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E123 E124 Open University


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Mm! I would have to say yes as I did use it during my study but I suppose it really depends what you are looking for especially as there are soooo many books on the market these days.


I did buy this one just because I wanted to and really liked it! Unfortunately my bookshelf is pretty bare at the moment as I have realised that I lent my books to a colleague for the summer hols! so I can't have a quick flick through!



Developing Early Years Practice

Author(s) - Linda Miller, Carrie Cable, Jane Devereux



List Price: £17.99

ISBN: 9781843123170

ISBN-10: 1843123177

Publisher: David Fulton Publis

Publication Date: 27/10/2005

Pages: 220




About the Title


This book provides readers working in a diverse range of early years settings with the underpinning knowledge required to increase their effectiveness in working with young children. It will explore a wide range of issues including: the roles and responsibilities of practitioners; developing reflective practice; how children learn and develop; early years curriculum; working with parents and professionals and developing inclusive environments.


* Appropriate for all SureStart Unit Recognized Awards


* Helps students meet the learning outcomes of the Statement of Requirement


* Covers the birth to eight age range


* Includes Practical work-related activities and issues for reflection


Combining an understanding of the relationship between practical workplace issues and relevant academic knowledge, this is a core textbook for all Foundation Degree students working in early years education and care. It is also highly relevant for students following an Early Childhood Studies degree or B.Ed/PGCE Early Years course.


One that I have delved into quite alot is:


Advanced Early Years and Education: For levels 4 and 5 by Iain MacLeod-Brudenell


Sorry not sure if this is much help at all!! I just think that sometimes books are a 'personal' thing and what one person likes isn't necessarily another persons cup of tea even if they have the subject interest! - gosh that sounds garbled but hope it makes sense!!

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  • 4 months later...

Is anyone currently studying the EZL123 and EZL124 at the ou, or has anyone completed it?? could do with someone to chat to about it all.....

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Hi. Thank you for the warm welcome. The EZL is the assessment only route, no tutor... it follows the same sort of context as the E but only have to hand in one 3000 essay for each, the lack of tutor/guidance is proving quite difficult though!

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Signed up for the E123 to study one at a time no pressure and then will continue with the E124 in Oct when other is finish. starting in FEb 08 but already started being new and reading up everything first is the advice I give to anyone, I even read it over twice it makes so much sense.


So please feel free to ask me anytime if you get stuck, I just wwish I knew when my tutorials are and where... although got a tutor.


Good luck to everyone

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Signed up for the E123 to study one at a time no pressure and then will continue with the E124 in Oct when other is finish. starting in FEb 08 but already started being new and reading up everything first is the advice I give to anyone, I even read it over twice it makes so much sense.


So please feel free to ask me anytime if you get stuck, I just wwish I knew when my tutorials are and where... although got a tutor.


Good luck to everyone



You still not found out about your tutorials yet????

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Good luck with your studies :o


It can take a little time before you receive details of where and when your tutorials will be held and not all students receive the information at the same time.


If your course does not officially start until February I would not be too concerned at this stage that there are no tutorial details yet - especially as you know who your tutor is.


As an example I am due to start course KE312 - I received my first batch of course materials last week, the official course start date is January 26th. I have known who my tutor is for a week or so but only received details of my tuturials yesterday.


Keep checking your student homepage and you will find the tutorial information suddenly appears - literally a case of not there yesterday but maybe today!


Hope this helps.

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Thanks geraldine but I would like to know very soon really as I have 2 kids, husband who works and if I have to travel Ineed to plan ans organise care for kids! I am a very organised person and like it too continue if you know what I mean. But thanks for your reassurance and will keep a watch over this next week, and I have emailed my tutor so hopefully she may be able to tell me too.



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Sorry if my previous post was a little misleading :o I think I misread yours!


I TOTALLY understand the need to know asap to enable you to get organised. I don't have small children and my husband doesn't work at weekends but I still like to know as early as possible when my tutorials will be. I read your message that you were concerned about the lack of tutorial information as meaning you were concerned the OU hadn't notified you - or had they forgotten you!


The good thing is you get all your tutorial dates in one go - I have my dates up to the final one in September.

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Try not to worry Hairymaclary. I'm in the same boat, starting E124 on Feb 2 and no sign of a tutor, let alone some tutorial dates!

I got this information about a week before I started E123 so I'm not too worried.

I like to be organised too with my children doing lots of 'stuff' at weekends.

Think I might go check my e-mails again!!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

hi loulizrob

I am doing the EZL 123. it is difficult to do without a tutor. I am not sure if what i am writting about is right or wrong! i'm up for from mutual support ?

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hi loulizrob

I am doing the EZL 123. it is difficult to do without a tutor. I am not sure if what i am writting about is right or wrong! i'm up for from mutual support ?


Hi elle.... I have just completed my ECA for the EZL123 and am beginning to work on the EZL124, though neither hve to be in until, april. How are you doing do far? I have just had to trust my instincts... I am sure we'll be fine?!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi. I completed E123 last year and am half way through E124 at the moment. My last two assignements have only got a C grade which I'm very disappointed about as I got B's all through E123. I think I am lacking motivation for this E124 and finding the tutor comments unhelpful. Is anyone else about to start TMA3 on E124? Perhaps we can motivate eachother!

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Hi Jo


Thought I rec-cogg-nised you!


Like you I did E123, now I'm on the 3rd assignment for TMA03 in E124.


I got a good mark in my first TMA, probably a B, for E123 but since then possibly a C since except for the last assignment on E124 where I guess I got a B again. I think it has taken me all this time to realize that I need to show how what I have learned from doing the studying. As well as reflecting in the assignment, I have attached my observations as appendicies and shown my reflection there, so I would write in italics.. on reflection I could have asked a open ended question here instead. My tutor liked this.


I think a lot depends on your relationship with your tutor as well, from what students have said at our tutorials of other tutors they have had or have. My last tutor was good, my current tutor seems very approachable and has even given us tutorial notes such as key words to ie inclusion, parent partnership etc.


Am curently working my way though the study topics. Have written up one set of observations for one activity and am currently working on my second observation. I have not written any of the assignment as yet. Finding it difficult to know which direction to go in, finish the study topics, write the first part of the assignment or what. Guess what I'm going to be doing over the entire Easter half-term? Have no idea as yet what to do for the ECA either as yet but then I do tend to take one step at a time.


Be glad to share thoughts with you and hopefully help each other, and anyoneselse who is in the same boat.

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Hi Debs. I have started on the assignment and made lots of notes so I kind of know what I want to say. I am doing a cooking activity and a circle time where we talk about our topic of growing. I'm hoping that I can show that they are both cross-curricula. I am involving 3-4 year olds in cirlcle time, at pre school. And a 2 year old at home as a childminder. So I am covering Foundation and Birth to Threes curriculum which is making it more complicated for me!!


I haven't even looked at the ECA!!!!


Good luck with your assignement!


Edit - I am just doing my assignment now and have got to part 6 - Supporting Learning - and have no idea what spidergram to do, I am so stuck!!! Any ideas? Thanks!

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Hi Jo


How's it going?


Like you I have made loads of notes, and started my assignment. I came back to it this afternoon and was up to part 3, hours later I am still at part 3, albeit much happier with it having made loads of changes - I cannot believe how the hours fly by. Parts 1 & 2 came together reasonably easy but I came to a grinding halt with part 3. I find it difficult to know which bit to put in which part, so much to say, so few words! I think the important thing is to put something down, at least it is a start and can then be changed, over and over again.


Oh well, back to it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I just had my TMA03 result back and I didn't do very well. :o I am very deflated and am now so worried about the ECA. I know why I haven't done well with E124, it's because my private and professional life have been very up and down and I've had a lot on my mind, plus I haven't been able to get to any tutorials.


I need a kick up the backside - my job relies on me passing this course!! Not even sure if I want to continue with the foundation degree.


Sorry, just needed a moan!!

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Jo you don't need a kick you need some TLC and an opportunity to have a moan with people who know how you feel!


I seem to remember you've taken on a new job as well? Stop beating yourself up!


It sounds like you have passed TMA03? If so, that's all you need. Nobody going to know what marks you got when you get that Certificate in Early Years Practice through your door!


I have spent so much time on studying lately I too wonder whether it's all worth it. Really trying hard to get ECA out of the way so we can have a much needed family break at Whitsun.


I know the tutorials practically take up a day by the time we get there and back but I have found them extremely useful this time particularly. Our current tutor is really helpful. Sometimes all you need is a clue about the question I've found to make sure you're on the right track. We've got our last tutorial on Saturday.


If I can be of any help, do ask. You can always send me a pm. I do hope it's all worth the effort, I've a feeling it will be.


I'm analysing our observation and assessment, oh boy, face your fear or what!


Chin up!

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Thanks Deb, it's good to know you're there and understand! I wish I could've got to the tutorials - I did for E123 and I did really well on that! I'm sure once I've made a start on the ECA I'll be ok, but I will be holding my breath for the result to come in! I just wish there were more hours in the day.


Thanks xxx

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Jo - if I can be of any help please let me know. I was sorry I missed your previous edited post asking for assistance on the spidergramn - would have been happy to help. Perhaps edited posts don't get sent via email?


All things being equal, I will be sunning myself in Cornwall from the 23 May for a few days so I won't be around then. IF I have completed by ECA I will be a dribbling drunken heap on a deckchair somewhere - fingers crossed!!

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Jo you don't need a kick you need some TLC and an opportunity to have a moan with people who know how you feel!

Hear! Hear!


Frankly I have no idea about the technicalities of Open University: TMAs, ECA etc may as well be in Greek for what I understand about it :o but I know we all go through rough patches when we take on a meaty course of study. There are times when we want to throw in the towel which is when we need our friends to remind us of the bigger picture and encourage us to carry on.


Jo: I hope you're feeling a bit more positive about your studies now: knowing why your grade might not have been as good as you wanted or expected is a huge help, and I'm sure that you can turn it around. And as Deb said - a pass is all you need and it sounds to me that you've done well to pass with everything else you've had going on in your life just recently.


Perhaps you should congratulate yourself on not buckling under the strain and then see if there's something you can tweak to make life a bit easier from now on.


Take care


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Hi Jo and everyone, my results for TMA 1...E123 was only just a pass and E124 was a bit better. I'm finding the hours whizzing by and not enough of them!!! Plus waiting for a moving date to move house.....very stressful!

Keep going Jo, like everyone has already said the bigger picture at the end of it is worth it and as long as you get a pass what does it matter?!


Good luck and keep going


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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you for being so supportive - I really don't know what I would do without everyone on here!!


Well, I finished the ECA but I am so worried about not passing, I think if I do pass I will be celebrating for a month! I have however taken the brave step to signing up to E115! I'll probably regret it, but I am hoping my life may be a little more stable by October!


By the way, I had an interview for the Mangers job and got it last week - I am no longer 'acting manager'! Still waiting for Ofsted to arrive tho!

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Congratulations Jo and well done on your new manager's post. Well deserved I'm sure. :o


Well done also on finishing your ECA - for E124 I take it? xD


I've recently completed the ECA for E123 and am plodding through E124. I too have signed up for E115 in October so our paths may cross for this one. Am approaching this with caution and investing in a good printer as I believe theres a lot of evidence gathering and printing out involved. :(


Good luck for your 'O' visit. They'll be here before you know it and then you hopefully can relax. Do you work term time only? Keep us posted.

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Well done for getting your ECA done Jo, if it helps at all, I'm not confident about my ECA for E124 either, though I feel it helped me to reflect on the subject (observation and assessment) and it has motivated me to undertake further reading. It may even be a starting point for discussion as a team - I live in hope.


Like you and Dublinbay I have signed up for E115 in October - though it sounds a bit daunting doesn't it! At least we'll be doing it together :o .


Congratulations on getting the Manager's job too, looks like you're on a roll so hope Ofsted inspection goes well too. Let us know how you get on.


Is the OU site right? Someone said the results for the ECA would be out by 6th August?

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