said your head was unwilling to help, but what about the school Governors? I'm a parent governor at one of my childrens schools, albeit a newbie, but I'm pretty certain there was something in the reams of paperwork I was given about 'monitoring of a policy for staff performance management'. I know that as a parent if I'm still unhappy with a member of staff after going through the usual channels ( 1 - teacher, 2 - head, 3 - governors ) I can go through ofsted, is this the same for teachers? I hope someone comes along soon to give you some concrete help




I just want to say Im listening :) It is horrible to be in a predicament like you are!

I think you probably need to ask to go to yr 1 but explain why,this may get it sorted when they realise just how unhappy you are :o or look for a job elsewhere,what are your qualifications,working in a fdu or pre-school can be just as rewarding,Im sure you will get lots of wonderful advise.Chin up :)


Hi Clare, didnt realise you'd made a post here too. I am sorry things are so bad. I can appreciate the dilemma you are in and you are wise to consider your own mental health in this if it is that bad.


However, I would think that you are unlikely to be able to move within your school until September. If I remember correctly you have not been qualified for very long, so a move to year 1 could be a good idea especially with the emphasis on transition, for your Professional development and you would be well within your rights to broach that with your head and to do so sooner rather than later.


Depending on your heads reaction you may want to consider moving schools which can also be good for professional development. If you are determined to stay in Foundation/ reception then you probably have no option but to do this anyway, considering that current situation.


You may also be wise to consider whether a change of scene would not be a better option whichever year group you are with.


Unfortunately, only you can make the decision as to which road to take but I wouldnt stay in FS at your current school, feeling as you do. Good luck with whatever you decide.


I think you should tell her how you feel in a succinct yet pleasant way. Not easy I KNOW from experience. I sometimes feel that, as teachers we pussyfoot around colleagues, who, quite frankly, would be told 'where to go' in the 'real world', as my long suffering husband so politely puts it.

This is irrespective of status and experience - more years service,experience in one field or higher status should not matter. Sorry for speaking the truth!







Hi Clare


I remember reading one of your previous posts about this situation and I'm sorry you're still feeling so stressed by it all. Seems to me you cannot put up with the situation so have to do something about it, but of course only you know if that is the case or not.


Could you let your head know how deeply you feel about it and exactly how much it is upsetting you?


Perhaps it would be a good time to really think about the situation over the holidays, without the pressures of work so you can think with a cool head.


The difficulty is that there we all have our own endearing or not so endearing character traits/ways of working. Whereever we work, this can be the hardest part of the job often!


Just wanted to empathise with you and hope you can feel a lot happier soon.


Clare, I used to work with a woman who claimed twice that things I had done or suggested were her own ideas and it made me so mad I can completly understand why you want to keep stuff hidden. I was undermined and talked down to in front of parents and other professionals. In the end I decided to leave but as luck would have it she handed in her notice first. What a result. :D I dreaded going to work and it made my family life miserable too. These days I think I would complain to those higher up the chain, something I didnt do at the time or directly to the person causing the grief, but in my case she was totally sure of herself (and would have thought I was barking). Dont let yourself suffer. Good luck with your decision. :D


Hi Clare

I haven't read your other posts, but you sound thoroughly miserable.

My first thought would be to talk to another member of staff who you are comfortable with, possibly the deputy, etc.

If the head does not want to discuss your problems or get incolved, then you should possibly talk to your chair of governors. Have you been in touch with your union. They could support you, by sitting in on a meeting with your head. Have all your concerns written down.

I feel sorry for you, no job should make you feel like that. I am lucky that oiur head listens to our concerns.

Hope this might be useful x

Posted (edited)

thank you all, it makes me feel better just knowing i have a friendly ear out there to moan too. im taking the hoilday to chill out and relax (well try) that way i can hopefully spend sometime away from it all and think about what i really should do and what matters the most to me.


thanks once again dont know what i would have done without all your support.

Edited by Guest

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