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Nneb's Retraining

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Guest valletta

hi all...

have read all the replies re: retraining and doing the level 3


I have emailed the following for advice about this and have asked them to email me so that I can print it out and show the Ofsted lady that is visiting us after Easter break


I have contacted:-


Ofsted/cache/PLA/West Sussex Education and again my M.P. who is showing my fax to Mr.C.Clarke Sec of Education -


Importantly I have asked that if I refuse to do the level 3 after being in my setting for the past 15 years without a career break and constanly updating - will I lose my job.


so it will be interesting to say the least what the replies back will say - will post the answers when I get them ok

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Have just received an e.mail saying that nursery world are putting my letter advertising my website in next weeks magazine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have e.mailed the department for education . the PLA and Richard Dorrance asking for an update on the situation and asking how other NNEBS around the country are being treated as the professional people they are and classed as level 3's while some of us are being told to retrain and only regarded as a level 2. I await their reply ...................................

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hi all nneb's

I quailified in 1971, shock, horror!!!

What I'd like to know is why am I training level 3 students if my nneb is only equal to a level 2?????

The level of students I have had recently leaves me with serious concerns for our future early years practitioners!!!!

I am studying with the OU for foundation degree in early years and have completed E123 and just finished TMA 01 for E124. I don't have time for any more study because of the time planning and profiling takes. I am also disabled so have to work harder to keep ahead.

No-one has ever told me that my nneb is the same as a level 2 and have recently obtained the position of nursery leader at a LEA nursery.

I only decided to do the degree because I was off work for 2yrs with cancer, and as we all know a lot has changed in the last few months let alone 2years.


Anyway the point I was trying to make is "How can I be suitable to train level 3 students if my qualifications are only level 2???" Do you think it could have something to do with my 30yrs plus experience in various settings some at senior management? Just a thought!!!!!


Old Annie

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I think I spoke to a Mr Toyin Akintunde at Sure Start(02072735612) He had a very strong accent. He was very helpful. He did say a candidate has to have had only short career breaks and kept up with recent legislation.

I recently spoke to a man at Cache. He explained to me that they have taken over the P.L.A. qualifications.He also said the course content of an old diploma is not equivalent to a more recent one. I think this is why we have" topped up". He also said that Ofsted accept courses listed in The Standards that they do not endorse. As ofsted are checking us not Cache I don't see that you need do anything. Have you been told you are unsuitable.

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The PLA said my NNEB was not acceptable and recommended firstly the IPP and then the DPP , OFSTED tell me to do APEL although when I actually asked our ofsted inspector she couldn't give me an answer as to what level I was classed as. CACHE recommend the CPD ( which is another level 3 qualification ) and the department for education say I am a high level 2 working towards a 3 but have to top up in

anti-discriminatory practice

equality of opportunity

child protection

health and safety

curriculum planning and early learning goals

But no one can tell me what top up courses are acceptable .

No wonder my head is spinning :oxD:(:(

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I have recieved an e.mail from the department for education saying that the points that I have raised will be looked at and hopefully should hear something after Easter, so will see what happens then

Also had e.mail from PLA saying new guidelines will be brought out in the summer ( poss June ) and that a solution could be in sight , again will believe that when I see it.

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On the subject of us oldies retraining etc. its the QCA who are the ones responsible for it all. Maybe they should get a pile of complaints in their post.I agree things have changed but surely we all must be doing these things in our present posts,even if they are just refered to in different terminology or like Child Protection etc. new issues .What about e.l.g. and desirable learning outcomes

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I'VE HEARD FROM MY MP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It arrived today in an envelope marked the house of commons.

Unfortunately it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know but it does say

'Nursery nurses play a crucial role in the education of our children'

'As in any profession I believe that while qualifications are important there is no substitute for experience and this is certainly the case with regard to nursery teaching.'

It goes on to say that he has contacted the department for education who will be contacting me soon and also that qualifications already achieved will be taken into account next time OFSTED visit and managers and childcare staff will not be expected to retrain from scratch.

Him and his Conservative colleagues on the frontbench education team are currently looking at early years education as an area of policy and he will forward my response to them in order that they are made aware of my concerns !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least I have it in writing now that I don't need to completely retrain. lets see what happens next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had an e.mail back from nursery education magazine saying they are printing my letter advertising my website in Junes issue. Has anyone got an e.mail address for the under fives magazine ??

Have managed to install a counter into my website and have had 35 hits since Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Went to our EYDCP annual review today after looking at ammendments for accreditation which ask that at least one member of staff does a managent course...... xD

spoke to our lady in charge of training explaining our NNEB issues and was told again that as long as NNEBs are doing day courses and workshops our quals still count.

She also said that our borough (berkshire) are very aware of this new 'management' training and are on the way to agreeing with a local college a course with 3 modules for managemnt training which will qualify as an NVQ level 3...

Excellent news i thought!!!!


Presume it will catch on to other boroughs ..if not already :o

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Does it say what day courses you have to do , because as you know I had a list from the department for education and some people have been told that their NNEB is ok but haven't done all the top up courses.

I try to go on day courses as they arise but just haven't done all of the ones mentioned on my list. They does seem to be some confusion as to what can be classed as a top up.

Lets hope they all start getting their acts together now , it will be about time.

Thanks for keeping us informed Hali

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I've been told if I don't top up in the following areas

- anti-discriminatory practice

- equality of opportunity

- child protection

- health and safety

- curriculum planning and early learning goals (Foundation Stage training)


Then I can't be classed as a level 3 has anyone else heard this.

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Hi Hali, from one Berkshire lass to another. I was brought up there but now in Hants.

My NNEB is from 1980 and I was told that as long as I kept up with courses like child protection, planning, observations and record keeping my NNEB was accepted. I have not done health and safety but staff members have been on it and "cascaded" it to all staff, I hope that counts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hooray, today I received a letter from my MP forwarding a letter from none other than Margaret Hodge.


Basically it does not give any new information other than what we already knew, pre 1989 NNEB's need to have had up to date training and can't have had long career breaks. If they have kept up to date then they can be classed as level 3. Hooray!


Post 1989- 1997 NNEB's and DQQS are classed as level 3.


www.surestart.gov.uk/publications/publications/quality/ is the web address that ofsted inspectors use to judge appropriateness of qualifications.


The letter is over a page long and goes on to say that experianced workers are very much appreciated.


I know it does not give any more information but it was quite exciting to get a letter from Margaret with my name on.



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OOh! Good news!


I hope that the powers that be do whatever is necessary to ensure all Ofsted inspectors are aware of this.


At our inspection in February my qualification was "out of date" The numerous certificates covering a wide range of courses I have attended counted for nothing. Written confirmation that I am currently half way through the new level 4 Certificate in Early Years Pratice was also considered insufficient. It was definitely a case of an "up to date qualification" being required. It was the only area we were marked down in!


AS for my experience over the years - well totally irrelevant apparently!

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Oh Geraldine..thats so sad.. xD

All we can do is keep plugging away...i still have had no responce from my MP and have sent reminders 3x now...ill keep going... :o


Im sure ur quals are fine 100% sure in fact we just have to get the whole country to adopt the same rules for all of us.

Im finding its not just qualifactions its everything including FUNDING for 33wks...........


We will all keep plugging away and hopefully...eventually get somewhere. :D

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Just received an e.mail from the lady that I have been dealing with at the department for education just saying that they have sent briefings to their ministers regarding the situation of old qualifications and are awaiting their response.

Time to get my letter to Tony Blair and the secretary of state eduation posted I think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will let you know if I hear any more

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I happened to mention that we had other issues that we are concerned about and she has asked me to tell her what they are

Here goes ..................................... wish me luck !!!

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Guest valletta

hi all,


it seems that the NNEB training counts in some counties and not in others..... really confusing it all is.


I sent a email to Tracey Dunne re: her M.P. visiting her setting and she is hoping others will follow about what we really think about things


keep plugging in there.


We have now been told that our PLA assessments/observation sheets are not worth the paper it is printed on - so today visited a reception class and asked the reception teacher what actacly did they use and what they wanted from us... the answer was just set out a new assessment/observation sheet in your own words .ie. this child can dress itself/handle a pencil for crayon/ can hop etc really basic stuff.... we did this last time but it was thrown out - now we are told this - who do we believe???

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