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Tracking Children Without Using Ticklists


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Having read most of the EYFS now, it's still pretty clear that we are not supposed to be using the development matters as a ticklist/tracking aid. How is everyone else going to get round this? Ofsted need proof that children are progressing through the stages, so if we don't have a ticklist-type thing based on the stages, how do we give them proof?

I am forever going round in circles on this one! :o

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I agree Helen. I have spent so much time and paper and ink trying to develop a simple but effective way of tracking children's progression but with no success.

I am meeting with our development worker next week in the hope that she will have some ideas of what to do. Stockport produced a document called "Following the Footsteps" but I haven't started using it yet. I will let you know what comes of this discussion.


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wow Helen, I'm impressed that you've read most of the EYFS already - I'm waiting for the hard copy to arrive first I think, then I'll tackle it. Was also wondering same as you. A lot of observations to make if we can't use Dev. matters as a checklist. There needs to be some easy format for all - can't see our Reception classes trawling through loads of observations as our children move on to them from pre school.


I think there should be something in the the FS Profile. This should be a parent friendly, easy to complete, standard format, produced by the DfES, and given to the first setting a child attends, starting at the youngest and following the child to the end of Reception, then we would all be following the same pattern - but can't see that there will be that sort of consisitent approach really. So probably back to the drawing board and using up another forest to try and produce some sort of Profile/Record.

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we used to use the STEP BY STEP cheshire document,it was a nightmare and not very parent friendly.

so we copied another pre-schools idea(with kind permission)and devised our own 'profile' that we made into a folder which basically is

FS - stepping stone 1&2 is a caterpillar and 3&ELG is a jigsaw that we shade in different colours depending when achieved

B23 - is a hedghog holding balloons(I think)

We alos have a sheet each full term of their achievemnets and next steps.

we add photos for evidence too and the parents get to keep it at the end of 2 years.

After discussion with feeder school 'just what do you need to know on arrival?'

we have a document of 6 learning areas of where the child is at and we pass that on to school with parents input and permission.

Ofsted was more then happy with this.

I will have to wait and see wether cheshire decide we have to take on board anything else but I will just carry on with what works for us :o I hope!

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Guest Wolfie

Wouldn't you think that FINALLY there might be an assessment document produced, running alongside the EYFS, that we can all use from the moment a child starts attending our setting (regardless of how old they are) until they move on to wherever that might be?


Maybe it's because the government don't want to "dictate" how assessments should be recorded and want to give settings some autonomy about how they do it, but I think that the area of assessments and record keeping is one where most practitioners are continually looking for guidance and reassurance that what they are doing is "right" and would welcome some kind of central documentation which puts a stop to all the uncertainty.

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Isn't what what the profile is for for 3-5 year olds? There is a version being piloted for nursery in the midlands. I know this doesnt cover birth to 3 but i would think this will follow some time (She says hopefully?)


I agree with Sue R - your observations, notes and other stuff such as photos are your evidence.



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Guest Wolfie

I haven't come across a standard profile for 3-5s - I'd love to see one! And I'm in the Midlands but haven't heard anything?

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Guest Wolfie

Oooh yes, now you mention it I think I remember Rea saying something about a pilot? Let's hope it's successful and gets rolled out to other authorities. Certainly where I am, every nursery does something different!

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please dont get me started on the profile, we spend a lot of time filling in, getting evidence and have had first hand info from our feeder school that they dont even look at them...also went to another school yesturday to talk about assessents ..they said the same..preschools/nurseries put in all this work and then primary schools do thier baseline assesments anyway (something that the profile was meant to replace!!!!!)...whats the point!!!!!!...sorry :o

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No idea Helen, if we are to try and work out where a child is we need to document it somehow in order to know where to take them and to provide evidence for parents/Ofsted/other members of staff etc to moderate and agree on. Who knows - its a bigger question than I can answer on a Friday night when I am particularly tired from the week. Let me know when you have foudn the magic solution - I will be waiting


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please dont get me started on the profile, we spend a lot of time filling in, getting evidence and have had first hand info from our feeder school that they dont even look at them...also went to another school yesturday to talk about assessents ..they said the same..preschools/nurseries put in all this work and then primary schools do thier baseline assesments anyway (something that the profile was meant to replace!!!!!)...whats the point!!!!!!...sorry :o



Now if the children stayed within the same setting up to the end of the foundation stage we wouldn't have this problem, no need for baseline assessments which ignore records of transfer, just a FS profile before entering Key stage 1. But hey that's just a bit too radical. xD



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Guest Wolfie

Of course we've often got a transfer before then as well, if a pre-school setting only caters for children from 2/3 years and upwards. I'd like to see an assessment document that goes from birth to 5, transferring with a child however many times is necessary.

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Maybe by the time you have all read it, :)

understood it :D

taken it all in :o

produced a format :)

and laughed about being anxious over it :D

I MIGHT HAVE MANAGED TO DOWNLOAD SOME OF IT AND KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON - :ugggghhhhhh- my computer won't even let me read it!!!!!! xD

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I feel a bit awkward saying this, but I'm SO PLEASED you're all in the dark, too :D

I really don't know why a document covering 0-5 wasn't included with the new EYFS, even as guidance, so that settings could choose to use it if they wished. I know Ruth Pimentel was very clear that they didn't want to "straight-jacket" practitioners into doing exactly the same thing. But I still feel that that is what we want!!

OK then, we'll have to do it here :o

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Good idea Helen-we could pool our ideas and come up with something that covers from birth to the end of reception year. It needs to be simple and user friendly.

I have a copy of Following the Footsteps which I could try and scan-my newish all singing all dancing printer copier is telling me I can't use the scan facility at the moment. This document starts at the end of B23 and goes through the start of FS. Let me see what I can do.


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Now if the children stayed within the same setting up to the end of the foundation stage we wouldn't have this problem, no need for baseline assessments which ignore records of transfer, just a FS profile before entering Key stage 1. But hey that's just a bit too radical. xD





Ok who will lose with this idea.... pre-schools would either close or reception obsolete ... me thinks the preschool would come off worst!! :o




we have had optional LEA profile for ages know lots who use it but we find it hard work to complete so use our own... glad of the choice....so long as we know we are doing Ok for our children and transfer document completed up to school if they decide to take advantage of it.....


in our area schools are PAID for going into pre-schools to visit in summer term ... and this year WE have been paid for going into schools for children with additional needs. Need not be action plus, just those who give us concern .. eg confidence issues and speech delay etc.... comment was made that we seem to have more than others... just down to our location really..



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we have a Early learning profile in Leicester from 2-5, is this going to be kicked out. This at the moment gos to sschool with the children when they leave us. Although it takes a lot of time to fill in, does give an idea or where a child is at. also keep photos and work in an individual file. :o

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Hi and welcome stevjudjrobson and welcome.


Cant answer your question Im afraid but it sounds good so fight for it.


I have a class of 23 reception children and not even a handful have come to me with any usable preschool reports/ info when they started in January. I am finding it really difficult to assess their starting points and progress and its only a few more weeks before profile scores will need to be finalised.

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I would be happy to pool/share ideas although as I am transferring areas from FS to BTTM - it will be really interesting for me to see how it all pans together. I have to say I have not read it all, glanced through it v. quickly so am not up to speed with all this but its great that all of you put together a summary of some of the principles with what's happening so I have an idea of how they want us to use it or not use it as the case may be.

I would be happy to input into this too and I am sure we could all come up with something good - hey can we copyright and sell it to LA's - now there's a thought. Seems madness that probably many of the LA's are utilising their precious resources and putting something together when in fact there could be something available nationallly and although people don;t have to use it they could if they wanted. but hey I suppose that's what we do here, we are proactive, well you lot are more than me and pool resources to make things easier for everyone. Seems to me that a lot of people spend a lot of time re-inventing the wheel.


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This is my first post to the forum since joining today! I am glad I'm not the only one worrying about tracking children's progress! I am a pre-school leader and we use a tick list (which we devised ourselves by basically copying out all the stepping stones and aspects)for each child and a progress book containing photos and observations of the children. The parents love the progress books which they get to keep when their child leaves and the tick sheet is aimed at OFSTED to prove that we know what stage of development each child is at. When I had my suitability interview I showed the inspector the ticklist and she said it was good and that we should keep it as it is even though she realised it was time consuming etc. Now I read that we won't be able to use tick lists and wonder how on earth we will be able to show what stage the children are at? The key workers use the tick sheets to plan appropriate activities for their key worker children so that they are working towards the next stepping stone and to ensure that they are covering all areas of learning and the aspects equally for each child. I would like to get involved with devising some system for monitoring progress that doesn't involve individual tick lists. I have heard about whole class grids to monitor progress. Does anyone know how this works?

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