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Suitable Person

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I had a suitable person interview with a lovely lady from ofsted when i was supervising an old setting.

im becoming manager of a new setting now and wondered whether i will have to have another one??

any help?


thanks x


I had an interview back last September and the very nice lady from ofsted told me my letter of suitability would stay with me for life and I could take it onto new jobs without needing another interview. I'm from Kent but surely ofsted regulations are national rather than regional. Hopefully you wont need another one Lucie - good luck in your new job :D


When I got interviewed they asked me questions very specific to the nursery, so I was of the opinion that you would need to a new one. But to be honest - I may well be wrong!

Guest Wolfie

I think that it does depend very much on which authority you are working in............. :o


I met with a new provider yesterday who is looking to expand and was told that subsequent registrations would be quicker as the suitable person would go with her, it's just the building itself that would be checked next time...


I have my suitable person interview on the 17th at my home, wish me luck.



Claire x


good luck claire,

shelley, thats what i was thinking because, although i had the interview in my home, we talked a lot about how i knew that the setting was meeeting the standards as well as my knowledge of them and our policies etc.

anyway im sure il find out, just had confirmation of my job offer this morning so im really really pleased!!


Well done Lucie and Good luck Claire!


I have my suitable person interview on the 16th at 10am at work, first day back!

I've been 'Acting Manager' since our Manager left in December, and as my job hasn't been filled I've been doing that as well! Haven't had time to fill in the suitable person interview questions I've been sent yet which are due back on the 12th - so guess what I'll be doing whilst eating my Easter eggs! xD


I'm really nervous as this is my first Manager's job and I haven't had a chance to familiarise myself with my job description, or indeed anything else :( I just hope my enthusiasm and knowledge and love of chidcare and development will pull me through. My employer, the children, parents and staff seem happy with my efforts so far.

I'd hate to be rejected :o Has anyone ever, or heard of anyone?


So any tips would be appreciated :(


Happy Easter to all.


Sam X


Hi Sam,


I think its quite difficult to fail the interview, they might highlight areas for development and give recommendations for additional training to address the weaker areas. I havent been sent any questions to fill in and send back, I guess each area does it differently.


I feel very nervous about the whole thing, but then I know I know my stuff and anything I am not sure off will go in my professional development plan.


I am currently in the process of updating the settings Operational plan so that it is linked to the ECM five outcomes and I have found this a good way of refreshing my knowledge of the standards. Like yourself i have recieved good feedback from the staff, parents and children so unless I literally loose my voice I am sure we will both be fine and if not then we can take the steps needed to address our weakness's.


I have heard of people failing a suitable person interview but both times were on medical grounds.


Claire x




Thanks for that vote of encouragement.


I'm just ploughing through the questions - I've spent hours so far and I have another 48 questions to go!!! - I'd rather just be asked questions, this seems such a time waster if she's then going to go through the questions next week!


Going through our policies and procedures is highlighting lots of gaps in my knowledge and in the policies and procedures which means it's worthwhile I suppose.






Good luck for your 'suitable person' interview today.


Had mine yesterday........and yes....I'm a 'suitable person', somehow reassuring to know :o


Even though, I had completed a comprehensive list of (60 odd) 'suitable person' questions in writing beforehand, she was still with me for 2 hours.


As well as answering her questions I made sure she knew how passionate I am about my nursery and I think that helped.


anyway, I'm sure you'll sail through Claire.


All the best




Sorry Sheila, didn't answer your post.


i have the questions at work.I have no idea how to post anything though.


Hi Everyone,


My suitable person interview has just finished (it started at 11.00) mind you i had such a lovely inspector asking the questions and she was such a humorous lady as well.


Oh and yes I am suitable...fewww thats a relief.


To anyone still waiting for theirs, relax if you know your standards and policies and procedures you will be fine.


Claire x

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