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Bomb Scare Procedures


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Just been told we should have one in place, :o just a few more trees to cut down!! Now thinking about creating this policy/procedure for my nursery.


Would anyone care to put me on the right track with some samples. xD I know it will be individual to my setting, but some ideas of wording and contents would be great, also, who I would need to contact, police etc. Thinking I will tweak my fire evacuation procedures to cover this are too? Any thoughts?

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I can't imagine that it would be too different from the fire one.


I would have thought you'd need an expert to advise you on it tho, e.g. where to evacuate to, etc.

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I remember having bomb evacuations when attending the local collage, from what I can remember of the discussions afterwards I would think you need to consider

1/ how you would actually identify that a 'possible' bomb is in the setting

2/ evacuate the building, don't use electronic alarms ( may trigger the bomb) use whistle

3/ evacuate to a save distance, contact police

4/ on evacuation take with you 'safe' bags, briefcases etc so that bomb disposal people don't have these to consider as potentially dangerous ( opposite to fire evacuation where you leave everything and get out fast)


in the event of a bomb explosion:

1/ don't attempt to attack fire

2/ be prepared for injury / shock

3/ evacuate quickly try to reduce panic

4/ be aware that another expolsion may follow.



all these are off the top of my head.



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You said Hali, just my thoughts where will it all end? But you know, we have to do what were told. You don't have that piece of paper, that'll be the one you get an Ofsted action on, sods law and all that.

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A school I was in had a hoax bomb alert once - this was during the 80's so we were on bomb alert all the time then too. All the kids were taken out a la fire drill and then the HT asked us senior teachers to go and LOOK!!! Which we did!!!!! Like idiots - we just didn't think about it until half way through the infant building when we all realised what we were doing and fell about laughing at our idiocy!!! We went out and told HT we though the Police might be better qualified to identify a bomb. It was a hoax call but you have to take it seriosly I suppose.


Have you got a weapon wielding unhinged adult policy as well????? :o


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suspect packages......


here we go again...more paperwork


I still have worries when i see a bag left on the door step of pre-school... took be a long time not to feel I had to call someone to check it...(ex army hubby)


Reminds me of the time when running Army setting I had to close pre-school send children home, ensure everyone was at safe distance and no one approached the bag, call in guard room who had to come and check a it.


Turned out to be a bag of toys for us but at time could have caused a major incident...they were so close to calling the 'bomb squad' it was a bit scary.


Still want to check my car every morning...

it never leaves you the thinking and checking and what to do next.....


Only hope no one will ever need to use any policy of this kind...



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Our procedure at work goes something like:

  • take all threats seriously
  • if the threat is made by telephone, don't hang up
  • indicate to another member of staff what is happening
  • another member of staff should contact the police and fire brigade
  • evacuate all personnel but DO NOT activate the fire alarm
  • take all personal belongings with you
  • prop open all internal doors
  • take signing in book and meet at designated spot
  • keep away from all windows and doors

Like Rea, this is a council building, so it is directions from 'on high'.

Hope that helps?

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