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Returning To Work


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hi i have a member of staff who has been off sick for a while now she is returning to work and i wanted to conduct a return to work interview to see how best i can support her and ease her transition back into work does anyone have experience of these and if so what kind of questions did you ask do you have a standard form that you use

really would be grateful for your help and guidence many thanks x jojom x

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I don't have a policy on it but the things I would take into consideration are the fact that the person may be suffering from a lack of confidence/self esteem she may be having worries about what she can and cannot do and also personal concerns about how she joins back in the team. I apologise again for being repetitive but I think it communication, communication, communication is the answer. She may want to feel valued and therefore would want to be put in at the deeper end of the pool so she can show her worth or maybe she might want a gradual transition to ensure that she feels comfortable and unstressed. Without knowing her concerns and how she feels it would be very difficult to offer any advice. So I think a sort re-induction meeting might be useful to find out what her anxieties are and how she wishes to proceed might be useful. Clearly this will be very much dependent on the individual and you must work around this deciding how best to move forward. Not much help I know but dealing with an issue like this will be different and individual - keeping the lines of communication open will help decide how to progress. For me I know that I would probably want to get back into the job quickly but that is me and my personality but for others it may be slightly different. Be guided by what she feels and wants and can manage and by doing this you can then monitor the progress and make plans for any areas that need addressing. You obviously need to keep your primary purpose in mind of her position and employment but you can work around issues if you know what you are up against


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I don't have anything to add to that but I think that it's great that you've considered the needs of this member of staff and are doing something constructive to make sure that they are met. :)

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I had one (only ever had 3 days of sick (fingers crossed)) but had one after 1 day with a migraine was part time and still at uni, they wanted to know if everything was going ok for me, any problems, concerns, was i feeling 100% better and if i reguarly suffered from them. Then told me i was a valuable part of the team and was obviously missed while i was off etc... there was a scale of sickness too, if you have so many days off in a row, or within a period of time.


I wasnt thrilled as it was only 1 day, and i was genuienly ill, but i do think that it was like a mini review and if i had to conduct one with my staff now, i would like to know if they were feeling 100% now and felt ready to be back (or if it was for the money, because it makes a huge difference to motivation) , how they felt about returning to work, how they wanted to be treated, and then basically i would leave them for a day and then expect them to get stuck in (to what they can handle), with the knowledge that I was there for them if they needed help with anything.


I suppose it depends how long the person has been off and what with. It can take a while to build up stamina again to do our jobs and maybe more frequent breaks might be in order, if a bit shorter. Lighter duties, but you dont want them to become a target for others. That can hapen quite easily and before you know its even starting!

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i spoke to the member of staff today and she expressed her concerns about returning to work full time as she has been off since christmas and her illness was particularly agressive we agreed between us that she will work half days next week and if that goes ok we will build it up gradually and work towards full time over the month i asked her to let me know how her return effects her and reassured her that i will be there to offer her the necessary support as i view her as a valued member of our team

Marion thankyou for the form i used it and found it really helpful

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  • 5 years later...

Has anyone got any forms they can share with regards to 'staff returning to work from sickness' after (Continuous) single days off-- normally a monday !!


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