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Got a deadline for tomorrow, QA work, so up half the night again ;)


thought I would be on my own but looking at the index stats, there are 5 guests on the forum as well as me (only member) at this dark hour ( 3 am)



feel a bit spooky, sure they are lovely people but I don't know who they are :(:oxD


Off to bed, completed half the task, but hey, better than none, deadline 10am, mentor visit. :rolleyes:




ooooh, even more spooky, looked at total number of forum posts statistics and I am exactly equal with hali ( 3,886 posts each)


We've had an ongoing 'race' toward the 4,000 mark, since reaching the 3,000 at a similar time :) , Is it just coincidence that we are equal now, when the air is silent except for those strange night noises and my reflection of self in the window that makes me jump ? xD:ph34r: :wacko: :(


Goodnight ( or should I say morning)





mad, I am, who am I saying goodnight to :(:ph34r: :unsure:


I have long since been banned from early hour excursions to the PC as I was inclined to leap out of bed to carry out ideas that came to me in the wee small hours. Good Luck with your work and I will watch the race to 4000 with interest. :D


You know that is the first sign don't you...talking to yourself! Or maybe it's the fact you were up at 3am ? lol



I couldn't cope the next day if I stayed up that late! Hope you got it all done anyway!


i hope you got it all completed Peggy. My goodness I haven't been able to do that since my college days *** years ago. I would never cope the next day. I have a friend who goes to bed about nine o'clokc and then gets up at threeish to do all her planning then off she goes to work at seven. i don't know how she does it.


JaquieL, your friend is obviously a morning ( early) doer, whereas I procrastinate so much in the mornings that by the time I get down to doing what actually needs doing the task tends to extend into late night working. My brain definately works better at the latter end of the day. :o


I evidenced 6 of the 18 standards, by 3am, then 10 am this morning the mentor ( who is very nice) told me that some of the evidence is out of date xD , worked until midday, bit if a break ( well it is holiday time) then back to it this afternoon, tomorrow and Saturday most probably.



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