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Suitability Meeting With Ofsted

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Hi everyone,


I was hoping if someone could give me some advice on what the suitability meeting with Ofsted entails (so i can prepare myself). I have been informed this meeting will take place within about three weeks after starting in my new role. The meeting itself doesnt worry me, as I feel that these practices are in place for very good reasons...I just wanted to know if i will need to do some aditional revising (such as being able to recite the standards backwards, forwards and every thing else in between.



Claire x


I had a suitable persons interview before I ran the summer playscheme for my employer.

A lady from Ofsted came interviewed my employer first, then me. We sat in the staff room and it took about 2 hours! :o


She had her laptop and basically asked lots of questions, working her way through the 5 new inspection areas. Typing in my answers as she went, she was really nice and gently prompted on the moments my mind went blank! :(


At the end she tapped in a few more things and then told me I had passed!!!! :D:D


Was a little tense but my advice would be to read through both the standards books and revise xD


Sorry, I should of added that it is really about all the stuff you should already know. They ask questions like, "What would you do if?" and "How do you make sure that you promote, blah blah?"


They gradually go through each section. Basically they just want to know that you know what your doing!


Have a good look at the written policies and procedures of your setting as well - but don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine! :)


I had mine about four months into my new postion as a manager, The ofsted lady did mine alongside our inspection (double stress LOL), but actually it was fine. She just presented em with scenareo's really, and asked me questions like how does our setting help children to be healthy etc... all linked to the standards. Like someone else said the inspector helped with little guidance when my mind went blank :D and i was declared a suitable person after 20 mins, which seems shorter than others interviews but mine may have been short because she had combined it with an inspection and had already seen me working/been told my views on most areas of the nursery.


good luck with it, i am sure it will go fine




You don't need to swot up on anything - it's things yu already know and do.


Many thanks everyone,


I am sure i will be fine, I had visions of the inspector saying stuff like what is standard 8 and so on, although i know the knowledge for each standard I dont know them off by heart in number order. However I have been doing some spidergrams with them and its sinking in 1. suitable person 8. equal opportunities etc. I will let you all know how i get on.


Claire x


I would just add that i had mine in September and I just bombarded the lady with information just give as much detail as you can about everything and they like to hear you recalling and reflecting on your experiences that you have already had. In the end she told me to stop talking to her because she couldnt write quick enough to keep up.


hope that helps



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