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Balance Of Hist, Geog, Science?


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We have a new Geog and hist co-ordinator in our school and they want us, in reception, to 1 week do a geog focus, the next week a hist focus and the week after a science focus. I have explained that we dont really work like that as we do what fits with our topic at the time. I explained that throughout the year we make sure that each ELG is visited equally.

How do others approach KUOW?

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Same here. Some topics naturally lend themselves to one or other. No point, in my mind, in trying to make tenuous links, or even going off topic if it's not keeping the thread. Having said that, I don find we probably tend to cover more of the sciency type activities, cos that fits in with baking, exploring etc. so much easier to cover.


Argue your case, as other have said, you will cover all areas at least once throughout the year.

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im with you on this one i teach the same way. i have coordinators that ask for thier subject to be taught each week as i ks 1 and 2 they do not understand that we do not teach to subjects like they do its very cross curricular.

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Welcome from me too.....

Thanks for all your responses. I really think, especially in a primary school, that key stage 1 and 2 stage need to spend time in foundation stage to see how we work. I get fed up of having to fight my corner when they want something doing a certain way which is not suitable for the foundation stage!!

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Absolutely Lola! Imagine if you became subject based, what on earth would Ofsted say!! Perhaps you need to have a staff meeting session on 'a beginners guide to the FS!' or 'an idiots guide' as my head and i often call it! :D:o

Liz x

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I'm glad I stumbled upon this, as I was about to post on this very matter.

I posted a week back about my new job, where the reception teacher I'm covering for 5 months has been using the NC section of 'curriculum complete' to plan. I've spoken to the Head, and he is happy for me to combine Geog, hist and DT as KUW, under the heading 'Jouneys'; the planned topics for each were: history - transport; DT - vehicles and geog - a train ride through Europe (!?) Only trouble is, now I'm trying to complete this bit of the med term planning and I'm struggling to know what to include. I need to cover all bases that previous teacher planned (the same topics are currently operating in Y1 and Y2) so things like ordering transport types on a time line, looking at European countries and designing and making a vehicle of some sort.

I realise I'm going on a bit, but I was wondering... last years plans for this topic involved the chidlren designing a moving vehicle and discussing axles etc. Likewise, having looked back through science plans, in November of this year the children were making basic circuits. This seems WAY advanced to me and I'm kind of after reassurance on this. I was thinking more along the lines of looking at different vehicles and their purposes, thinking about ways we travel and for what purpose (e.g. on a plane to go on holiday, by foot to come to school - then make a graph).


Help me out here! I'm very much aware that in amalgamating these subjects, according to the class timetable there are 2 lessons missing. But I'm planning on using the time effectively! :)

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Hi there, good to hear from you!


Can't really comment too much - as you know I'm a NN in a DN (!! talk about jargon!), but it does seem a bit formalised for the FS... I realise as you are covering here, it may be difficult to move too far away, but I would think your ideas seem truer to the spirit of the stage.. are the children actually capable of these pre-existing plans? I know we should all have expectations, but we shouldn't be setting them up to fail, either?


Any help?



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Hi Chocolate girl

Your ideas seem much more appropriate to me. There is a Scholastic theme book "Journeys" which may give you some more ideas. I did this topic some time ago and linked it to holidays, road safety, sun safety. If I can find the plans, I will add them later.

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