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What a start to the new year

Went back to Nursery today to find;-


Member of staff started before christmas wrote me a letter to say due to personal reasons wont be returning.

Another member of staff has decided to leave due to her childs poor health.

Another member of staff decided its time for a change she feels she has done all she can do in childcare- worked with me for 3 years and completed her training last year!! Just an excuse for a change I think.


What a morning new year resolution of no chocolate out of the window by 10am! They say its nothing to do with the Nursery I suppose thats one good thing!


The only good news I had today is that my Deputy Manager handed her notice in last October and was due to leave the end of this month for a career change- has asked to stay!


I've learnt some very hard lessons over the past few months with staff I've been too easy going tried to be their friends . Im so flexible with their hours and really do try and look after them, too much I keep getting told!

I need people with energy and enthusiasm all I seem to get at interviews is the opposite how do I attract these people, any advice please?

Im all of a sudden getting in a panic about having no staff

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Poor you, what a messy start to the new year. I dont know how you can recruit enthusiastic people but i have noticed doing supply that lots of staff started with an agency and just got hired when a job was available. They had to go through the interview process and not all were sucessful but it seems to be a good way for managers to see how someone works and for the potential staff to know if they would like it there. It could be an option, provided you can afford the agency rates, although my agency have it in writing that if a nursery take on one of their staff they have to pay a premium, so you'd need to be careful :D

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Oh dear, been there, done it, can really, really empathise.

Thank goodness for your deputy.


Just a thought, once your immediatte reaction of crisis settles down. This could be a time to look at the recruitment incentive now available from the transformation fund. recruit someone with the FD, any other early years appropriatte degree, and/or an EY teacher and you get £3000 recruitment bonus plus £5000 premium for employing someone with a degree. The CDWC aim is to have a person with a degree by 2010 ( only 3 yrs away now xD:( ) so maybe you could see this glitch as an opportunity for getting one step ahead of the 2010 requirements. :(:D


trying to look on the positive here. :o


If you haven't had info on the transformation fund contact your LEA.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.





p.s. even if you don't employ a graduate immediately, you may want to include a requirement to gain graduate status within a set time period on your employment terms and conditions / contracts, something we all need to look at with our employment policies because we will find it hard to require this extra level of training if not already on contracts.

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It is 2010 for Children's centres and 2015 for full day car settings

While recognising the diversity of the early years workforce the CWDC believes that


practitioners with early years professional status should be in all children’s centres offering childcare by 2010, and in every full day care setting by 2015

all those working in full day care settings should be qualified at Level 3 by 2015



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What a 1st day back! Still, it's a chance to get some fresh people into the setting - something that I long for!!!


I went on some really good interview training earlier in the year (sorry - last year!). They taught me how to do a values based interview which digs into people's values rather than the bog standard questions and answers. It's quite hard to put into practice, but can't wait to try it out.

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What a 1st day back! Still, it's a chance to get some fresh people into the setting - something that I long for!!!


I went on some really good interview training earlier in the year (sorry - last year!). They taught me how to do a values based interview which digs into people's values rather than the bog standard questions and answers. It's quite hard to put into practice, but can't wait to try it out.



Now you are going to have to tell us more Shelley, maybe a new post with interview tips eh?? :D:o



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Yes me too -



Really sorry forgot to say how sorry I was to hear your news - not the start you wanted especially as it is so hard to recruit good qualified staff these days. But I am sure that tomorrow will be better, it cant get worse can it - but maybe take some chocolate in with you - just in case you need a quick fix during the day


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Sorry to hear about your New Year start.


The only advice I have got for you is as it is a new year start strong on the personnel front. I found that being friendly and helping staff out has ended up being to my detrement as basically people have taken the 'mick' and walked all over me. I had a particularly bad incident before Christmas which has certainly strengthened my resolve and my New Year's resolution is :


Be Firm but Fair.


You can't be friends when you are a Manager or Owner. You can be friendly but it's difficult being friends.


I know this might sound harsh but believe me I have been walked over and let down so many times, I speak from experience.

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Oh dear these things happen. :o Last year I decided to leave my job but it was in mid Jan. :( Oh I wished I lived near you where ever you live in the UK. :( Yes guys I am still looking for a job! xD


Hey Shelly that sounds like a good idea, I have had various interviews some that were good and some which were very poor. Like today it was an interview sort of exept they didn't ask any questions to me about childcare realted. The next step after this is spending the day with them to see if they like us or not.



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I'll dig out my notes and do a post - it could be a long one though (I take tons of notes when I'm on courses!).


Beth - how do you feel the interview went?

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Shelley I dont feel as if I have had an interview at all. I just feel as if I was there to fill out an application form and for her to see who I am, plus a walk around the nursery. I got to ask some questions. I was also asked a few questions realted to the course that I am on and where I have been working, quals.


I feel its been a bit of a pointless exercise really I could just to the nursery and lie about things for example saying that I have worked in different settings but I could have been lieing if you catch my dift.




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Hi Shelley


Sorry to hear about your staff problems, but as you say it could be a good thing in the long run.


I notice you're in Dorset too. Dorset SureStart have a Staff Bank for employers and employees, would you be able to make use of that even though Bournemouth and Poole are a separate authority? It doesn't cost anything, you pay staff direct, and if you like someone you could possibly invite them to apply for a post. PM me if you would like the contact details.


If I weren't so busy I would offer to pop over and help out, I could do with some extra money this time of year!!!



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I do feel for you. We return on monday and i have just been informed today that a new member of staff who agreed to take position, filled in relevant forms, suppose to be starting monday will not be starting. She was also going to be my new senco, oh well, back to the drawing board!!!!!!!!

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Hi Guys



Yes day 2 feeling quite positive about staff changes, I think its going to be good to have a change of the team.


Think that is the problem i can honestly say out of 11 staff everyone gets on fab with each other.

Many nurseries, and Im sure some of you will agree have a real atmosphere amongst staff- in the 3 years we have been open we have not had any back stabbing or fall outs I do have a fab team. I encourage team work in a very positive fun way we are flexible and all say in their revieews its the best place they have worked which is lovely I am easy going and flexible with them all- yes need to be a little firm sometimes maybe!


Thanks for all your comments its great to have u giys to chat to! x

Peggy- yes will look into transformation fund havent a clue where to start- but I will try and find out- would I be able to afford their wages though on a long term basis?


Lastly noticed East Sussex early years have joined the forum Im in Worthing West Sussex if anyone wants a job! Ha Ha xxx

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Hi Shelley


Sorry to hear about your staff problems, but as you say it could be a good thing in the long run.


I notice you're in Dorset too. Dorset SureStart have a Staff Bank for employers and employees, would you be able to make use of that even though Bournemouth and Poole are a separate authority? It doesn't cost anything, you pay staff direct, and if you like someone you could possibly invite them to apply for a post. PM me if you would like the contact details.


If I weren't so busy I would offer to pop over and help out, I could do with some extra money this time of year!!!





My last job was for Dorset Sure Start - funnily enough the staff bank was my idea - but someone else took the credit for it!!

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