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Ohhhhh How Annoying.......

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I have had a phone call about my work trial with the lovely nursery that I want to work in. Now theres a spanner in the works called the agency! They are going to visit in the next couple of days to see about other things and me I think? :( Any ideas on how to get rid of the agency? Answers on a postcard please.. :oxD


So it looks like that we may be having fun and games to get this sorted out. :( I really want to get back into work and they need someone as soon as possible. It always happens to me. :( We I do get it all sorted out I will tell you, you have been supportive thanks guys.





Its a govenment inatitve work trial if your on Jobskeekers (which I am) basicly you try out the atuctual vancancy with the employer to make in informed desion weither or not to take up the employment and vice versa.


Now the agency is something different alll toghter they basicly they put me forwards and then didn't bother to talk to me after the interview. Now the agancy could charge the nursery a fee for employing me. Even if I didn't take up the employment with them.


Now on top of this I will be unable to complete my college work in Thursdays IT lesson as I cannot get hold of the information requried to compete the task in hand. Oh well maybe I will have to complete it some time else but at end of the college day.





Have I got this right? You are signed with jobseekers and an agency? Or they connected? Sorry but I dont know anything about jobseekers. I do know that if you're with an agency they can make a charge to an employer if they take you onto staff, but I thought that was if you'd worked there through the agency first not just anyone. What if you decided to work in Sainsburys? They couldnt make a charge on them. :D


Yes you are right I am signing on for jobseeker and with registered with the agency. The angecy sent me to visit the nursery but have not got back to me, its the nursery who have been talking to me. xD


So Rea let me understand what you mean, so if I worked with the agency first i.e. worked for a day to try it out then the nursery took me on they would make a charge but if the nursery opted for the govenment work trial for 2 weeks and then they took me on the agency would not charge a fee to the nursery at all? :o


I wonder where to find out this information?


I am registered for 2 other agancies as well as this one in question and they would also find out how I did straight away and not wait for over a week to find out what is going on.


I hope this gets sorted out soon.





we had this where we had a member of staff from a agency who applied for a permanent position that was advertised within the setting and because the agency had introduced this person to the setting we had to pay them a fee when she was successful in getting the post. Luckily she was well worth the money.If the agency introduced you to the setting rather than jobseekers you may unfortunately be in the same position as us. Hope you get it sorted Beth it seems so unfair that this could cause problems for you good Luck


Hi there, sorry to hear about your predicament. As an ex recruitment consultant I had to deal with this a lot. Unfortunately if you go through an agency to find work, your potential employers are using that agency to find the perfect candidate instead of having to do the hard work themselves (the nursery should be very aware of this as it would be in any contract they would have to sign). Therefore if they choose to take you on they have to pay a certain percentage or set fee to the agency.


Hope everything is sorted soon


Well the nursery did adverstied the postion for a long time infact I applied back in Aug 06 but discovered that my appliaction form went missing in the post and also it as been adversted for a long time after this and is still open by Bradford early years service. I think in the end they went to an agency to fill the vacancy because nobody had succesfully gained the position. This is only 1 postion of 5 that are going in the nursery at the moment which they are unable to fill out - no idea why those.


I have also looked on the agencies website and found some interesting information but for teacher and not nursery staff. These are for annual salary of teachers £20000 they will take 15% so the fee is £3000 and for £25000 they will take 17.5% which is 43750. So on this basis how do you work it out? say the position is 37.5 hours per week at £7.00 which makes an annual salary of £13545 gross. Its all confusing to me.





Umm read the information wrong its 15% of any salary upto £20000. So for a salary of around £13500 is around £2000. I haven't atucally worked out my proper annual salary as I haven't got a clue when I am in college and when I am working on Thursdays.





Is it a supply agency or an employment agency?

My agency are there to to supply staff to nurseries on a daily basis covering staff sickness or training days, they dont send people to settings with the view to them getting a staff job there.

Are you getting regular work with the agency? If not you can always tell them you no longer wish to be on their books and then I suppose if the nursery are still advertising you could apply directly.

Sorry for all the questions I just cant quite make out why your agency would send you to visit if they and the nursery werent aware that there would be a finders fee. :o:D


No I have not got any supply work with this agency at all due to the fact day to day supply is not allowed whilst on my course. The agency does supply day to day and looks for full time employment as well.


Its the governent scheme which doesn't want the nursery to pay the fee as the agency seems to be a bit slack at responding to sending prospective staff to nurseries and not finding out what is going on. If I had waited for agency to contact me I would be waiting forever and apparently they would only let the nursery see me for 1 day, whereas the government work trial the nursery could see me work there for around 2 weeks.


So today I will have to find out what is going on with the job by see the man in charge of the work trials. It also transpires that this postion is still open with the job centre also. Before I go I will have to work out which weeks I will do 37.5 hours and 30 hours to gain my full salary for the year.




OOOOOOOOO xD why does it always happen to me. Been down to the jobcentre and now I have been told that I may not get the job at all for a while. The nursery will not pay the indrouctary fees to the agency and are now saying that they haven't got a contracted signed with them? :o I would really like this job aswell. :( Maybe I am not ment to work in childcare anymore, cause every time I somehow manage to get an interview and possibley a job something else gets in the way.


Now also I have hopefully got another interview tommorow morning i.e. a proper interview. :D And they have told me over the phone that they really want me to become their new employer.





Ok slightly off topic but a person came to the house, very nice of them even if I was ment to go to the office but I forgot! :(:( A bit of background to this visit, right theres a scheme call workwise in my area not sure if theres in each area but they deal with people with disabitiies i.e. me with hearing impariment etc. Now he could go to a setting and see if theres a vacancy etc, etc, theres also a scheme called work step where you can get money to support workers training needs in my case a higher education bursery to enable me to meet the new stardards of childcare. :o


Any how we then discused my possible job that the nursery does not want to pay the introducatary fees as they have not sign anything to do with this vancancy going. Well then they said well if they have not got any paper work at the nursery end signed i.e. the agency should have visited the setting and getting them to sign some paperwork then the agency does not have a leg to stand on and will not beable to get any money from the nursery in question. The agency is just visiting this week sometime and had not visited before. xD


They also said it sounded that the agency had noticed this vanacy and they could have rung up saying 'oh we have someone can we send her etc, etc' so then the agancy sent me without visiting the setting first. Now this itself poses a question to think that they have been reseaching the setting on the web and finding out information to give to me. Now I know all about the setting and know what its like as I got gave this information when I applied back in Aug 06 and the agency told me exactly in the words of the information given to me back then that I have just found. Strange or what? Sounds like the agency has been doing something wrong to me. Also the agency is fairly new around here but the staff have been taken from other agencies (including one of my other ones) so you would know what to do like visit the setting first then paperwork and then staffing needs.


I was at the shop at dinnertime and someone was talking about agencies and suprise they had a phone call of one agency and did not visit, sign any paperwork but then send a person for a job and then they took on the worker a few months ago, but now that agency had told them to pay the fee, then the person who was the employer told their soclitier and they told them they don't have a legal leg to stand on as with an angecy you would have to have signed a document and for each person to have a completed and signed copy of this. Which they did not, so me thinks we need to tread carefully on this one.


Sorry didn't mean to make it sooo long.





Well the person who visited you seems to know whats going on so hopefully things will work out for you. It does seem that without anything signed the agency will be unable to claim a fee which should keep the gov. people ahppy too.

Fingers crossed for you Beth :D

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