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I'm Fed Up And Want To Leave Childcare

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Oh I am getting fed up in childcare ;) , I do love my colllege course :) . I just feel like leaving childcare, nobody near where I live will take me on, I now have no money comming in and just been told that I cannot access this CWDC student support fund because I have no paid job. What is the point of working hard when I am not reaping the rewards for all this effort.


What is wrong with me :o :unsure: , I have been told by a jobserch person that I am well prepared for answering questions, looked very smart and that I have the right qualification for the jobs in childcare. xD She is abolusty baffied to why I am not gaining empoyment in childcare! :wacko: When I went to see her yesterday! :D


I just cannot wait until I have passed this level then I will join teacher training ahahah to PVI sector (not including you lovely people of course) :D . It would be funny if they all noticed that they need their staff to be on this course heeheee that sound like fun and madness to me. :( Then they will be wishing that they had taken me on who already as started the course!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :(:(


sorry just need a rant! xD Feel better already :D




Beth, don't know if this may be an option for you but there is something you can apply for called a career development loan that you can apply for with assistance for some vocational courses. You do have to be a home owner and it operates as a bank loan would but may be worth looking at. Could you apply for a bursary at your place of study? Hope you get sorted. The link for details of the c.d. loan is:


Beth, don't know if this may be an option for you but there is something you can apply for called a career development loan that you can apply for with assistance for some vocational courses. You do have to be a home owner and it operates as a bank loan would but may be worth looking at. Could you apply for a bursary at your place of study? Hope you get sorted. The link for details of the c.d. loan is:




Thanks Kermit but unforuatley I am not an homeowner. :o I have tried to apply for a bursery at college but they have directed me onto the CWDC student support fund instead.




Hi Beth


Sorry you are fed up with your job search.


Have you thought about doing some voluntary work to get to know the right people? The people who volunteer in schools are often the people who get the jobs as they have the best experience and know what qualities the school wants.


What kind of work are you seeking?




Hi DebbieS


I currently do work vountary in a local primary school. I have only been there for 5 weeks and I am enjoying my experince.


At the moment anything goes for jobs - DN, CC, PS, just so I can go out to earn money and sucessfully compete my first year at college. I also need to start saving up from my topup degree/s as I will be doing these one full time.





Hey Beth, so sorry things still haven't worked out as you want them too. Hang in there and don't give up just yet. Easy to say I know, but having read so many of your posts think of all those children that would miss out on all you have to offer if you quit.

Sending hugs and fairy magic your way :)

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