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Parents Evenings!


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Hi all,


Just thought I would share with you my dread about the week ahead. After two lovely relaxing weeks off school for easter I am back into school tomorrow with a week of parents evenings to look forward to!!!!!


Our school operates on a 1:1 meeting lasting ten minutes. I always end up going over the time and end up rushing and forgetting half of the things I intended to say!! I have two especially difficult parents to look forward to this year. One who is quite aggressive but the Head is sitting in with me for that one.


Ah well roll on Friday with one dry throat and one talked out teacher!!!!!


It is so difficult to stick to the time slot isn't it. Make sure you have a supply of choc biscuits!


I find it really hard to stick to 10 mins with some parents. Even if you stand up they continue to ask questions!! By the end of the evening I feel like I'm talking rubbish-probably am!! :o


Hope all goes well


You will be fine Eden. :o I used to go over time always - the way I get round it now is to make myself notes in bullet points. At the end of the day a parent wants to know is their child happy? Do they play with other children nicely. Are they learning as well as you want? What do you need to do next and how can you as a parent help. I normally get this covered and then ask 'Is there anything you wanted to ask me?' Usually I've covered it and there is nothing else. xD If there is anything then fine.

Our policy always is to try and stick to time. If there is a parent who needs more time we generally say something along the lines of, this is obviously going to take a while to discuss and I do have to see another parent now, would you like to make another appointment to see me before or after school?

At least you are refreshed after a holiday, there is nothing worse than parents evening at the end of term when you are shattered already! Have fun - it's a chance to chat to parents we don't often have!


We have put a sign on the door in the past saying 'Please knock at your appointed time.'


I put a large 10 minute sandtimer on the table and have scrapbooks with photographs available to keep them happy and occupied if I think they are going to be difficult!

Hope it goes well,



We have 'Parent's Open Days' in our Unit. We like the relaxed less formal atmosphere, parents can see their chn. at work too - we usually have CI Play and perhaps Phonics/Numeracy short Burst sessions.

We have a parents eve too for those parents who can't make the day, it takes the pressure off this way.


Thanks for all the tips everyone. Finished two days of interviews and two more days left. Time keeping not too bad! Have used the walking to the door and looking at my watch strategy!


Towards the end of my interviews today the door burst open and one of the little angels in my class shouted 'I'm here! Time to tell my Mummy how really good I am so that my Mummy will buy me Barbie Hula!!!!'

After an hour of parents it was a welcomed break and raised a smile or two!

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