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I was wondering if you get your parents to sign your register every week? I haven't been doing it but was told by my network co-ordinator that we MUST do it cos Ofsted can mark us down if it's not signed.


I just dispair at the amount of paperwork already and things we have to have on display at all times (eg Ofsted's poster). My home is looking more and more like a nursery and I'm beginning to resent it!

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Mine sign every month when they pay their bills... if it's weekly I intend to cry.... just finished all my policies and procedures (again) and fed up of jumping through hoops :oxD


On the subject of posters, I got a big noticeboard (the biggest the Trafford Centre sell) put everything on it .... then during hols and at weekends I put it behind the sofa


Sarah x

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We don't get our register signed at all! I have never been asked to in the past and have never heard of anybody else doing so. Did they give a reason?


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Well, no it's just something the network co-ordinator said - apparently someone she knows was marked down because of it - and she had heard of someone else who'd been marked down for not displaying a colour poster for Ofsted. :|


I think it all depends on the particular Ofsted inspector you get and what her 'bug-bear' is.

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In the days when you had contact with your insepctor before the inspection, I went on the Oftsed website and looked at some recent reports that she had done at other settings to see what her particular "bugbears" were!....and I ws right when she came! I think childminders still get a bit of notice...maybe you could do the same thing? :o

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We don;t do this in nursery so maybe its something that Ofsted have just for childminders. Just thinking on this and why they are asking for this to be done. Could it be tied into some sort of audit procedures for the WFTC to make sure that parents are using the money for childcare or perhaps there is a case somewhere where a child was injured and they said it was done at the childminders. I don't know why and I always like to know why. In these circumstances nurseries would also have to do it but I am not doing this at the moment. I haven't seen it anywehere either but that's not to say its not there.


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I've not heard of it either ! Crikey, it's bad enough trying to get parents to sign the NEG claim forms once a term (and that's in their interests!) - I can't imagine the mayhem if we had to get them to sign the registers too!!


We don't display a poster for Ofsted, either, just contact details.



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You don't think it's something to do with the signing in and out that nurseries have to do - so that you are aware who is/isn't on the premises at any one time for fire regulations? I can't think that it is because signing once a week wouldn't be any good for that, but I wonder if the person who advised you means something along those lines?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Suggesting parents/carers sign childminder's registers each day to agree that the hours the childminder has marked their child as in the childminder's care tallies with the hours their child was in fact in their childminder's care, means that childminders cannot fiddle the register to cover up being 'over their numbers'.


It seems to boil down to needing the extra signature to prove a childminder's honesty.



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I do not know what is right or wrong but yes we do have to display the parent poster and I know of childminders that have got round this by photocopying it and giving it to the parents. An inspector was happy with this.


regarding signing the register. I only do it monthly. The parents are signing to agree that these are the hours attended. Should something happen outiside the hours you have signed evidence of when the child was with you. The other reason for signing is to agree that they were given a reciept for payment. This would be evidence for inland revenue.


I am a network minder and this is what we have always been advised.


angela worrell

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As a full daycare provider we have to indicate time in and time out on our register but were not askd to have parent signatures.




p.s. My Eyat told me the other day that Ofsted have changed the phone number on their poster ( thanks Linda for the link) As I haven't got my current poster to hand I will look tomorrow to see if it is the 404040 number as shown on the website.

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  • 3 months later...

Was told as a childminder that parents must sign children in and out daily - this is easy done with a clipboard by the door and asking the parent to do it


The reasoning behind it is

  • You can prove when the child was there or not
  • You can charge for overtime - parents are then aware when they are late
  • If an accident happens - you can prove the child was not on the premises at the normal time

It is pretty easy to do and not extra work for you - just for your parents!

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Just had our Ofsted last week, the inspector saw that we tick every child in and out, indicating if the times are different to those specified on the register ie if they are late arriving or leave early. Parents do not sign our register.


Staff also have to sign in arrival and departure times.


Perhaps it is different for childminders?

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Guest toddleo

I am interested in Deb's comment about staff needing to sign in and out on arrival and departure, do you know if this is a written down requirement Deb? where can I find out more do you think, because we certainly do not do this and it has never been mentioned before? Appreciate your help!!

Edited by toddleo
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Hi Toddleo


Our staff didn't sign in and out until a few weeks ago. We had a visit from our local Sure Start advisor ahead of an expected Ofsted Inspection which was overdue. She told us then that we are required to sign staff in and out. Will see if I can find it in the new EYFS.

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Thanks for the comments about parents signing. I now have the NCMA register and I get them to sign it monthly (as I have four part-timers all doing different times/days, I don't always remember to get them to sign weekly, so monthly works).

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I am interested in Deb's comment about staff needing to sign in and out on arrival and departure, do you know if this is a written down requirement Deb? where can I find out more do you think, because we certainly do not do this and it has never been mentioned before? Appreciate your help!!


Whether it is a requirement or not it would be good practice, you need to know

  • Which staff are on the premises in case of fire
  • Who to pay for what hours
  • If a member of staff was there when a particular incident happened or had they gone home early?
  • Can you prove that you always work within your numbers if Ofsted challenged you - you can if everyone signs in and out!

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I am a Linked, Networked and Accredited Childminder and I use all NCMA books for my record keeping, which I do for my good practice.


I have a daily register, that tallies with the childrens individual contract, parents must sign this weekly.

This also proves I haven't gone over my alloted numbers of certain children of certain ages at the same time.


I have a monthly expences record, which includes a monthly payment record that parents must also sign, this tallies the money I have recieved from each parent for the hours worked and marked in the above register!


I also give each parent a recipt for the money they pay to me, this must also be signed!!


I have a exsisting record book of any accident, bump, bruise or graze the children have arrived with (or recieved at school), this must also be signed!!!


Plus the usual accident/medical book of anything that has happened whilst in my care., this must also be signed.


I have Ofsted posters, my registration, insurance and complaints procedure all displayed in my hall wall, germ posters, fire posters and generally any safety issue poster I find displayed in any spare place I can find!

My toilets have wash your hands poster in them.

These are all in my home , and its something we've all had to learn to live with.


Some parents have joked they will get me a rubber stamp so I can do it, as there does seem to me to be an awful lot of signing to be done, and getting them to do it can sometimes be a chore as their in a rush to get away!

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