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I work as a nursery teacher in a primary school. The reception teacher and I are considering changing the way in which we organise/store our observations and record ongoing achievement of the points on the profile. At the moment we are using somthing that originates from the LA but is not compulsory, where we stick observations next to the individual profile points. We are considering a commercial format or simply an exercise book to record observations and photographs etc - so those observations that achieve a number of profile points don't have to be copied out a number of times and builds more of a holistic picture. I would be interested to know what other people use.


Hope you can help







Hi we use the LEA proforma for pre-school children, and one designed by our nursery for birth to three children. Alongside that the children have what we call 'wow' folders, these are used for putting post it observations in, focused observations and photographs. this 'wow' folder helps us to complete our development records on the children and gives the parents an interesting folder to look at for parents evenings.



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