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Emergency Medical Treatment

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We have recently been given a recommendation by Ofsted for not having parents written consent permitting us to remove a child for emergency treatment. This is quite easily solved (i think!) by putting out permission slips and ensuring this is included on future enrolement forms, but i'm a bit stumped about how to begin with the written policy/procedure.


I would be really grateful if anyone has a procedure i could look at or any advice on what needs to be included.


Thanks very much :)

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Here is how we ask parents to give consent for emergency treatment:



I give permission for the pre-school to contact the

emergency services or to take my child to seek medical

attention in the case of an accident or illness when I or any of the

named emergency contacts cannot be reached.

Yes/No (Please delete)



And then we have a bit added to our H & S policy.



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Hi Lucy

We have this on our enrolment forms. a statement if in the eventuality of my child needing urgent medical attention, I/we give permission for staff to phone the emergency services and accompany my child until I/we can attend.


Think through what you do from the beginning and write it down.

Example - After child being assessed by First aider and decision made to call for assistance;

Designate staff to child;

staff to clear area, and if possible, different staff to assist and observe/note ready to give info to Emergency services and go with child (key person or paired person);

Staff to phone emergency services (separate procedure displayed near phone helps!), then gather any records and emergency money pouch or phone and personal item for attending adult to travel with, and then wait and direct emergency services;

Staff to contact parents/carer.


At hospital.

Handover to parent.

Collection of staff member.

Incident write ups and staff after care.


Hope this helps you.

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Permission slips that we have are similar to those posted.


We have a statement in our health, illness and emergency policy:

Major accident

· The manager will assess the situation and decide whether the child needs to go immediately to hospital or whether the child can wait for the patent/ carer to collect their child

· If a child needs to go straight to hospital an ambulance will be called. The parent/ carer will be contacted and arrangements made to meet them at the hospital. A senior member of staff will accompany the child to hospital but will not sign for any treatment to be carried out

· If the parent/ carer cannot be contacted, a reassuring message will be left and the emergency contacts will be called

· If the parent/ carer is collecting the child from nursery, the child will be made as comfortable as possible and will remain with their key worker, where possible. It will then be the decision of the parent whether to go to hospital or not

· A report of the accident will be recorded it he accident book and made available for the parent to read and sign at the earliest opportunity


The important thing to think about is if the parent cannot be contacted and the child needs emergency surgery. We have that the nursery staff will not sign for treatment as this could be against parents wishes (religious or otherwise) and could leave staff open to being liable in the event of something not going to plan. However, I have seen permission slips were parents give authority for staff to sign consent in their absence, but I wouldn't want to do this as a practitioner.


Out of interest, would medical staff continue without consent if it was in the best interests of the child - has anyone ever had to deal with this?

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I have similar as others but also include a statement requesting permission to administer 1st aid ( qualified 1st aiders) and an option to say no that they do not want emergency service medical treatment, and to state what action they would want. I have once had a jehovahs witness complete this staement saying child could be taken from setting by emergency services but not to treat until parent has been contacted. I also have another parent who beleives in only using herbal therapies for her child and has requested that this information is passed to the emergency services. ( my thoughts were that paramedics would have their own procedures in these instance once the child is in their care). I felt it was important to enable parents to say no and give alternative permission ( if you see what I mean)


This is all included on my registration form ( available in resource library)



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