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Weight And Days Of The Week

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We're covering these over the next few weeks... and whilst I have planned lots of stuff in already... just looking back over it again now, I think I need some new ideas to inspire me... so does anyone have any genuis, fun ideas for teaching these in Reception?


Cheers ~ Porl

Guest tinkerbell

Monday is our washing day srub,scrub,scrub

Tuedsay is our ironing day rub,rub,rub

Wednesday is our dusting day flick,flick,flick

Thursday is our calling day off we go

Friday is our sweeping day brush,brush,brush

Saturday is our baking day beat ,beat ,beat

Sunday hear the church bells ring ,ring ring

Calling children come along ding,dong,ding


I think i'm abit muddled here but the children love to do the actions and learn the days of the week.

We are also doing Sparklebox calender every day and they love being the weather man/girl


For weight I have boxes of various weights covered in lovely paper(like presents ) and they are numbered 1-10 the children hold and compare eg 3 is heavier than 7 etc



We usually do the book Mr Wolf's Week for the days of the week and make 'dress Mr Wolf figures with the clothes for each day.


We also use presents as Tinkerbell describes for weight ---boxes all the same size but with different weights for comparison.

We also use balance scales and get the children to balance different materials to compare for example how many feathers/ shells /conkers / lego blocks etc to balance a large stone.

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