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Staff Uniform

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The staff in my setting (to be) all have a uniform. Polo Shirt, sweatshirt and black trousers. I'm not sure how I feel about:


a) uniform generally!

:o this uniform

c) how staff feel about uniform

d) how parents/children feel about uniform


any thoughts on the matter gratefully received! I'm also interested as to what other settings do. Do you have a uniform? If so, what is it like and do your staff like it? Do you think it makes a difference to their performance or attitude towards their setting?


This seems a trivial thing to be worrying about before I've even started but I have a serious staffing problem to take on and I'm just thinking of ways I may be able to address the problems!

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Hi tuffspot

Firstly let me say welcome to the forum.

We have a uniform pretty much the same as yours-polo shirts and zip up sweat jackets. I don't specify what sort of trousers staff wear as long as they are clean and the staff are comfortable.

My staff do like the uniform-as they say it is one less thing to have to think about when getting ready in the morning!!! I have two new members who haven't got a uniform at the moment, as I need to order them, and they feel they don't properly belong to the group yet. I don't know that they perform any better but I do feel it makes them feel some ownership.

We bought them originally as we drop off at local authority nurseries and wanted staff there to know who we are. I don't know whether parents have an opinion or not but we are more easily identified when they come in for visits or to put their child's name down.

Good luck with it all.


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Hi tuffspot


Much as Linda said. We all wear uniform. If for any reason we have a non uniform day it is a big decision on what to wear.


We all wear the same uniform as the children.

Polo shirts, sweatshirts and zip up fleeces all with our logo


The children seem to like us wearing the same things and we all feel part of the team.



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Our local Early Years Centre, where I supply 4 afternoons this term, has uniform- black trousers and either cardi or sweatshirt and an aquamarine polo shirt. Everyone except the boss wears it, so all admin staff, baby-room and toddlers staff wear it as well as nursery, and it makes the myriad of staff easily identifiable. There are no worries about what to wear or about wear and tear of ones own clothing etc. As you say Linda when staff go out to collect children on the mini-buses it makes them easily identifiable and identifiable to parents a visitors. I like it and I feel part of the team. We are all called by our first names as well.

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Guest Wolfie

I agree with everything that has been said above! One company that I know of is Sportstrends based in Sheffield but I'm sure that there are plenty of others too! :o

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We also wear a uniform and my staff have mixed views on it......


our uniform is black, white, purple or lilac polo shirt with our logo, black, white or purple sweatshirts with our logo and black trousers.

The company provide each staff members with two sweatshirts at start of their employment, but staff are asked to purchase their own polo shirts and to provide their own trousers. some staff quite rightly see it as unfair that they have to purchase their own polo shirts and to be honest a year down the line i know my black jumpers will need replacing as they are all faded!!!!... per year i must spend about £50 on my uniform, which as you can imagine would get costly.


in terms of feeling more like a team i feel the uniform helps., we have one staff member now who doesn't have a uniform and she does not feel like the team yet.... I also wear a uniform, my thoughts are that it looks a little scrufy for a manager, but equally i suppose it shows im hands on and you can always guarantee that sticky fingers will find their way to my top, or even worse snotty noses LOL... so id prefer to get my uniform dirty rather than my smarter clothers :o......


i don't like the fact that our staff can choose what colour polo tops they wear, so some days we may have three staff in purple, two in lilac, three in white and two in black etc etc,.....just looks like a mix of colours..... i like the colour but personally think we should have agreed on one colour and stuck with it (Imy preferance being Lilac LOL)....


Parents seem to like the uniform (although last year they fought our corner when it was hot and many parents wrote to the directors to complain about our uniform (as they are rather hot)..... result white vests tops are allowed to be worn in summer.... and this year we are looking for a complany that will embroider our logo onto them!), The uniform also sets us apart from students and i also think its good when we are out on walks etc...... shows we 'belong' somewhere and aren't just wandering with lots of children for the fun of it! xD



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thanks Dawn.


Does everyone think polo tops and sweatshirts are the best? I was wondering about blouses or rugby shirts or even plain fitted t-shirts. I just feel that I put on my sweatshirts and polo shirts at home when I want a slobby day or I'm doing gardening/decorating- it gives me a feeling of relaxation and casual. I wondered whether something more formal but still suitable for working with young children would be a possibilty?

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i think in terms of wear and tear and practicaliity polo shirts and sweatshirts are better. a nursery near us has the nurse type uniforms, and although they look very smart some of the staff have said that they are not the greatest for working with children and for the 'larger' ladies they do not feel comfortable wearing a fitted top.....


my staff feel the same re fitted tops, some of my staff are slightly larger than average (they'd hit me if they read that LOL......) and would not wear a fitted top even if i paid them to do so, they prefer to 'hide' under there polo shirts..... (and im also one that likes to hide under my polo shirt too :oxD )


so for us polo shirts are definetly the best, and they wash relativly well too







thanks Dawn.


Does everyone think polo tops and sweatshirts are the best? I was wondering about blouses or rugby shirts or even plain fitted t-shirts. I just feel that I put on my sweatshirts and polo shirts at home when I want a slobby day or I'm doing gardening/decorating- it gives me a feeling of relaxation and casual. I wondered whether something more formal but still suitable for working with young children would be a possibilty?

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Guest Wolfie

I agree - polo and sweatshirts are infinitely more practical and all staff are happy to wear them. If you choose the right colours and maybe don't have toomany variations on colour of polo shirt then I think they look really smart.


I had jade green polo shirts and navy sweat tops which looked really smart and the staff provided their own navy bottoms...but a word of warning...navy isn't nearly as popular in the shops as it used to be and staff often had trouble finding their bottoms!!! :o

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We were discussing this last week.


I personally think a uniform is more professional, lets everyone know who works there, and means there is no problem with staff turning up in FCUK or similar.


But then the other side is about inclusion and allowing for individuality.

The council nurseries I work in take the view that staff can wear whatever they want, that it's not up to the council to dictate what their staff wear. I still wear my black trousers and a T-shirt or polo from the agency or my own choice thats similar.



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Sarah Janes Sewing

1 Gastons Road


SN14 0ET(Road Map)


Tel: 01249 653109



deals in lovely quality uniforms..........and posts orders.I just about need to buy new polo tops.....and I've had mine for 4 years.She usually uses jerzees or fruit of the loom. give her a call, she embroiders,screen prints etc, has jog bottoms, hats etc and tshirts.I really recommend her.

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Hi Tuffspot and welcome to the forum. :o


I miss wearing a uniform as I haven't worn for the last 15 months. Although I have worked on supply, working for my local sure start areas, worked volutary(sp) in a local primary school and now back on supply again in a council setting (no uniform required). I have my own 'uniform' that I wear for work: eather blue, pink or brown top, white cardi and black trousers and I look very smart wearing them.


Where I currently work we are a nursery school/daycare centre which means you can wear whatever you want, I have been told in summer we can wear skimpy tops as the rooms get very hot. Which is good although I would perfer to an uniform as in the past I have worked in smilar settings who have been a nursery school/daycare or daycare attacthed to a primary school. It made to parents more aware of who were daycare and who were school staff(these staff wore what ever they wanted, mainly teachers thought).


Anyway on the subject of unforms I think they are great, especally polo t-shirt (useful for the 'larger' lady!) and sweatshirt or zipped top(my perfered choice). In summer I would like to wear a vest with a logo on as in the past I have gotten very hot and suffered from the conquences (extreme migranes set off by the heat). I can't wait until I find a setting that has a uniform as I would then feel as part of a team and looked more professional than I do now working in daycare on supply etc.


Plus side to an uniform - smart, professional, easy to wear, no trying to find clothes to wear at last minute (note to self make sure everything is ready for Tuesday evening!)


Negagtive side to an uniform - my only downside for me is that I have to be very careful what I wear I cannot wear 100% man made materails for example polyseter(sp), in the past have had to ensure the tops were suitable for me to wear. Trousers are also a nightmare to find also.




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As above uniform worn, ours all with logo is Polo shirt and zip up fleece jacket, staff requested the jacket at it is more versatile than the sweatshirt, being able to wear it open , and it is warmer for when outdoors, we also have a vest style top for warmer weather also with logo on it. Bottom is staff own choice, many wear skirts in summer and trousers in winter.


There are lots of suppliers out there, ask for samples before you order any, discounts for large orders may be available and minimum orders...some have a minimum of 12 or more so not suitable if you only need 1 or 2 items for new staff.

prices vary greatly.


As Beth said check material contrents, I too cannot wear artifical materials so need cotton tops, not always easy to find.

Our current supplier is Sonic Leisure, 01793 792953 who were very good at finding us just what we wanted, by finding the colours we wanted and will supply just 1 item, and embroider on vest tops.


(children wear them too and pink and navy were decided a long time ago... pink sells really well but is hard to find!!)

we are supplied with ours and renewed each year as needed in sept.



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We have a white blouse, black trousers, a ladyfit zip up fleece and for outdoors a jacket oh and black shoes ( definatly no trainers) we have slippers for indoors. i think its great having a uniform it creates a sense of belonging for the children. I had the choice of not having to wear a uniform any more when i became manager but i chose to keep it i like it, its very smart looking and besides it wouldnt be fair to ask my team to wear smart uniforms but not to set that example myself. All the uniform has a logo on it. Students have polo shirts to wear.

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Can you wear any white blouse? In comparison to a polo shirt how do you think it is for work? I can't see it making much difference in a FS class as I have experience of that- but in a toddler room or baby room would it be more restricting- all that lifting!

The staff just look so shabby- I think that is partly the over all feeling of the place, they are bored and are acting as babysitters rather than... what is the right word???

I just wonder if a new uniform/dress code will be a physical and visual boost to them that might help me give them a freshness and lift their spirits?

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Hi again tuffspot. Yes I do wear the uniform but mine is slightly different. My staff have navy polos and zipped jackets with lilac embroidery. I have the navy jackets but a lilac polo with navy writing. Like the rest of my staff it means that I can get ready in the morning without wondering what I should wear and it makes me just as much part of the team as they are.

I supply my staff with 3 polo shirts and 2 jackets when they start. If they lose them or shrink them then they have to replace them. We all get new uniforms depending on how well they are looking.


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The blouses we have are embroidered with the nursery logo and we can only use them ones, they are cotton and lycra so are easy to move around in and very comfortable to wear. Our baby and toddler room staff have tabards which are also embroidered to wear as an opyional extra but not many staff have chosen to use them.

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Guest MaryEMac

We changed our uniform this year. We had got fed up with polo shirts and sweatshirts and have changed to white tee shirts (long/short sleeved), black trousers and a red tabard with the playgroup logo embroidered on it. I have felt more comfortable in this and the pocket on the tabard is brilliant for 'stuff' :o



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How did the change go down with staff? Do they prefer it?


How do I get away from the black trousers being halfway down the bottom or dragging on the floor?

Do settings have a dress policy and uniform or do you find that uniform negates the need for a policy?


I like the sound of the t-shirts and trousers. How do staff feel about tabards?


Sorry, for all these questions!

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Hi Tuffspot and welcome :o


My setting has a uniform of green polo and sweat, embroidered with the logo. There is a red embroidered tabard for messy, but it's not much used. In the summer there is now a lightweight green Tee. Bottoms are always black - skirt, trousers, crops or shorts. Shoes are black, or slippers. NO TRainers or jeans. There is not much rebellion in the ranks and it makes staff easily identifiable (as mentioned times already!)


Managers, teachers and Admin don't wear the uniform (although they could if they wanted) but have name badges, like everyone else. (Should not be worn obscuring the logo)


The polos are much easier to move around in than fitted tops, I must say!



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The setting that I have just moved to have a Dress Policy. It says about bare midriffs, thongs showing , etc being unacceptable, and also mentions footwear.


It is very pleasantly worded, and helps if you need to remind a member of staff about an aspect of dress.

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I have a uniform royal blue with silver logo. they wear polo shirt and sweatshirt, but a couple of the girls have asked for next winter if they can have rugby shirts instead, so we will probably go that way for the winter. The logo on the sweatshirts used to be quite large and now we have reduced it to pocket size. Every one knows us for the Blue sweatshirts and the children are told to go to the ladies in blue. Best advertising you can have as I tend to wear mine for meetings and out and about during the day, but then it is my business so I promote it when ever possible.

We use Samuel's of Norfolk. You can find them on the internet at www.schoolshirt.co.uk cheapest I could find well printed and quick turn around. We get t-shirts and sweats for the children, and put a £1 on top so its a little extra for equipment.



samuel's of norfolk

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Awww all this talk about uniforms is making me want one again! xD:( Maybe well more hopefully when I get a job I may get a uniform again, oooo just think no more trying to wear the same muky cardi day after day. :o:( Having been washed 3 times this week, as you can tell I only have one cardi and nothing else so if its in the wash tough I will have to go cold for the day! :( :wacko:




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hi all, we have black trousers, purple tops which have our logo on them, when we need to reorder i ask what the girls would like, i have t shirts and a rugby top, some like the polo shirts better so long as they are all the same colour and have our logo on them then that is fine. I must say with the shirts andtrousers we do all look smart and can be spotted in the hall.

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We have just changed for summer

white tops(long /short sleeves)

Black trousers

Royal Blue tabards(with front pocket, very useful)

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