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Record Keeping

Guest jane heald

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Guest jane heald

Hi I'm looking for any top tips or systems of recording obserbvations and records. I am new to foundation and have 24 Yr R children who entered school in January. Any ideas greatly received thanks Jay


Hello Jane, and welcome to the forum. :D Sorry but if I'm honest friday night, a few wines and winding down so no comments from me tonight, maybe over the weekend :o


Have you tried a search, or in the articles section there is a lot about observation and assessment methods.


I am also preschool, but I am sure some reception teachers will reply to your query soon.


You have certainly found the right forum for lots of friendly, useful advice.




hi Jay and welcome.


I am in a very similar position as I have just taken in 21 January Reception children with another due in any time once a house move is completed!


I have used the file dividers which have been donated by Sarah and made files to put my observations in. It is working well for me at the moment as I do a lot of class recording regarding children's responses to an activity and play tracking. Post its can also be put in the relevant section. I am also keeping a note of observations that I add and cross referencing them if they could provide evidence for other areas. I find this easier than individual records although I have those for some areas too particularly reading.


You can find a previous discussion about this sort of thing here!


Hello and welcome. Reception too but Friday night and knackered! I need half term!!! :o


Welcome Jane, one thing is for sure, you will get the advice you need very soon, I am in nursery as well.


I've just downloaded a ton of stuff from that Norfolk site....some more light weekend reading I think! :o

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