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One Task Down - Only A Hundred More To Go...

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well it feels like that! Finally got my portfolio together and took it round to my wonderful tutor this evening. She has been great, I've spent the weekend emailing her bits of work and she has emailed back with feedback!

So that's a weight off my mind as I have a feeling part of my appeal at the job interview was that I had done this course!! I know they had sent my predecessor on the course so....

I feel a bit lost now! You know when something has been there for so long, when it's finished it's like hmmmm what now?

Of course I have a list as long as my arm... keyfiles, planning, housework, deciding what to do with the children we mind tomorrow. Hadn't really thought about how many were coming til just now -

Our own 12 and 3 year olds, 2 more 3 year olds, a 2 year old, a 1 year old and a 7 month old baby!

Usually half of them are out at some form of school at any one point during the day!

Must admit I try not to plan in the holidays as usually someone brings something like a dvd they all want to watch or a game etc but we do usually change the display as I like to involve the older ones who come that are at school all day usually.

Struggling for a theme though. Have been so caught up with preschool, haven't planned for home properly! We did a lovely CNY display last year and at the moment we have the seasons... I'm waffling again aren't I!!! Sorry just trying to get my CM head back on after my traumas at preschool!!!


I'm spending most of next week doing Chinese New Year stuff - the older ones love making money envelopes and the younger ones make dragons.... then we'll do some noodle sampling and I bought some chicken and sweetcorn soup at the chinese supermarket yesterday - my 11 year old will pick all the sweetcorn out but it'll be fun!

Then of course we'll be pancake making at the end of the week! Feeling full already!

Sarah x :)


forgot to say - congratulations on getting course finished!!!! What an achievement! Coast for a bit now..... :o Sarah x


On my long term plan that I write then put away...! I have put senses down for this display... could incorporate CNY couldn't I, textures, sounds etc...


That's the beauty of long term plans - they're there to be changed!!!! Do senses another time - follow the children's interests... sure one of them's been to Chinatown recently or you can dig up some chopsticks from somewhere and 'find' them in the cooking box and off you go! Got this fab resource from somewhere last night, put a few bits of my own in and browsed under 5s forum etc for ideas.... have fun!

Having said that... i've got a 13 year old still in bed, a 12 year old playing music (very loudly but I like it so it's ok), an 11 year old finishing his football sticker book and mithering for an order to be placed, a 3 year old running round with a buggy and doll and a 16 year old who's just gone out to find friends!!! Not the best start to a week off but hey! we'll get there.... make some valentines cards tomorrow anyhow


Good luck Sarah x



I'd just go with the flow, like you say the children may bring something along, cooking and eating I would think would amuse for a while, and creating a display if they are inclined. Spaghetti painting great fun for all ages. Chopsti8cks there are lots of mini games to try moving objects from one place to another, use chopsticks for a game of 'pick-up sticks'.

Feathers are great for Chinese writing.


Have fun but also remember it's holiday time and 'just being' and just relaxing' is ok too, for you and the children :)



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