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Foundation Stage Profile

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Does anyone know where I can get a suitable foundation stage profile which I can map progress along for children in our daycare room who are three plus . Perhaps there is one on this fantistic site somewhere?

Thanks :o


Have you tried striding through the stepping stones? its not cheap but along with a file you get a disk with the same contents so you can print off what you need and also alter it for your specifications.


Its by focus education also from amazon. You can see some pics on amazon too.


I've also been on the lookout for the same thing but haven't had any success so far and am thinking that it's probably best to devise my own! I've looked at both the Sound Learning scheme and Striding through the Stepping Stones and am not keen on either of them! The Striding thorugh the Steepiong Stones one in particular is so big...so much paperwork!!


I'm not sure whereabouts in the country you are - it might be worth checking to see if your authority's early years advisors are recommending any particular approach or scheme or are even maybe devising one of their own? More and more authorities seem to be coming up with their own schemes now.


Two books that I've found particularly helpful as background reading to devising your own scheme are by Vicky Hutchin - "Tracking Significant Achievement in the Early Years" and "Observing and Assessing for the Foundation Stage Profile". I got them both from Amazon.


Let me know if you find the sort of thing you're after anywhere! :)


Like wolfie says, I'd check with your EY people. I've heard they are piloting a nursery profile here in Birmingham, maybe other places are too. In the meantime I'll ask at work, they were locked in the office for ages a couple of weeks ago and it was something to do with assesments ! :D


Birmingham are piloting the nursery profile. I dont know exactly where but it's in the community day nursery I'm at. I've managed a brief look, it's based almost entirely on the FS folder with the stepping stones. The booklet didnt say anything about evidence from what I could see but I'll have a more indepth read tomorrow.


Guest Wolfie

I'd be very interested to hear more at some stage Rea! :)

Guest Wolfie

That's a very useful site, thanks for that!

Guest Wolfie

That's also very useful - thank you very much! :)

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