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Does anyone else have ICT as a separate lesson. Our children are taken into the ICT suite once a week for an hour and a half. A HLTA teaches this whilst i have my PPA. However i find it very difficult to plan for as she cannot do things like use the camera or microwave etc.. as the head stipulates she has to teach all children in the suite. My problem is i struggle to plan relevant activities which are meaningful. How do others tackle ICT and any ideas for good activities?


Hi Lola

Have you looked at the Hitchams Site. It has some excelent ideas for ICT as does Kent and Northumbria(I think).

If you look at Becta and MAPE, you may be able to access some skill descriptors that would enable you to plan appropriately. I have an excellent sheet but no longer remember where I downloaded it from.

The Little Book Of ICT from Featherstone is also very good and inexpensive.


I do use an ICT suite in my new school and the children are responding well. But I am not sure how they would cope with that sort of time span. When my children become full time after half term I am going to spend a session on numeracy and literacy on alternate weeks and a session on mouse skills. Although there will inevitably be some overlap!!


Hmm I think I remember reading somewhere that children should not be at a computer screen for more than an hour at a time. Also it is not exactly FS friendly is it? All chidlren HAVE to do ICT for an hour and a half???


Can't really help you on the ICT front - my ICT is ongoing all the time and although we do have the laptops one day a week I only use these if there is something relevant for the children to do, e.g. last week staff made children breakfast and children choose from toast, cereal, sausages (these went very quickly), etc. Therefore last week we had the laptops out and did pictograms on them of favourite brekkie foods. An hour and a half does seem a very long time for children to be doing ICT - how do you fit in all your other aspects of KUW if you spend this amount of time just on ICT??

Completely off track but do you have to plan for your PPA time - thought it was written into contracts that teachers do not have to plan from their PPA??? HLTAs do the PPa in our school but they have to plan this themselves.

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