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Observing Your Staff Working


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I was thinking that since its new year, and im not hugely happy with the work going on in one room, and question the quality of work going on in another room.

I was planning on observing staff in each room for a day possibly more, to see their practices and interactions with the children.

I am a little wary that staff will change the way they are if they know im watching, but i don't know how elase to 'assess' how they are working.

as i say i have issues with one room, and they know it, and they also know i am going to observe in their room to see how they work and then to be able to feedback ways to improve the room (its pre-school room) and i have worked in pre-school for a few years so am eager to pass my knowledge and ideas to them.... staff in this room probably will be okay with me observing them.

the other room im not to sure about the quality of work is the room in which my deputy and senior work together... i thought by having two senior members of staff that room would be fine but there has been a few occasions i have walked in and both staff have been sat (one leaning against a wall, another leaning against a chair) and children playing on other side of room. As soon as i walked in both staff moved over to children :o ... so although im seieng a few things, im not necessarily always seeing them in a context (if that makes sense?) i seem to only be getting a snap shot.

Don't get me wrong children are happy, pre-school room having a ball, as quite frankly is a free for all... only time order is restored is when im in there.... it go so bad i moved my computer out of the office into pre-school room (so children can access it, but also so i can 'listen' to what's going on whilst i use the computer)... i do despair sometimes with my staff.....



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Our headteacher has started doing regular 5 minute observations on all the nursery staff, with each observation having a particular focus - she feeds back to each member of staff stright away. This week the focus is "positive language", linked to our behaviour management strategies.

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Peer observations can be a positive tool in practice development. If the staff 'change' their behaviour when they know you are observing then that must show that there is a need for change ( if you get what I mean :o )


I have a student in at the moment, alternative weeks. I told he that for next week I want her to do tracking observations on myself and deputy on Monday, Wednesday and friday, and on Tues, Thurs event sample obs on us too. At the end of the week we will have a much clearer view of how best we are deployed, how often we interact, or not, how our movements affect the childrens choice of or sustainment at any given activity etc.


To be most productive feedback does need to be constructive and also an opportunity to praise good work too :D

Good luck, let us know how you are getting on.



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It sounds like you need a team day where you re-establish what is expected of the nursery staff and why. Can you close for the day? We had one - and although we had to deduct the days fees from the parent's invoices, it was money well spent.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Did you do any observations Dawn?


HI shelley,


Yes i observed toddler room staff over a lunch time period (actually only 20 mins observing) it was really useful, i picked up on loads of positive things, and a few not so great things.... i am going to observe at random times in the day and use observations as a discussion point in appraisals. Staff seem to be repsonding well to me being in the room observing them.


~ I would also love to close and have a team day, but it don't see that ever happening, right now im too busy stressing over EYP :D LOL , but maybe a team day is something i can plan for soon



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Even an evening out can help because they still discuss work, and on a more friendly basis you can direct the conversation around to what the good room does and hope that the other room are listening!!!! :D maybe a friendly competition between the 2 rooms as an incentive. for a display or put out a questionaire to parents from both rooms to have a feedback from parents.

I have the same problem with staff once even though I was in the same room (large hall) so I couldn't watch the whole room, but they always seemed to get busy when I turned and watched. Now I find that even when I do turn and watch they don't all jump to as they are doing the right thing any way. Its allways makes you think why they have to jump up and move if they were doing the right thing any way!!! :o

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Dawn - do you give them advance warning or let them know the reasons for your observations?




No i just go in and tell them i am observing them for a while, I tell them not to worry and that i will feedback to them at their appraislas (unless of course i see something that needs raising immediatly)



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Dawn, do you do your observations just prior to appraisals? I personally use staff obs for ongoing practice, giving feedback as soon after the observation as possible. I use appraisals to look at the last appraisal targets/goals and to discuss training and professional development rather than day to day practice. A collation of observations would support this discussion but not a one off observation.



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Dawn, do you do your observations just prior to appraisals? I personally use staff obs for ongoing practice, giving feedback as soon after the observation as possible. I use appraisals to look at the last appraisal targets/goals and to discuss training and professional development rather than day to day practice. A collation of observations would support this discussion but not a one off observation.




HI peggy.


I have only just introduced observations on staff really, since our appraisals are due soon i think i will use the most recent observations as an area for discussion (as well as look at previous appraisal targest and professional development/training etc), but in furture i will observe and feedback ASAP, good for staff development i think. :D



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HI peggy.


I have only just introduced observations on staff really, since our appraisals are due soon i think i will use the most recent observations as an area for discussion (as well as look at previous appraisal targest and professional development/training etc), but in furture i will observe and feedback ASAP, good for staff development i think. :D




As well as being good for staff devel etc, and staff morale ie: praise for good work endorsed by observation, I found that it really helped my staff during ofsted inspection because they had become used to the experience of being watched / observed :D

I also ask my staff to do obs on me, from event sample noting what I am doing every 5 mins to interaction with children to tracking my movements within a 20 min time span -drawing on a map of the setting. :D ( shows them how busy I am :D:o and gives them observation practice and skills in evaluating and giving constructive feedback ). Next step is observing each other leaving me to do other managerial tasks. :D



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As well as being good for staff devel etc, and staff morale ie: praise for good work endorsed by observation, I found that it really helped my staff during ofsted inspection because they had become used to the experience of being watched / observed :D

I also ask my staff to do obs on me, from event sample noting what I am doing every 5 mins to interaction with children to tracking my movements within a 20 min time span -drawing on a map of the setting. :D ( shows them how busy I am :D:o and gives them observation practice and skills in evaluating and giving constructive feedback ). Next step is observing each other leaving me to do other managerial tasks. :D




I am also going to get the staff to observe me as well, certanly think it will be useful :D

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