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I am so so so STRESSED :o .


My senior team (deputy and senior nursery officer) are driving me crazy. Why is it that they (ok mostly deputy) go out the way to annoy other staff?.


just a few examples.


Last night (at staff meeting) i mentioned that toddler room bedding was to go in the wash at 2pm, ahead of lunchtime washing so that it had time to dry etc for the following day. so a simple request, everyone else listened and hung back on putting their washing in. But deputy decided to ignore me and put her room's washing in at 1:50, so thus toddlers couldn't wash there's... WHY do this!!!!!


Deputy also walked into toddler room today and decided she was cold in their so she would like to close the window. it was not cold in their at all xD she did not consult room leader, just shut window instead.


Last night at end of staff meeting deputy and senior and myself all in building with keys i was ready to leave ahead of deputy, and senior was chatting to deputy so i said bye see you tommorow, senior jumped in and said 'who will lock up; (it was actually her late shift anyway so typically she would be locking up) i told her that her and deputy had keys so either could do it (fair enough?) and left, well apparantly the scowl i got was untrue. this moning senior said to me " why did you dash of suddently, someone had to wait with deputy".... her tone was condesending, like i had done wrong in leaving ahead of them!. .....

i did not view that i had done wrong in leaving ahead of them, and its not like they were there ages, as i was backing out of my space they were out the building and locking the door. so its not like they had to stay ages.... :(


also at staff meeting i was talking about the safer food better business and talked about the 3 c's, cross-contamination, cleaning and cooling.... At which stage my deputy pipes up "that's not three C's it's 4" what do you say to that!!!!! how condesending in front of all my staff.....


then at staff meeting we start talking about supervisors (deputy and senior) have informal 'supervisory' meetings with staff so they have key staff. one of my staff said to senior "you are my supervisor" senior responded with "that's why your taking to me then!"... that staff member felt embaressed and put in her place.



where do i legally stand if i feel that staff are not working to job description, but can't really prove it.... can i demote them, or do i have to go down disciplinarary channels......

my deputy and senior literally take no b***dy notice of me, to my face they nod and agree but behind my back they just take the p*ss. ........


im really starting to hate my job because of them.


I know my director knows the issues and she advises me to deal with it, but i have tried talking to the staff concerned, both directly, and through staff meetings/memo's to no avail, as i say they nod and agree, or jump back and challenge me wanting to know when, wheres and why's of complaints etc.... so if i say " i have heard this has happened" my deputy will say "well who is saying that" and i can't tell her (confidentiality).


basically they are both getting paid to do senior jobs and improve staff relations and support me, both DON't do this.....


i'm so fed up, i feel really upset by it all


any advice, please?



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I hade this with one of my staff and was advised legally that I needed to meet with the staff look at their job description and specification discuss what areas they where not meeting. I then in conjunction with the staff member made an action plan of what they needed to do to meet their specific role and any support needed from myself and a time scale that this had to be achieved. We agreed that this would be reviewed at the end of the time scale and if they had not met the targets we where able to go down the demoting route as they had been giving opportunity and support and where still unable to meet the requirements of the position. Hope this helps

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Do you not have appraisals/supervision meetings? This would be the ideal opportunity to review job descriptions and match actual roles with written roles.

As part of the senior team, and as part of 'management' meetings, would it not be a good idea to go over current work with them - do they feel as though their jobs match what they were employed to do (I know my jd is way out of date :D )

Perhaps you could approach it from the viewpoint that you have been in post for x months and want to review ALL job descriptions and would welcome any contributions that will then be fed back to your line manager and new job descriptions could be issued - if the staff feel as though they have 'ownership' they may be more willing to do as they are asked? I know you are bound by being part of a chain and it has to be the same across the board, but you should also get support from your line manager if the situation is making you this miserable.

I haven't got the answer and only you know the staff, but I'm sure you'll be able to resolve all the issues... hang in there, you've done a great job so far :o

RB x

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it is just so hard when there attitude is pulling almost every other member of staff down, the amount of people who have been to talk to me about these staff members is loads.


I feel im failing my team by not knowing what to do with the deputy and senior. I just want them to work with me and not against me, but that seems too much to ask at the moment.


will bugger off from moaning now LOL and go and see a friend, who used to be an ex-manager, (hmmmm wonder why she gave up management LOL, seems an appealing option right now)



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You are not failing. As you know this has happened with me. The one thing I have learnt is that you must log EVERYTHING.


It really is time to meet with her but I would ask your driector for help. Disciplinaries are tricky issues, and you need to get the right advice.


My deputy is just like yours, and it has now made the rest of the team stronger. The team have come SUCH a long way in 9 months, and they now want rid of the 'bad-apple'.


Don't leave it Dawn like I did for a bit. I know it's hard but tackle it NOW - with advice first.


I know you spoke to her before about things, and expected an improvement from her - so this is your next step. She's waiting to see what you're going to do about it, and after your powerful staff meeting the other day - now is the time.


You will find that the rest of the team will be relieved, and will back you no-end x

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You have had some really good advice - I didn't really know how to help so waited. But this I can do - send you all my best wishes and positive vibes. Not much practical use, I know, but a morale-booster?? I've not actually been in your position, so wouldn't presume.


Sue ((xxx))

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Hope you get this resolved Dawn.


Your senior cant have been in position very long, as that was your place before promotion? Was she an internal promotion?

I really dont understand how someone in a senior position and fairly newly appointed behaves in this way although I can understand that your deputy bears a grudge in the circumstances and is quietly undermining you. She's winning on the confidence front too, dont let her!

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Hi Dawn


I own a small nursery, and can I just say from all the posts I've read of yours you seem so dedicated consciencious and enthusiastic dont let the staff get the better of you and try not to show it to them from experence that will have more effect! You have obviously got where you are through hard work and determination keep your chin up, wish you were closer to me!


Forget it now and have a good weekend- down that vino!



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Any progress today Dawn?




senior was not in, she had annual leave for a day. this meant i was working in the room with my deputy, low and behold today deputy has not been annoying people because she has stayed in the room she 'belongs' in instead of flitting around and noseying around (and interfering). Everyone has been relaxed, including me :)


So today was okay,


it was lovely to be in a room, i did hand and foot painting, children loved it and so did I (few frowns of deputy, who clearly doesn't know the meaning of fun!!!!)


Deputy followed ALL policies and procedures because she knew i was in there.


I wish i could be in the room more often but its simply not always that possible, i know when im in a room i am thinking about all the office based things that need doing, its double edged, but if i manage my time better i do aim to get into the room deputy and senior work in and 'moniter' them more closely.


I am on a course monday and tues next week, and what normally happens whilst i am away is my deputy and senior rub staff up the wrong way, so wednesday could be interesting....

I think i will see how things stand come wednesday. If things go out the window again because i am not there then i will definetly have to have firm words with deputy and senior.


Some times my deputy can be amazingly supportive, other times not so. I struggle with her being so hot and cold with me.... never quite know where i stand.

My senior is rather immature if i am honest, and will sulk if something is bothering her.....i normally ignore her sulking as my thinking is she is old enough to come to me if she has an issue, and if she won't come to me, then really should i have to chase after her to see what the issue is, particularily when 9 out of ten times it will be related to the fact that i have made a decision and she doesn't like it, so as such she sulks.... give me strength!!!!!


but to answer your question LOL, no, no progress made, but a lovely friday had by all, because i was keeping deputy in check simply by being in room with her........


now where is the duplicate machine so i can make several copies of myself to sit in all rooms.....LOL... that would solve all the problems :o



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Just a hard-earned word of advice Dawn - do not wait 'to see' how things go on Wed. I know your deputy had a good day on Friday, but she will repeat things again - she has not changed for the better just because you were in the room.


She knows that you are aware of her ways and attitudes, and at the moment thinks she has got away with them, and that you arn't going to do anything.


Tackle things on the day, or at the latest the day after.


You can't wait for her to slip up again before you do something. Also, your team will be waiting for you to do something about things.


I know it's hard - but VERY necessary x

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Just a hard-earned word of advice Dawn - do not wait 'to see' how things go on Wed. I know your deputy had a good day on Friday, but she will repeat things again - she has not changed for the better just because you were in the room.


She knows that you are aware of her ways and attitudes, and at the moment thinks she has got away with them, and that you arn't going to do anything.


Tackle things on the day, or at the latest the day after.


You can't wait for her to slip up again before you do something. Also, your team will be waiting for you to do something about things.


I know it's hard - but VERY necessary x



yeah, i see your point shelley,


Unfortunatly i am not in till wednesday


anyway (slight tangent) but interestingly i just had my results from gateway review for EYPS and one area that i need to develop is leadership of staff.... which i would totally agree with :) so im on short route and need to carry out a placement that will gaine me some additional experience of leadership of staff....


im less stressed re the work situation, but i reckon that's because it is the weekend....


Thanks for advice everyone.



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Excellent advise already from people with real experience. Just wanted to sympathise with you. It's awful when one or two people can have such an effect on you. Follow procedures as suggested. Sounds like your staff are testing the boundaries, and as with all behaviour management, their behaviour might get worse before it gets better as they try to test you.


Try not to let this affect your confidence though, easier said than done I know. You're doing a great job.

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You mention that staff come to you with complaints.... The staff need to be encouraged to tackle these themselves and if they feel unable to or do yet behaviour remains the same then they should have a procedure to write officially their complaints to you.


I think 'attitudes' are the bain of management, an 'attitude' is hard to measure against JD, also they are subjective, ie: open to different interpretations. Learning to challenge and question interpretation of another persons attitude would be a useful tool for all staff.


Record positive and negative and arrange a supervision meeting asap. Then set targets based on attitude.



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