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I am back home after having spent the early hours of Sunday through to lunchtime today at the hospital. I went with a racing heartbeat that had been on going on for hours. They still don't know what's causing it and I'm on some beta blockers to bring it down. I have to have more tests soon and a scan on my heart.

I was/still am to a degree a very worried girl.

Not sure why I'm posting this, but felt the need to!

Guest sqpeg

Oh my gosh

that is frightening not being in control

i was on beta blockers for a while combination of panic attack but underlying undetected at the time thyoride problem am fixed now. Hope you get fixed soon :)



They tested my thyroid as that was one of the possibles, sadly it's come back as fine, so still none the wiser. I think that's what's bothering me!


I hope that you are on the mend now. How puzzling for you and a bit of a shock, so take your tablets to help you now while they find out what caused it. I do hope that you are able to relax a bit but that can be hard when you are anxious.

How's you leg BTW?

Take care Nichola.

Posted (edited)

Gosh Nichola how scary! Hope you're feeling okay now and hope they find out why it happened.

Best wishes, Suzanne.

Edited by Guest

Take care of yourself Nichola-I hope it all gets resolved soon. I know you must be worried but try to keep calm so that you can recover quicker.



Oh dear Nichola! You really are going through it at the moment! I echo the words of others: take it easy and put your feet up. Keep taking the pills and try not to worry too much until you are closer to discovering what the problem is. Worrying might aggriavate your condition.


Take care!


that happened to me Nichola a long time ago now must be 15 years ago thy put it down to a virus inthe end although will admit they didnt put me on beta blockers. As said try not to worry,stay calm and hopefully you will no soon enough


You poor thing. That's really frightening. Take care and make sure hubby looks after you. Hopefully it will be resolved soon x


Poor you. I had a similar experience when we lived in the States. They did an ultra sound of my heart to find out I had pericarditus. Not sure about the spelling!! It causes a layer of fluid around the heart and a fast heart rate. I had to take a high dosage if ibuprofen and wear a heart monitor for a month, I made a full recovery and my heart was fine. Worth a suggestion may be? Take care Rose


Sending you much love Nichola, how scarey, look after yourself,


I will tell you why you posted the message, because you know we all care and we will virtually support you, virtual hugs coming through. :)

They tested my thyroid as that was one of the possibles, sadly it's come back as fine, so still none the wiser. I think that's what's bothering me!



"sadly it's come back as fine," :o No Nichola, that's good news xD


Sorry not meaning to make too light of your situation, just struck me that we would like have 'something' rather than what we think it might be ( if your like me initially think worst scenario or hate the not knowing).


Hopefully the shock has subsided a bit and that the tablets are helping. Like others say try and relax ( easier said than done) Let us know how you get on won't you.




How dreadful and very worrying for you - its horrid when you don;t know what has caused it but I know its hard but really try not to think of the worst as several people have said they just had a blip caused by a virus and with any luck this will just disappear as quickly as it came. Thinking of you its a good excuse for finding time to put your feet up with a good book


Guest MaryEMac

Hi, Nichola,

hope you are feeling okay. You must have been terrified. This happened to my son about 3 years ago. He'd had a bad asthma attack and chest infection and 2 days after they had stabilised him, his heart rate went up really high and scared us all to death.They didn't really know why but once he got home he had to wear a heart monitor for 24hrs but nothing happened and he has been fine since. I still think that it was the amount of ventolin and steroids that he had been given. I know it's easy for us to say but try and relax and not worry too much.




Thanks guys for all your kind words.

Just hoping that they can find out what is causing my heart rate to rocket! Not good being on beta blockers aged 26!

Luckily Joe is off work this week so he's been looking after me.

Just hoping for an appointment sooner rather than later to get these other tests.

Thanks again everyone.


Dear Nichola,


I hope the results of the exams come back soon with the source of what is causing this, so you can be able to treat it as soon as possible (apart of the temporary beta blockers). I know it is not easy, but do try to relax as much as possible. Try to distract yourself with this that you like to do. Okay?


Take care!


Well I've not had the next set of tests yet, got to wait for an appointment before I can have them. So frustrating. Also frustrating with having a badly sprained ankle so I'm stuck at home and can only do limited bits of moving around.

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