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Last Day


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It was my last day at nursery today. Had a lovely day - lots of finishing things off in the office and handing over to the new manager, who after 2 hours had not asked me 1 single question about the children and their families - this left me feeling quite angry and upset.


Anyway, also made time to spend with the children, and even tho I was meant to leave at 4pm, I waited until every single child had left, and even stayed behind to help the staff clean for 1 more time!


I got lots of lovely cards, etc, and the nursery team bought me some pictures for my lounge, and some jewellery. But best of all they made me up a photo album of all the children, and gave me a hard-back note book which all the parents had written lovely comments in. I didn't read any of the comments until I got home, as I wanted to 'hold it together' whilst at work. But I have just finished looking at them now - and have spent the last hour blubbing!


Also, when I got home, there was a bunch of flowers from the parents too - so lots of lovely thank-you notes to write - which I look forward to.


Feeling a bit strange - and missing the children already - but that's natural I guess.


That sounds wonderful Shelley. At least you can start looking forward to the future now! Good luck in whatever that may be.


What lovely thoughtful presents! All the best for the future!


How great to end on such a positive feeling and to receive such genuine appreciation from everyone of what you have done for the preschool. :D




Dear Shelly,Whatever the day brought to you it was one of sincerity and spoke a heartful of love for what you had brought to the setting,children and staff.

Hold onto that!

People do not do what they did without a cause... People who truly care leave a legacy.

I think the new manager will draw on what you have cemented to help her, even though that may not have been apparent yesterday.

Whatever your future intentions,I wish you much happiness.





It sounds like a lovely last day that you had,what thoughtful gifts they gave and i am sure you will treasure the photos and the comments from the parents.


I know you will be feeling sad and emotional now but you have done the right thing for you, and soon another nursery will be very very lucky to have you there.




One of the nursery nurses came round tonight. She gave me a card with some lovely comments in it; gave me a beautiful necklace, and gave me a little ornament which says "Good friends are like angels - you don't have to see them to know they are there".


sounds like you had a lovely last day good luck for the future xjojomx :)


What a lovely last day you had. I still have the photos and messages from when I left my playgroup, years ago. They still make me fill up when I look at them - treasure those memories, they will buoy you up when times get tough.


Good luck for the future


Sue x


Belated good wishes from me, doesn't time fly, all the best Shelley, you are obviously a wonderful person, be proud of youself for all the young lives you have positively affected.


What a lovely last day and I love the idea of the photo album and a book with parents comments in :o


Good luck for the future Shelley,



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