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Registration Form

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I know that there have been several discussions around this before, and I have had a look at the things that people have attached. However, I am in the process of reviewing the form that has been in existence for 2 1/2 years, which in my opinion is very lengthy. I know that we are only supposed to ask for information that we are going to use, and therefore I have the following questions:


1. Do we need to see a child's birth certificate and record the information from it?

2. Do we need to know their full history of immunisations, and see evidence that they have had them?


I only ask because the current form asks for these, yet we do not use the information in any way. Recently it was useful to know that a child of 4 who started with us had had no immunisations, as this meant that he was more suseptible to ilnesses, but apart from that it seems to be a paper exercise.


Hope I'm not asking daft questions??!!

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You will need to see and photocopy the child's birth certificate if you are going to be claiming Nursery Education Grant (NEG) for them - you need to keep the certificate copies on file in case you are asked for a random one by your LEA when they checking that everyone is claiming correctly.


As for immunisations, I suppose it is more informative to know which children HAVEN'T been immunised, as you say, so that you are aware that they may be more susceptible to some infections/diseases. This may become more relevant with the new immunisations offered against meningitis, for example, rather than the immunisations against the "old" childhood diseases like measles. From personal experience I know that even immunised children can catch mumps....my 17 year old son had it at the beginning of last year despite having had all the injections as a child! :o

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we do not need birth certificates in this area for funding requirements so check with LEA as to your need for them.


we ask about vaccinations as it can be useful to know if they have been immunised but as said you can sill get the infections even after immunisation some only last a few years, have had one child who had rubella at pre-school despite having had all the immunisations.


Our registration forms are reviewed each term and seem to be getting longer not shorter because of all the info needed, parental agreements, permissions needed etc



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Like Inge we have never been required to ask for birth certs for the nursery funding. So that must be pertinent to different areas.


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We need birth certificates to claim funding here, i have just had a funding Audit and she checked every childs details to make sure i have a birth certicate for everyone, she also checked their attendance and that i had absent slips signed by the parents/carers saying why they were away.

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We are asked to make sure we have checked that the child is eligible for funding by checking the date of birth on the form against some kind of official documentation; I usually write 'birth certificate seen' on the forms. If they aren't happy when they next audit I have no doubt that they'll tell me!


If you photocopy birth certificates, how long would you keep them for? The funding forms have to be retained for a certain length of time, but I'm not sure I'd be too comfortable with hanging on to birth certificate copies for long.

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Like Inge we have never been required to ask for birth certs for the nursery funding. So that must be pertinent to different areas.



reassured that your in cheshire and don't ask for birth certificates for nursery funding , as im in cheshire too, so maybe as you say its a location thing.



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gosh if I needed absence slips we would be inundated with paperwork!!


we do keep a list of parents who tell us why they child is away, but not all call and we would be forever chasing parents if we needed this.


Find parents are a bit slack in ensuring children attend every day booked as hey do not pay nd no matter how much you stress the importance it does not get through



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Aren't we supposed to have a copy of their birth certificate to be aware of parental responsibility - I seem to remember something about a quite recent change in the law, depending on the date of birth of the child - if the fathers name is on the birth cetificate (married or not), then he also has parental responsibility.

So, for example if there were to be a family 'dispute' a mother couldn't say (without proof of an injunction or a 'child protection' issue) "his father is not allowed to pick him up anymore"


I may be completely wrong here, and would love someone who really knows, to 'set the record' straight on why we should keep a copy of childs birth certificate.



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Regarding what to do with birth certificates once the child has left, I always gave the copy back to the parent when their child moved on - I didn't feel happy with either holding on to them or being responsible for disposing of them! Oue LEA asked for a copy of one child's birth certificate every term as part of their auditing procedures -that was Staffordshire.

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I ask to see birth certificate on registration and note the BC number, to ensure the child is 2 years old, the age we are registered with Ofsted to start children from.


We have to send a copy of Birth Certificate to our LA for NEG, but THEY keep this information under THEIR data protection policy, we do not have to keep it, in fact we are told not to once the LA have the info. I also personally feel that to keep and store safely a childs birth certificate ( even just a copy) is too big responsibility, that I should not need to shoulder.


Attached is my registration form which covers 2 sides of an A4. Side one child/family info, side two permission signatures.




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We were given no choice about keeping birth certificate copies on file - it was a condition of claiming the grant! And it IS a big responsibility, one that I would galdly have handed over to the LEA!

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  • 9 months later...

I know this is rather an old post - but please could someone please confirm for me the requirements regarding birth certificates.


Do we need to have sight of/take a copy of certificate - to confirm parental responsibility. Or, as indicated in past posts - to confirm childs date of birth for funding purposes?





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This may depend on local authority,

we didn't have to see them until recently when our LEA produced a form all parents have to complete which has to have a copy of document sent with it and we have to verify we have seen original. Takes ages so many come without a copy, (we have no facilities to make them) or without the original.


It is a condition of getting the grant, no form returned no grant.


I would ask local LEA



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Leicestershire require a copy of birth cert to be kept on file for grant purposes. Parents usually use our photocopy, otherwise we would probably never get them. Parents are required to give details of immunisations under the medical details of the application forms.

We don't collect absence slips - didn't know we should. Must check with LEA.

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Again in Leicestershire. Copy of birth cert is required for NEG.


As for absence sheets. These are also a requirement of NEG grant. In our register we have a sheet for each month of the year (I have attached it for you to look at).


Section 7 of the 'Summary of amendments to the Nursery Education Funding guidance 2006/2007' - Requirements of the provider tells you all about why you should keep a record. You can have your funding withdrawn if you cann't provide evidence of why children are off.


We had a NEG audit earlier in the year and they said they would like all parents to sign to say there child had been off. I told her that was too much work and extra hassle for a 2.5 hour session, and that it wouldn't happen. She agreed that our form would be sufficient.



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we keep copies of birth certificates for funding puposes (Brighton). don't have access to copier in the setting itself so I often photograph it, upload, print and delete. copies are kept in locked cabinet.

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Guest MaryEMac

We only have to see birth certificates or passports when they claim funding. There is a space on the form where I sign that I have seen them. We have never been told that we have to take copies.



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Like I said before, we had a NEF audit earlier in the year, and in Leicestershire, the lady doing the audit wanted to see a hard copy of the child's birth cert of proof of age (1 was a copy of a passport another was a medical card).


We keep these in the child's records.


Seems it must be different for different local authorities. :o


I know we are all very honest people, but a signature on a piece of paper doesn't actually prove to someone else that you have seen the document, whereas a hard copy definatly will.

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