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Forum Upgrade - Feedback Here!


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Hi all -

In the time honoured tradition I've started up this topic for discussion of today's forum software upgrade.


Most of the forum should look pretty close to unchanged. There are a few things I'd like to talk about in due course, but for the moment if you spot any areas that aren't working or things that look horrible just let me know here.


For the moment I've closed off the Blog, Gallery and some other pages while I'm still working on them. I'll let you know of a few other nifty new features in due course. :)

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Once I was over the shock, xD:o I have been away for a while and was quite surprised to see what you have been up to, but seriously looks great.

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Thanks chaps. Those who've lived with me through previous upgrades know it usually does at least ten years of damage to me so it's good to be on the other side of it! :)


If anyone has time, why don't you have a look at the new 'profile' format. If you click on any member's name you'll be taken to a page where you can find out more about them - and your own profile can be updated from the 'My Controls' page. We're not too sure (the moderators and me that is) whether or not people will feel uncomfortable with all the information, which includes friends, who's visited recently and so on. Let us know and we'll discuss it. Personally I like it but I can see that maybe some will find it a little intrusive. I can switch back to the old basic profile if people prefer it. :)

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By the way, I've put a new feature in place whereby some pages don't have the menu sidebar down the left hand side. This is because in certain pages (the 'My Controls' page for example), there are two columns of information apart from the menu column and this can make things very cramped - especially if you're using a small monitor or low resolution. So without the menu things are a little more spacious. You can still navigate back to the rest of the forum, by using the blue bar above, which contains 'breadcrumb' links to pages at a higher level of the site.


Hope that helps - let me know what you think! :)

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Looks good actually I am finding it easier to read, I can't remember what colour we had before but blue on white is a lot better for me :D as I have problems reading dislexia and something else related in which I can't remember the name. :(


Oh and Hali yes the writing is smaller I noticed that too. :o


I haven't seen much yet of the site yet. xD




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Not sure I like the smaller text size, causes problems with my sight as I suffer from double vision which is corrected by glasses but even they don't seem to help me much!! :o Makes reading much slower and harder.


I assume all the features on the reply boards do not all work yet, or is it just mine? xD


And making attachments...cannot find it?


Like being able to see who is on line .....


will explore more .........



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Everything looks great so far - the attachment box is just below the box where you type your reply )well it is on my screen. Also it seems like you can select your own font size - or maybe I'm wrong?

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I wondered what the coloured people alongside our names were and why some were dark and others not. Clicked on you at random Inge, you will probably see that I visited you cos you were lit up but it made no sense til I came here!


Text is a bit small for me too without my reading glasses as have reached that age now. I could manage before too so not sure I like that change!

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So far, so good! Can't imagine how complicated it must be to design and run a website!! I have enough trouble typing my posts! Well done, Steve!

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The little coloured people show whether or not they're online Susan. When they're greyed out the member is offline. :)


I see what you mean about the text size. I'll fix that asap. Unfortunately I need to be away for a while now. Thanks for your comments so far everyone!

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Ok steve...


got it... cannot access all when using firefox (our usual browser) but can on explorer!!


ffonts, sizes, colours, insert item, emotions , .... lots in fact.. and no attachment box


seems i will have to use explorer until you can fix it for those of us who use firefox.


we do appreciate your hard work.... Really we do :D



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Hmm. I use Firefox as well Inge, and I've already attached stuff to test it out. What version of FF are you using?


I'm not experiencing any of the problems you are, so this is slightly worrying! :o

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I wondered what the coloured people alongside our names were and why some were dark and others not. Clicked on you at random Inge, you will probably see that I visited you cos you were lit up but it made no sense til I came here!


Text is a bit small for me too without my reading glasses as have reached that age now. I could manage before too so not sure I like that change!



I did the same to Linda :D



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I agree, font much better. I could manage the upload thingy too - seemed quicker but maybe that's me. I like the twirly bit whilst you wait!

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Upgraded on the last time propmted, not sure of the version number but will go to site and download latest version to try it out,


no time now , just going out for dinner, and stroll anlong the seafront, making most of the weather, hubby chasing me to get off here..... :o


will do it asap and let you know if it worked.



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It looks lovely but...


Can we have the smiley face back on the first group of smilies please? You can get rid of the top middle one if you like, I dont know what it is xD


The text is still a bit too small for me when I'm reading the forum index. :(


I dont know what all the boxes to the left of this reply box mean. I dont mind messing with them if you dont! :(


I have no problem with the profile but if no-one puts me as a friend I'm going to feel like billy no-mates. :o


Still wonderful content though so you are forgiven :D

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Am enjoying having a play with some of the new features, well done Steve, for making our beloved site even more fun. I can spend even more time on here. Some very useful features!

  • Having just had to buy my first pair of glasses, I too need a large font, because I forget to wear them!
  • Might feel a bit crushed if no friends sign up though


  • What is a spoiler in the Quick Access box?

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