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As some of you know I went for an interview last week (friday afternoons interview), I did mention my hearing impariment, they were fine about it and very enfusisitc (sp). Well on Monday I metioned my hosptial appointment to the centre manager and I rang back up afterwards when she wanted to ring me back at the hosptial. So on Tuesday night she then went on to mention my hospital appointment, I went on to tell her about it i.e. hearing impairment. Well then she said she would call on Wednesday (she didn't) I rang up today (no answer back when she said).


I attend hosptial appointments for my ears every 6 months for an hearing test and to see the doctor, this process happens at the end of the day usally eather the 3.00pm or 3.15pm appointment so I would need to leave early say 2.30pm to get to the hosptial depending on where I am working. Also the hosptial are very understanding of my profession and are willing to see me at this time rather than during the day.


Now would you say that she had lost interested due to my ongoing hosptial appointment and hearing impairment?


Would you employ a nursery nurse with hearing impairment or make a judgement that I am not up to the job just from an interview?


I know these are silly questions but after 30 interviews since last August it is making me wonder if this is really the problem not the FDey course requiring day realse when neccessary. This is me take me or leave me but in the past I have never had this problem finding a job in childcare.


TIA Sorry for the long tread.




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Hi Beth

I would employ you if i was in Halifax.

Keep plodding on i'm sure the right jobs out there somewhere, speaking from someone who's interviewed loads of people just lately you sound very expereinced, some of the peole i've interviewed just lately, well......i'll say no more!!!!! or i could land myself in deep water!!!!!!

one sat down and because we asked her for an interview before we asked any questions she asked when she was due to start, another brought her baby who screamed all the way through... the list is endless. I know this doesn't help you but keep looking and good luck.

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How would I prove it though? :o


They were all for me on Monday to join their team, but then since Tuesday they don't seem to want me. I had not been offered the job just to try me out hence trying to pesuade them to do a govenment work trial over a longer period of time.


Also tommorow I cannot contact them nor them contact me due to the fact I am working at one of our children's centres from 8.30am til 5.00pm unless I do it in my lunch break.



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We have a play leader who is deaf in one ear. Not a problem, we all know and make sure she can sit with the good ear towards the children etc. As others have said, it would be discrimination to not employ you purely because of a hearing impairment unless you couldn't do the job. It may be that whoever you spoke to was really enthusiastic but hadn't thought it through or hadn't spoken to colleagues involved in the process.....

TBH though, if they have kept you hanging on and messed you about already, I would think twice about working there but that's just me :)

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Oh Beth this is really awful for you and how very very rude of this setting not to get back to you, but keep you hangin on and wondering. I certainly wouldn't be put off by your hearing problem. They had met you and seemed keen, so who knows why they have changed their mind- if they have. Perhaps the work trial was just too much bother for them. Their loss I'm afraid as someone with so much enthusiasm would be a real asset.

Keep going Beth someone somewhere wants you.

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I suppose that we are all guessing as to why you have not heard back. It would be good for you to get an answer one way or another, and if it is a 'no' then ask them for feedback.

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Guest MaryEMac

If it is your hearing impairment Beth, then they are being very shortsighted. Have they not heard of the DDA? I have just had to start wearing a hearing aid because my hearing in one ear is not as it should be and I have had no big problems. I find it difficult to hear the children when they speak quietly or mumble but that is all. The staff joke that they can't talk about me now because with my aid I can hear them. :o

I hope that you hear something soon so that you know where you stand. Best of luck.



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