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Death By Target Setting


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Please someone help! Today I had a pupil progress review meeting with the Head, Deputy and ISP Consultant. It went relatively well as far as showing progress within my class etc etc. I use the eprofile and am relatively happy with it. As the newly appointed Year Leader, I get the wonderfuly task of once again adapting what they want for KS1 and KS2 for FS. That was fine, felt I did it while aware that it would need reviewing for next time. He threw a spanner in the works by asking for percentage predictions for children to reach their end of Rec targets! So, I did my whole spiel of ELGs not necessarily achieved that way, very full in their expectations, very difficult to predict with some of the heavier, general statements that aren't as easily measurable blah blah blah. Didn't hit the sides. We're in special measures and these things needs to be made available. So, how the hell do I do it apart from picking a number out of the air?!?! Would you say if they are hitting 3/4 then by end of Rec they would be at 5/6? How would you suggest I do this?! Help! I've spent the evening converting numbers into percentages and I'm royally p@"£$d that I've succumed to the requirements of KS1 and KS2 for FS! Not fair!!!


Help someone before I have a violent outburst that I won't retract!


Thanks :D

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Not sure where this came from but it might help if you head won't listen. ~Good Luck


The following table gives an indication of anticipated Y2 outcomes based on end of YR achievement.


The right hand column gives an indication of likely achievement at the end of Y1 based upon anticipated annual progress of two FS2 profiles or 1.5 sub-levels.


End of Year R Anticipated outcome end of Y2 Anticipated outcomes end of Y1

FS2 Profile FSP score

8/9 2a/3 2c/2b

6/7 2b/2a 1a/2c

5 1a/2c 1c/1b or

3 / 4 1b/1a

1 / 2

N.B. ‘Linkages to KS1 outcomes should be approached with caution. KS1 national tests are carefully designed to measure specific aspects of the English and mathematics curriculum. The Foundation Stage Profile is a whole key stage, whole-curriculum practitioner assessment designed to assess both affective and cognitive aspects of learning.’ (DfES: Developing the foundations for curricular target-setting in ISP schools birth to five.)

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Thanks guys. Went in armed with some of the stuff I did last night and the Head wasn't in. Ranted magnificently at the Deputy who unfortunately, holds the same view as me so she did well to manage my annoyance (poor woman!). Anyway, thank you so far and hopefully I can vent my annoyance in the right places and make some form of headway without there being bloodshed. Have had some advice which I will trial - so again, thank you all once again for support.




D xxx

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Thanks Gillie. I love collecting different assessment sheets (sad I know!) I would like to see others you have done if you don't mind sharing them -thanks!

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Hi All,


I was recently on an Early Years Course on assessment. We were told by the EY advisor to stand firm. Do not give predictions for KS1 SATs, it cannot be done. The more of us who refuse to do this, the less they will ask. I think they are supposed to make 2 levels in the year but I may be wrong. If so then your children will be lokking at possibly one more level at this stage. It is an impossible task though as the children are so unpredictable,they can do something one minute and not the next.


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Welcome to the forum Fran. I'm just filling in results of last half terms targets in writing, reading and numeracy. Next I will fill in tracking sheets which will feed into KS1 and KS2 predictions. I've argued that they're not appropriate. I think I'll attach Marion's quote from Developing foundations for curriculum target setting along with my disgrunted sigh.



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Can i just ask on your assessment sheet (which was wonderful) for point 9 in reading you say book band green, and the RR 12,13,14- what does this mean? is this part of one of the schemes that you buy.


Also would love to see the other attachments.



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Hi Gillie

I would also love to see the other documents also!

Might sound daft as it looks obvious but could you clear how you impliment these in you setting ie: you don't collect evidence for the points? ... unless


'If there is no number next to statement you need 3 pieces of evidence before you can give the child the profile level'


as stated at the bottom of sheet?

all points on the sheet have a number next to them. Is this not he case on others?


Cheers for sharing


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