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xD I know you all love snow (except Rea) but my children are up and excited about the lovely white carpet outside! My youngest is dancing around the house singing Jingle Bells. Just imagine this is just one child, I have 30 in my class (with some very over the top boys :( ) and there are about 300 children in the school! Why couldn't it of snowed enough for the school to be closed :o
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We've got quite a bit of snow, mine were all up, fed, washed and dressed by 7.10 ready to go out to play! I manage to restrain them till 8 but it's funny how normally at 8.30 I'm normally to be heard yelling at the eldest that they're late and they need to leave now. Their schools and my preschool are shut today, it's still snowing, almost blizzard like in fact and my three are still outside. I love this weather, I'm taking them lid sledging later on. :D:D:D

Karrie :D

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My boy's primary school was open today, though most others in the area were closed. After a parent's assembly the whole school went outside for snowballing and snowman building- lots of fun!

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Birmingham have announced all schools will be closed tomorrow too which means all the community day nurseries will have to close aswell.

Which is strange, because they have to open for even 1 child Christmas week and even when building work and decorating is going on they still have to open especially for the children at risk. Are they not at risk when it snows?

According to the council man on TV, its warmer and safer for children to be at home. Well mine are out. Snowballing. Even Sam with a damaged collar bone. Birmingham City council often make me smile :o


I've still got to go out tomorrow, Sam has a hospital appointment, good job staff there havent been told to close all hospitals isnt it? xD

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My children's school closed - my son dead chuffed he is 15 today and has no school and it's snowed! We were open although it turns out we are the only school that had, 42 children out of 170 turned up so sent lots of staff home and then when snow kept on falling down and didn't look like melting we closed and called the parents so the rest of us could get home safely.

Had a great time on the field, loads of space so we rolled the most enormous snowballs and made a huge family of snowmen all decorated with our free fruit and veg! Snow up to the childrens calves in places, fantastic. But nice to be in the warm at home now - still doesn't look like melting though!

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Birmingham have announced all schools will be closed tomorrow too which means all the community day nurseries will have to close aswell.

Which is strange, because they have to open for even 1 child Christmas week and even when building work and decorating is going on they still have to open especially for the children at risk. Are they not at risk when it snows?

According to the council man on TV, its warmer and safer for children to be at home. Well mine are out. Snowballing. Even Sam with a damaged collar bone. Birmingham City council often make me smile :o


I've still got to go out tomorrow, Sam has a hospital appointment, good job staff there havent been told to close all hospitals isnt it? xD


Here in Scotland heavy snow is a fairly regular occurrence Rea and everyone tends to have very good procedures etc in place. However, don't be fooled into thinking that it is harmless. People die in blizzard conditions, even when really close to safety and driving poses a considerable risk of an accident, many of which can be fatal. The met office has issued severe weather warnings and I think it would be more than irresponsible to ignore them. By closing non essential institutes, such as schools and nurseries, they are safeguarding the majority of people. :)

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Birmingham council are the first to say how well they treat the roads and how often they send out their gritters, they cant have it both ways. Either it's safe for all drivers to go out or not.

If you take out the issue of the extra traffic with schools and nurseries open, theres still the issue of closing nurseries when it suits them too.

The place I'm in now has had 3 weeks of building work, doorways being knocked through from one room to another, dust everywhere so you could feel it in your hair and on everything you touched, but they werent allowed to close. Now decorators are using paint with fumes that I and other staff had sore throats from and I know from past experience my son would have had an asthma attack because of it.

No part of the council appear to have any idea of what the other doing and thats where my jipe lays. :):D

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Guest MaryEMac

Snow in Cambs has been and gone. :o It was snowing steadily as the children arrived for playgroup and they went straight outside to throw snowballs at me. We listened to the sound of the snow crunching underfoot and looked at the different footprints. By the time the kids went home it was just wet.



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We have just had a little snow today, it started as I was at college around 10.00am and lasted until 3 pm. :) We all thought we would be able to go home. :( I also had my assessement for dyselixa canneled due to the weather. :o On the way home it started again just got on the hill above my house when I saw another snow colwd comming my way. :D Got home around 4 pm to find yet more snow and now it is snowing again but very lightly. xD


I don't mind snow unless I have to attend college or interview as I have 2 tommorow one in the morning and one in the afternoon. :(




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When I left home to go to work at 7.30 this morning there was no snow at all. When I got to work at 7.50 it was snowing and was starting to stick. By lunchtime it had all gone, despite the fact it was still snowing! It is still snowing here but its not sticking at all now.

Gutted. I love snow!

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:D We had lots of the lovely white stuff!Think we were the only school in the area to open.Very few children for our breakfast club,only a handful for preschool but we had a fantastic time .

First we wrote a list of all the things we needed for a good snowman,then gathered all those things, then yipee we went out built a fab snowman and had fun sledging on trays and having snowball fights. I do love this job!


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No snow in Stockport-or none that you would consider worth mentioning. So we are hoping we have at least enough tomorrow to go out and play in for a while.


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We had light snow flurries- school open so we stopped everything and went to play in it -had a whale of a time!!Think I had more fun than the kids!!!

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No Nina, you are not alone!


Im quite happy to look at snow from the safety of a warm dry room but I do not like driving in it. My school was closed today thankfully as I woke up with a splitting headache, but Im not looking forward to the drive to work tomorrow if the forecasted freeze occurs.

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I have to say, I am curious to know WHY Birmingham, Dudley and Solihull councils all decided to shut every single one of their schools? I don't remember that having happened before? I sit linked to health and sfaety worries - they don't want anyone to sue them if there are any accidents etc.? I think I've just heard on the news that Birmingham has already made the decision to keep everything closed tomorrow as well? And I thought we'd had the worst of the weather now/


Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of the odd day off( :D ) but the decision just seems a bit strange? It can't all be heating failures?

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Well as predicted the children were all so excited xD The schools by us were all closed and we stayed open!


The kids had a fab morning, shool field was divided in two one half for the kids to make snowmen the other for a massive snowball fight!!!!! Some of the teachers joined in on the fight, even the head :(


I however opted for snowman duty, don't really like snow but felt I had to supprt the children with their excitement :o


The head, all wet and soggy, finally blew the whistle (after an 1 hour and a half) for the children to go in. He did have fun, more than most of the children I think :(


Tomorrow we are back in school, again all the other schools closed! :wacko:


Oh well, kids did have great fun today which is so nice to see. No injuries either :) except for one poor who was in tears as he had swallowed some snow, when asked why he was so upset he told me that his mum had told him that he was allergic to snow!!!!!!!! I have to admit that I found it very hard not to LOL :(

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We had snow, we had a lovely day only 12 children out of 24 turned up, we made snowmen, snowball fights, made footprints in the snow, had hot choclate for snack. We also collected bucket fulls of snow and put it in the freezer to put in water tray tomorrow, just in case its all gone.

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Hi Wolfie, its certainly Birmingham policy to make a blanket decision rather than let each individual head make it, often without direct knowledge of the conditions, and then risk half the class and the teachers not turning up. There are times when we get more snow here than neighbouring parts and I would have really struggled to get in today..however there wasn't much at all by the school.


In fact Dudley made the right decision by saying last night that all schools were closed. I was almost on my way when Birmingham made the decision, they seem to forget that some people do actually leave before 7 to get to work.


It could get worse tongith as it freezes..

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